no perfume zone

I don't care much for men's colognes. But there is one that really does it for me. Polo. But just the plain Polo in the green bottle. Not Polo sport or Polo black, or any of that other stuff.

When i was a teenager, I worked as a cashier, pt of course, at FlowerTime. My cousin was the manager. they called me Teddi there, because my cousin always made fun of me for being a girly girl, and liking teddy bears and stuff. Anyway, she always put me outside in the booth, because it was easy for people to steal out there, and she knew I wouldn't. And there was this yardboy, that's what they were called, "page a yardboy", and his name was Mike. We used to call him Mickey. OMG he was gorgeous. I can still remember exactly what it was like when he would come into the booth to get warm, during christmas season, and the teenaged hormones were just out of control. He wore Polo. We used to make out on our breaks behind the christmas trees, and sometimes, in the animated christmas house, which we had done most of the decorating on, in between making out.

Polo always bring me right back there. Gives me that weak in the knees feeling.

Of course I have never told any subsequent man this. I have just bought them the Polo.
I don't care much for men's colognes. But there is one that really does it for me. Polo. But just the plain Polo in the green bottle. Not Polo sport or Polo black, or any of that other stuff.

When i was a teenager, I worked as a cashier, pt of course, at FlowerTime. My cousin was the manager. they called me Teddi there, because my cousin always made fun of me for being a girly girl, and liking teddy bears and stuff. Anyway, she always put me outside in the booth, because it was easy for people to steal out there, and she knew I wouldn't. And there was this yardboy, that's what they were called, "page a yardboy", and his name was Mike. We used to call him Mickey. OMG he was gorgeous. I can still remember exactly what it was like when he would come into the booth to get warm, during christmas season, and the teenaged hormones were just out of control. He wore Polo. We used to make out on our breaks behind the christmas trees, and sometimes, in the animated christmas house, which we had done most of the decorating on, in between making out.

Polo always bring me right back there. Gives me that weak in the knees feeling.

Of course I have never told any subsequent man this. I have just bought them the Polo.

There is a perfume with a similar effect on me because an old g/f wore it. But I have no idea the name of it. I just catch a whiff every now and then and it brings back old memories.
There you go with that poor reading comprehension thing again. For your edification: the word "creature" includes humans.

And it wasn't my reading skills that were lacking. It was my southern nature that prevents my being overly rude.

You were talking about your smell warning creatures of your presence.

Animals have a much more developed sense of smell than humans do. That is why I made the assumption that you were talking about animals. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Most humans know what is standing beside them. And if a human can smell you from farther away than that, we are not talking about the smell of sweat. We are talking about stinking to high heaven.

In otherwords, if people can smell you from more than a few paces away, you must smell horrible.

Most humans know what is standing beside them. .....
Wow I guess you've never worked on a noisy, crowded construction site. Smell helps you to keep aware of your surroundings when the sense of sound is useless due to loud tools, and the sense of sight is limited from eye wear and focusing on your work. Perfume knocks out all the other smells and you really can't tell if its close or far.
Wow I guess you've never worked on a noisy, crowded construction site. Smell helps you to keep aware of your surroundings when the sense of sound is useless due to loud tools, and the sense of sight is limited from eye wear and focusing on your work. Perfume knocks out all the other smells and you really can't tell if its close or far.

So you identify the workers around you by smelling their sweat? lmao

Yes, as a matter of fact I have worked on numerous construction sites. And I have never heard anyone talk about the sense of smell keeping them aware of the people around them on a construction site.

So that is who you are warning with your sweaty smell, your co-workers? :pke:
What sort of crowded construction site do you work on that the smell of sweat helps you keep track of people?

Most sites have other, hopefully stronger, smells that would negate that. The smell of sawdust & cut wood, the smell of tar, the smell of exhaust fumes from power tools or generators, the smell of paints and adhesives, and lots of other smells would seem stronger to me.

Its obviously not a construction site in which confined spaces come into play. That would get you sent home or at least off the job.
Wow you finally figured that out. Only too like two pages of posts. :rolleyes:


It took two pages before you actually said co-workers. Its started out as "creatures". Maybe in your part of the world 'creatures" would automatically mean co-workers, but not in mine.

If you use body odor to keep track of your co-workers while using dangerous equipment, you are an accident waiting to happen. There is no way that that is anywhere near a Safe Practice.

Suppose one of your co-workers takes a shower in the middle of the week (just to surprise you), would that make him invisible on the job site.

If you are working construction, you are supposed to CONTINUALLY be aware of where your co-workers are. And not by smell, but by VISUAL inspection of your work area.

It took two pages before you actually said co-workers. Its started out as "creatures". Maybe in your part of the world 'creatures" would automatically mean co-workers, but not in mine.....
We've already established that the creative use of the English language ain't one of your strongest attributes. :)
We've already established that the creative use of the English language ain't one of your strongest attributes. :)

Oh please, are you trying to tell me that I should have known that you were talking about co-workers when you said "That includes, when the occasion warrants, manly sweat, warning other creatures of his presence"???

That is utter nonsense. If you don't have an argument thats fine. But at least quit while you are down.
But its funny that you would dodge my questions about what sort of construction you work in and my comments about the unsafe nature of your work.

Funny, but not particularly surprising.
We've already established that the creative use of the English language ain't one of your strongest attributes. :)

I can be as creative as the next man with the english language. The difference between my use and your use is that I am not intentionally vague with my statements. And if someone misunderstands what I said, I clarify it for them. You do neither of those.

This is a prime example. You make the statement that you like smelling sweaty to warn other creatures of your presence, and expect me to understand that this means warning co-workers on a construction site? That isn't creative. That is evasive.
You should title yourself "Professional Thread Derailer"...

But, I have a natural talent for that myself.
You should title yourself "Professional Thread Derailer"...

But, I have a natural talent for that myself.

I guess I could try and blame it on my ADD, but that wouldn't be accurate.

I just refuse to let go of an argument.
But its funny that you would dodge my questions about what sort of construction you work in and my comments about the unsafe nature of your work.

Funny, but not particularly surprising.
Your attempt to sound like some sort of OSHA hack was pitifully amusing.

I can be as creative as the next man with the english [sic] language. The difference between my use and your use is that I am not intentionally vague with my statements. And if someone misunderstands what I said, I clarify it for them. You do neither of those.

This is a prime example. You make the statement that you like smelling sweaty to warn other creatures of your presence, and expect me to understand that this means warning co-workers on a construction site? That isn't creative. That is evasive.
I like being evasive, since it causes assholes to self-identify themselves by making dumb assumptions.