"No such law exists"

Trump has the authority to unclassify anything, they aren't classified if he says they aren't making them his property if he wants them.

This is a shut and dry case.

God you are so stupid. Open and shut case dimwit.

And that is NOT how declassification works.

as has been pointed out numerous times before here is the actual court precedents where Trump said or wrote something was declassified and the Courts ruled they were not as they did not go thru the process after Trump said it...

Except he did and this a lie.

It is Trumps own White House who prove that a lie based on precedent. Mark Meadows and Trumps own WH counsel, he sent in to court 3 times to say

- 'even when Trump says something is declassified or writes something is declassified, it is not UNLESS Trump and the WH actually follow thru and do the REQUIRED process to actually declassify them. If we do not, then all the material remains classified'.

Read that again and understand it. Trump had his own team go in to court 3 times to stop journalists getting material via FOIA that Trump had stated on TV or wrote on Twitter that he had declassified them. In all 3 court cases when the Trump admin did not want to hand that material over to the media, they argues successfully in court that Trumps words alone or writing alone was not in FACT sufficient to declassify them. And they WON in court all three times. The court found none of them were declassified and the media could not have them.

That is with clear statements from Trump they were declassified but with no process follow thru they were not.

- James Madison Project v. U.S. Dep't of Justice
- LEOPOLD et al v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE et al, No. 1:2019cv01278 - Document 86 (D.D.C. 2020)
- The New York Times, et al., v. Central Intelligence Agency

In this current instance there is no statement, no writing, just a claim he COULD declassify with NO PROCESS followed. Much weaker than above when Trump himself sent Mark Meadows to block the Media getting the info having Mark Meadows argue in court, just because POTUS said it or wrote it DOES NOT mean it is actually declassified as he DID NOT do the follow on required steps.

And in each case the Trump WH team won in court, saying Trumps words and writings were NOT enough and thus nothing, in FACT, was declassified.
And which law is this, can you cite it.

Cite the law(s) YOU claim allow #TRE45ON to declassify sensitive materials just by thinking about them, and take them when he vacated our White House, and exhibit them to whoever he's wanting to impress.

Oh, that's right. You can't. Ask your Moscow handler for more specifics. You suck at this, Natasha. :laugh:
I provided you with the law. I showed you what happened to others who took documents. They went to jail. Trump is terrified of this case because he knows he cannot win.

Which is why he and his buttbuddy Vlad have dispatched their flying disinformation monkeys like Stinkerbelle to argue otherwise.
Just more stupidity and lies from you again.

There is NO LAW that says that.

The law specifically says all government doc's whether classified or not are the property of the government and not the POTUS and must be turned over to NARA when a POTUS leaves office.

The only exception are the well defined documents listed in the Presidential records act which are his 'personal writings, diaries, or memoires' which he can allow NARA to assess and then gets to keep them, if NARA agrees.

Does that include a senator having classified documents lying around in his garage for years? Apparently not...
That's not what the law says.

He can keep any declassified documents he wants per the law.

He says that to dumbfucks like you because you are fucking stupid enough to believe it but his lawyers won't use that stupid excuse in court because they know it's bullshit. Just like his stupid claims that he declassified everything, they won't make that claim in court either because only his cult members like you are stupid enough to believe that one too.

Donald Trump Is Going to Destroy Himself
Though Trump has actually cited the PRA in his defense, the law states the exact opposite. The 1978 law requires records created by presidents and vice presidents to be turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
The "legal scholar" is wrong. Trump has every right to have such documents, per the law he cited and more importantly per the Constitution of the United States.

What executive is above the President?

How come his lawyers don't move to dismiss the case based on that arguement? Trump makes that claim because he knows morons like you will believe it.
Presidential Records (44 U.S.C. Chapter 22)

Funny. This statute says just the opposite of your claim that a POTUS gets to keep everything.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Trump has the authority to unclassify anything, they aren't classified if he says they aren't making them his property if he wants them.

This is a shut and dry case.

Yes, it is open and shut. He took classified materials, showed them to unauthorized people, told them that they were classified, bragged openly about it, and refused to return them.

Does that include a senator having classified documents lying around in his garage for years? Apparently not...

Three people have classified materials in their possession after leaving office. Two of them allow authorities to retrieve them. One has staff move them around, ignores a subpoena for their return, and cries when the FBI raids his home to retrieve them.

Can you spot the difference here?

#TRE45ON is his own worst enemy. He could have avoided the indictment simply by ordering his staff to collect and return everything he wrongfully possessed.