North Tower Exploding

Because of your conduct, dumbass. I'd expect it out of someone who only served four years then joined a White Nationalist militia.

The white nationalist thing has about run its course. You're the only one who actually believes it, and you only believe it because you're a fucking retard. I know you'll keep going with it, though, because you're a retard and yuo've fooled yourself into believing that everyone agrees with you.

Trust me, they don't...

I don't need to hide behind my military ID, dumbass.

Lucky for you, considering that you've never had one...
Besides being a racist, you're obviously an angry misogynist. Did you hate women in the military, PO1 Steve?

While you may have, indeed, slipped in some facts in your "arguments", like this one, most are filled with your angry diatribes. I don't read most of them. Just a quick skim. Usually the first line or three since that's what 's most important to you.

these puerile tactics are failing.

you never do have a real argument.

try it once, dingbat.
The white nationalist thing has about run its course. You're the only one who actually believes it, and you only believe it because you're a fucking retard. I know you'll keep going with it, though, because you're a retard and yuo've fooled yourself into believing that everyone agrees with you.

Trust me, they don't...

Lucky for you, considering that you've never had one...
We prefer to say Dutch has arrested development. It's politically correct.
The Twin Towers survived being hit by 767s. For around an hour they survived the fires that followed. Then they collapsed.

This is a video of the collapse starting in the South Tower. Watch carefully from the 0.05 mark:

How did the bad guys get the perimeter columns to buckle inwards like that at the precise point where the plane had hit and the fires burned? “Truthers” say it was pre-planted explosives (they don’t say how the explosives survived the impact and fire; in Trutherworld they obviously did survive, qed).

Just like controlled demolition.
Just like controlled demolition.

It's obvious SCOTUS Rehnquist built a supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Fourth Reich July 9/11; burning Washington, D.C. born USA citizens as being Islam just as decades of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists national religion....