Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn? Or maybe a little of both?
The chronology of the posts clearly shows you IGNORING historical facts that demonstrate the economic importance of slavery in American history. Then you provide some supposition & conjecture laden BS from fibbertarians (bigoted right wing wonks who think their crap doesn't stink). But the topper is how you proudly admit willful ignorance about Constitutional amendments crucial to the discussion while ignoring documented evidence of the Southern Strategy in use in history ... but you'll continue to blather your BS as if your ignorance is justified.
You're a pathetic joke not worth further consideration.
I have shown how what you believe is false. You did not answer how many democrats voted for the 13 th and 14th and 15th and 19th amendments
Posts #4, 59, 73, 92 folks. This MAGA BS troll has earned an ignore listing.