Noahides for AHZ

Do you really fear to be convinced of the truth that much?
What truth? That you already have suggested that almost every freemason isn't part of your supposed conspiracy and therefore freemasonry is made up of men who give to charity on a large scale and only that?

Or that you are so afraid of freemasons that even though you supposedly believe them to be totally unaware of some supposed conspiracy they will abuse and indoctrinate you (unknowingly) into some sort of conspiracy?

Or that you are so afraid to even have a conversation with them that you will avoid it at all costs?

What "truth" are you speaking of? That your evidence is flimsly and often totally debunked before you even post it?
An organization is nothing except the sum of its members,

Yep what I have always said about the republican party.
All sharing in the shame of electing Bush.
This sounds more like damo's Mason Immersion experience.

Nah, no Masons here. Just a lot of guys in white lab coats. I suspect they'll have to call for teams of reinforcements from Switzerland once they get a load of you, but it'll make for good reading in some psych journal.
What truth? That you already have suggested that almost every freemason isn't part of your supposed conspiracy and therefore freemasonry is made up of men who give to charity on a large scale and only that?

Or that you are so afraid of freemasons that even though you supposedly believe them to be totally unaware of some supposed conspiracy they will abuse and indoctrinate you (unknowingly) into some sort of conspiracy?

Or that you are so afraid to even have a conversation with them that you will avoid it at all costs?

What "truth" are you speaking of? That your evidence is flimsly and often totally debunked before you even post it?

They are part of it, their function is to steadfastly deny the actual machinations of the group, which is easy for them because they think it's true. They don't know about what really goes on. It's possible you're in this category.
They are part of it, their function is to steadfastly deny the actual machinations of the group, which is easy for them because they think it's true. They don't know about what really goes on. It's possible you're in this category.
So, somehow they don't know about it but are part of it? Rubbish. They are what makes freemasonry what it is. Not the supposed extreme minority that "know". If such a group existed they would be people using regular masons as a cover, not regular masons conspiring to cover for them.

They also, when found, would be tossed from the fraternity.
They are part of it, their function is to steadfastly deny the actual machinations of the group, which is easy for them because they think it's true. They don't know about what really goes on. It's possible you're in this category.

Then again, it might just be that he disagrees with your take. Could that be possible, someone thinking the great Zombie, wrong?
while all your assertions are rock solid fact AHZ ? come on now get real, it works both ways.

the net is just like a sheet of paper it does not care what you put on it, nor does it do any validity checks on what you post.
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It's not just that he has a different take, he thinks his hysterical denials are PROOF, and that's what's so entertaining!
I told you where you could find evidence. You believe that your accusations are "proof" and that is sad.

Plus the suggestion that the 85% of those who don't know and would reject such a conspiracy (using your totally arbitrary number here) would suddenly "cultishly" indoctrinate you while in a conversation before they go to a meeting (while simultaneously abusing you) is "proof" is laughable.

Your "evidence" is arbitrary, made up, and seriously questionable at best. Mine is, "Go and see what these people are really like and you will find that your suggestions are truly laughable."
I told you where you could find evidence. You believe that your accusations are "proof" and that is sad.

Plus the suggestion that the 85% of those who don't know and would reject such a conspiracy (using your totally arbitrary number here) would suddenly "cultishly" indoctrinate you while in a conversation before they go to a meeting (while simultaneously abusing you) is "proof" is laughable.

Your "evidence" is arbitrary, made up, and seriously questionable at best. Mine is, "Go and see what these people are really like and you will find that your suggestions are truly laughable."

Anecdoctal experiences with a few underlings mean nothing.
There is zip that is 'entertaining' here.

I disagree. Im having the time of my life.

Nobody puts baby in the corner!

Can anyone even imagine how big of a geek he must be? First Emilio Estevez, now he is actually quoting lines from Dirty Dancing. Please AHZ, familarize yourself with two things:

-Actual Men
-The two decades which took place after the 1980's.
Can anyone even imagine how big of a geek he must be? First Emilio Estevez, now he is actually quoting lines from Dirty Dancing. Please AHZ, familarize yourself with two things:

-Actual Men
-The two decades which took place after the 1980's.

Johnny: Look, you've gotta understand what its like baby, you come from the streets and suddenly your up here, and these women are throwing themselves at ya, and they smell so good, and they really take care of themselves,
[getting dressed]
Johnny: I mean I never knew women could be like that, you know? And their so rich, they're so goddam rich, you think they must know about everything. And they're slipping their room keys in my hands, two and three times day, different women. So here I think I'm scoring big and for a while you think hey they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't care about me, right.
Can anyone even imagine how big of a geek he must be? First Emilio Estevez, now he is actually quoting lines from Dirty Dancing. Please AHZ, familarize yourself with two things:

-Actual Men
-The two decades which took place after the 1980's.


Do straight men even watch "Dirty Dancing"?