Noahides for AHZ

Look. The Anti Defamation consider The Truth "anti-semitism".

Totally ballsy, I gotta admit. But the jig is up, Abe Foxman. Get your puppets in the black helipcopters to come get me now. I want you!

well from your previous post I guess we have nothing to worry about the world is going to "take care" of thos joos for us.
No. You only choose to find fault with the christian religion and are blind to all else, even race cults that masquerade as religion.
No, I find the Christian religion just about exactly as reprehensible and evil as the Muslim and Hindu religions. Which is to say that something like half of them are hypocritical habitual liars who can only fool themselves. Take a bow, Jesus freak.

No, I find the Christian religion just about exactly as reprehensible and evil as the Muslim and Hindu religions. Which is to say that something like half of them are hypocritical habitual liars who can only fool themselves. Take a bow, Jesus freak.


But why are you only vocal in your criticism of christians? If you believe we're exctly as reprehensible your public statements should reflect this, but they don't.
No. You only choose to find fault with the christian religion and are blind to all else, even race cults that masquerade as religion.

Not fault, but okay, if that is your word for it.

I see the some Christians as a direct threat and more so than other religions, with the exception of the very quiet and effective Jewish movements.
Christians and Jew both have an strong connections inside our government.
When their agendas start to affect my freedoms and the US policy, that is when I choose to find "fault" with Christians. I find the methods they use aren't very Christian.
I think Jesus would be shocked by the way he is represented these days by his followers, but that is just personal opinion based on reading I have been doing for nearly twelve years now. My book case is beginning to show it, too.
See their is your problem Froggie dont you know education and facts have a liberal bias?

I know they keep telling me that, but I just keep educating myself. I have always been a rebel!
Not fault, but okay, if that is your word for it.
"Fault" is not my word. It's standard english.
I see the some Christians as a direct threat and more so than other religions, with the exception of the very quiet and effective Jewish movements.
Christians and Jew both have an strong connections inside our government.
When their agendas start to affect my freedoms and the US policy, that is when I choose to find "fault" with Christians. I find the methods they use aren't very Christian.
I think Jesus would be shocked by the way he is represented these days by his followers, but that is just personal opinion based on reading I have been doing for nearly twelve years now. My book case is beginning to show it, too.

And yes, christianity has been hijacked by masons, who turn christians into noahides via dispensationalism.
But why are you only vocal in your criticism of christians? If you believe we're exctly as reprehensible your public statements should reflect this, but they don't.
First, because there's more than enough people out there already bashing the Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. In case you hadn't noticed, Christians hold the upper hand in this nation. I'm just doing my bit to balance the scales a tad.

Secondly, you assume that what I say here is representative of my public statements. It is not. I come here for recreation, not serious discussion, by and large.

Any other foolish questions? :rolleyes:
First, because there's more than enough people out there already bashing the Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. In case you hadn't noticed, Christians hold the upper hand in this nation. I'm just doing my bit to balance the scales a tad.

Secondly, you assume that what I say here is representative of my public statements. It is not. I come here for recreation, not serious discussion, by and large.

Any other foolish questions? :rolleyes:

THere wasn't one foolish question. Only foolish answers. Your criticism is lopsided against christians to offset the overwhelmingly pro christian bias of the board. I see.
You can tell it is the freemasons because, you know, I've been running around as a force of my own telling all the christians what they must do. They follow me like Pat Robertson and send me free money and stuff. (They always like to do that with Buddhists).
yeah in the parades lately the Masons have been adding machine guns to their mini bikes they ride ! The time is near.
You can tell it is the freemasons because, you know, I've been running around as a force of my own telling all the christians what they must do. They follow me like Pat Robertson and send me free money and stuff. (They always like to do that with Buddhists).

Pat Robertson actually is a 33rd degree mason.
If Jesus had lived in an age of technology should he have been made to finger scan to kick the money changers out of the temple? It wouldn't have happened because Jesus would have been treated like one of those "bad guys with a bomb."

Robertson's agenda is clear, he is trying to switch off the concerns of mainstream Christian America to the expanding Orwellian surveillance society. Robertson directly contradicts the Bible and every commonly understood Christian value.

Robertson misrepresents the very ethic of what it means to be a Christian. This only succeeds in demonizing Christianity as a whole and turning people away from faith.

Christians should take a long hard considered look at Robertson's penchant for flashing Satanic symbology and support of forced abortion. Non-Christians should be alarmed by his bloodthirsty willingness to kill and his total disregard of the bill of rights, privacy and freedom in America.

We are deeply concerned about the whole gannet of Robertson's actions and will continue to expose him for the fake Pharisee Christian, George Bush New World Order worshipping, arrogant hypocrite that he is.
Pat Robertson actually is a 33rd degree mason.
I doubt it. This is seriously not a well-trusted news source. I can claim anybody is something. I could say that you are a freemason.

There are extremely few freemasons that come from the holy roller side of christianity. Our pastor, when I was a child, actually had several sermons on the evils of freemasonry, not just mentions, full sermons.

I seriously doubt that Robertson is a freemason. If he was I'd respect him a bit more, but those guys are seriously not pleasant to freemasons. If it were actual fact and he was "outted" (right, as if it is secret), he'd be ostracized by the holy roller movement as fast as you could say, 'But really, I'm not!'
Anyway, Robertson trashes freemasons in his "New World Order" book. He is no freemason. He is on YOUR side in this argument.

For now, we'll just mention that Reverend Robertson - an ostensible leader of the 'Religious Right' in the United States - is convinced that the Masons are part of some grand scheme and he uses the trustworthy sources of Jim Shaw and the like on which to base these conclusions.

While we try to avoid political or religious commentary on our site, we find that his thinking on a number of topics is somewhat bizarre. It is reported that he once signed a letter describing feminism as a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft and become lesbians." According to the BBC, he later said he had signed the letter without reading it carefully. He has said "I speak from the heart so often, and many times these statements need clarification and, if brought out of context, can be misunderstood." There's no misunderstanding his anti-Masonic (and anti-a lot of things) stance though.

Perhaps Robertson is angry that his father - a former US Congressman and Mason - might not have wanted Pat in his Masonic Lodge. Who knows....

His father was a freemason, Pat Robertson is not. Nor do I think he'd be accepted.