Noahides for AHZ

Freemasonry is not a secret society. Secret societies do not go around with license plates anouncing their membership.

Right. everyone knows about it. It's a group of important men who meet to plan world events, mostly to their liking, with SOME accomodations made for others.

The NWO order is not a theory either, it's the actual plan.
Right. everyone knows about it. It's a group of important men who meet to plan world events, mostly to their liking, with SOME accomodations made for others.

The NWO order is not a theory either, it's the actual plan.
"Important men"? Just go and watch people going into a meeting. You only need your own eyes to see this is a garbage claim. It is just a group of normal people. In any group some may become men of acclaim, most never will. Freemasonry is no different. It isn't because of freemasonry they get there, it is because they are exceptional people, one way or another.

Some may become reviled, some may become famous in other more positive ways, but it isn't because a person belongs to a fraternal order that they gain any of that, any more than they do it because they have brown hair or a tan.
"Important men"? Just go and watch people going into a meeting. You only need your own eyes to see this is a garbage claim. It is just a group of normal people. In any group some may become men of acclaim, most never will. Freemasonry is no different. It isn't because of freemasonry they get there, it is because they are exceptional people, one way or another.

Some may become reviled, some may become famous in other more positive ways, but it isn't because a person belongs to a fraternal order that they gain any of that.

Yes. So they'd like us all to believe. The truth is they decide who is ALLOWED to ascend to the highest reins of power. Who is obedient to the mysteriouly appearing policy analysts and "advisors", and so forth.
Yes. So they'd like us all to believe. The truth is they decide who is ALLOWED to ascend to the highest reins of power. Who is obedient to the mysteriouly appearing policy analysts and "advisors", and so forth.
Right. As I said, your own eyes can prove you wrong, yet instead you believe whatever is written about the group on any site that says something negative.

I will once again promote the idea, go and meet freemasons, talk to them, they don't hide their buildings are clearly marked and times they meet will be on signs. Watch who goes to the meetings and see that your "powerful men" ideation is ridiculous, find what they have to say. See if they are bad men.

The attempt to suggest that a whole organization is corrupt and powerful is debunked by the very membership you will meet. They aren't powerful, they aren't any more politically connected than any other person in society, they don't have any "choice" as to who gains ascendancy.

What I promote is that you actually learn from those you meet rather than just say, "well the ones that are eeeeVIIIlllllll are ones that you don't know".

Any large group of people will have some that become famous, some that become infamous, some that are just people, but not because they are part of that group. It is because it is a group of people. We can select any group of people and find that some of them are politically powerful, some of them were criminals, some of them are just blue-collar workers... To suggest that just because some of a group are in politics it makes the entire group "powerful" is plain ridiculous.
Right. As I said, your own eyes can prove you wrong, yet instead you believe whatever is written about the group on any site that says something negative.

I will once again promote the idea, go and meet freemasons, talk to them, they don't hide their buildings are clearly marked and times they meet will be on signs. Watch who goes to the meetings and see that your "powerful men" ideation is ridiculous, find what they have to say. See if they are bad men.

The attempt to suggest that a whole organization is corrupt and powerful is debunked by the very membership you will meet. They aren't powerful, they aren't any more politically connected than any other person in society, they don't have any "choice" as to who gains ascendancy.

What I promote is that you actually learn from those you meet rather than just say, "well the ones that are eeeeVIIIlllllll are ones that you don't know".

Any large group of people will have some that become famous, some that become infamous, some that are just people, but not because they are part of that group. It is because it is a group of people. We can select any group of people and find that some of them are politically powerful, some of them were criminals, some of them are just blue-collar workers... To suggest that just because some of a group are in politics it makes the entire group "powerful" is plain ridiculous.

I don't post often, but have to say that Damocles is a font of patience. I look to him as a role model. :clink:
Right. As I said, your own eyes can prove you wrong, yet instead you believe whatever is written about the group on any site that says something negative.

I will once again promote the idea, go and meet freemasons, talk to them, they don't hide their buildings are clearly marked and times they meet will be on signs. Watch who goes to the meetings and see that your "powerful men" ideation is ridiculous, find what they have to say. See if they are bad men.

The attempt to suggest that a whole organization is corrupt and powerful is debunked by the very membership you will meet. They aren't powerful, they aren't any more politically connected than any other person in society, they don't have any "choice" as to who gains ascendancy.

What I promote is that you actually learn from those you meet rather than just say, "well the ones that are eeeeVIIIlllllll are ones that you don't know".

Any large group of people will have some that become famous, some that become infamous, some that are just people, but not because they are part of that group. It is because it is a group of people. We can select any group of people and find that some of them are politically powerful, some of them were criminals, some of them are just blue-collar workers... To suggest that just because some of a group are in politics it makes the entire group "powerful" is plain ridiculous.

It has peons, like any other group. I never said there were no peon underlings, ignorant of the entire picture.
It has peons, like any other group. I never said there were no peon underlings, ignorant of the entire picture.
The organization is the membership. Who you call "peons" ARE what makes up freemasonry.

To judge a whole group of people by the actions of a few and suggest that they are all part of something nefarious is simply inane.

If some freemasons are NWO "members" it isn't because they are freemasons that they chose to become part of this conspiracy. It isn't what the organization is about, or has to offer.
The organization is the membership. Who you call "peons" ARE what makes up freemasonry.

To judge a whole group of people by the actions of a few and suggest that they are all part of something nefarious is simply inane.

If some freemasons are NWO "members" it isn't because they are freemasons that they chose to become part of this conspiracy. It isn't what the organization is about, or has to offer.

Probably about 15% know anything at all about the true machinations of the organization, the other 85% give the freaky 15 their cover, and vouch for them, unknowing of the truth.
Probably about 15% know anything at all about the true machinations of the organization, the other 85% give the freaky 15 their cover, and vouch for them, unknowing of the truth.
You would need to do as I suggest in order to find this to be absolute poppycock. Go, watch them enter a meeting. Those people you call "peons" ARE the organization, not "cover", they are the ones who make the decisions for the Lodge, they are the ones who argue over how much money goes to what charity. They are the reality of what the organization is about. The attempt to suggest that an organization is other than what the members make of it is just wishful thinking in the hopes to convince others of some nefarious design, some people fall for it.

An organization is nothing except the sum of its members, what do the largest portion of masons do? As I said, we can look at any group and find a few who are politically connected, well maybe except anarchists, but I'll bet there are a few in that group that are. Should we assume anarchists are working toward a "one world government" because some of their numbers are politically connected?
You would need to do as I suggest in order to find this to be absolute poppycock. Go, watch them enter a meeting. Those people you call "peons" ARE the organization, not "cover", they are the ones who make the decisions for the Lodge, they are the ones who argue over how much money goes to what charity. They are the reality of what the organization is about. The attempt to suggest that an organization is other than what the members make of it is just wishful thinking in the hopes to convince others of some nefarious design, some people fall for it.

An organization is nothing except the sum of its members, what do the largest portion of masons do? As I said, we can look at any group and find a few who are politically connected, well maybe except anarchists, but I'll bet there are a few in that group that are. Should we assume anarchists are working toward a "one world government" because some of their numbers are politically connected?

This hands-on "mason immersion" experience sounds tantalizing, but I have to decline. Maybe you can sell package tours to the newly retired.
This hands-on "mason immersion" experience sounds tantalizing, but I have to decline. Maybe you can sell package tours to the newly retired.
Who told you to immerse? I suggested talking to the people to find out if they are "eeeeVIIiiilll" as you suggest they are. But that is okay, you prefer the myth to reality.
Who told you to immerse? I suggested talking to the people to find out if they are "eeeeVIIiiilll" as you suggest they are. But that is okay, you prefer the myth to reality.

Yeah, a nearly CULTIC indoctrination weekend, complete with abuse, and repogramming is NOT what I need this summer, I was thinking something along the coast, something out of the way. Any thoughts? NO MASONS, of course.
Yeah, a nearly CULTIC indoctrination weekend, complete with abuse, and repogramming is NOT what I need this summer, I was thinking something along the coast, something out of the way. Any thoughts? NO MASONS, of course.
Right, having a conversation with somebody before they enter a building is "cultic". You are getting desperate now.

Do you really fear to be convinced of the truth that much?