North Tower Exploding

To anyone whose IQ exceeds their shoe size...
Measures IQ by shoe size. LOL

Who do you support the most: Team Normal or Team Crazy?

You know what's funny? That if your IQ actually was higher than your shoe size, you'd understand that's not what I was doing at all.

But when IQ's dip as low as yours obviously is, comparisons to shoe size are inevitable...

Son, all I see is you trolling. Are you lonely? Or just a sock puppet owned by a pussified idiot too afraid to use his main account when posting to me?
Son, all I see is you trolling. Are you lonely? Or just a sock puppet owned by a pussified idiot too afraid to use his main account when posting to me?


I replied to someone's post. Now, I fully understand that fragile little diaper wearers like you are afraid of opinions which are different than yours, but tough shit. That's life.

And I've never had a sock account. Not here, not anywhere. I'm fully comfortable stating my piece as me, dipshit...

I replied to someone's post. Now, I fully understand that fragile little diaper wearers like you are afraid of opinions which are different than yours, but tough shit. That's life.

And I've never had a sock account. Not here, not anywhere. I'm fully comfortable stating my piece as me, dipshit...

It's okay for you to lie. It's pretty common among Trumpers and Lefty political extremists.

Yes, you posted to me, dumbass.
Of course, you would. You're sick. Your thinker has been broken for at least 20 years.

Every post you make is devoid of intellect and rife with unbridled ignorance.

Have you been a retard your entire life, or is this more of a recent thing?

Say, here's a thought: If you want to appear intelligent, dissect and destroy my post. Show us all that which is so wrong with my positions, beliefs and comments. See, because if you fail to do that (and you have), then one can only conclude that you're either incapable of formulating an intelligent argument against what I wrote, or you actually find no fault with what I've written.

Some pinhead on the internet telling me "Your thinker has been broken for at least 20 years" has absolutely no impact, as it demonstrates that you're only capable of insulting those you disagree with, despite the fact that you're intellectually incapable of explaining why you disagree.

Saving that, we will all be secure in the knowledge that you'll live out your pathetic little failure of a life in a fog of ignorance and stupidity.

Ad you'll be proud of that...
...Say, here's a thought: If you want to appear intelligent, dissect and destroy my post. Show us all that which is so wrong with my positions, beliefs and comments. See, because if you fail to do that (and you have), then one can only conclude that you're either incapable of formulating an intelligent argument against what I wrote, or you actually find no fault with what I've written...

...Saving that, we will all be secure in the knowledge that you'll live out your pathetic little failure of a life in a fog of ignorance and stupidity.

Ad you'll be proud of that...
Jesus Christ on a pogo-stick. You're as big of a pussified dumbass as goat and Arbie.

First, you have to use a collective "we" or "us" to back up your words because you aren't strong enough to stand by them all by your lonesome.

Second, you challenge others to prove you wrong instead of making a compelling argument that you are correct. Such weakness is only seen in children and man-childs.

Lastly, anyone who uses a sock to avoid confrontation is most certainly a pussified excuse for a grown man.

Do yourself a favor, dumbass; either man up or have the grace to go into your room and remove your cowardice from existence.
Jesus Christ on a pogo-stick. You're as big of a pussified dumbass as goat and Arbie.

I don't know what goat and Arbie are, so that means nothing to me...

First, you have to use a collective "we" or "us" to back up your words because you aren't strong enough to stand by them all by your lonesome.

I will happily stand alone to defend what I say, especially when faced by some ignorant gnat like you...

Second, you challenge others to prove you wrong instead of making a compelling argument that you are correct. Such weakness is only seen in children and man-childs.

I made my argument./

You've failed at taking issue with it. My arguments are compelling, sound and reasoned.

Your response is childish and stupid...

Lastly, anyone who uses a sock to avoid confrontation is most certainly a pussified excuse for a grown man.

No sock here, and I defy you to demonstrate otherwise. Of course, you and I both know you won't, because you already know you'll be a failure.

But, hey, failing is what you do...

Do yourself a favor, dumbass; either man up or have the grace to go into your room and remove your cowardice from existence.

Antics such as yours are tools used by cowardly little bitches to try to avoid having actual discussions. You lack the intellectual facility to have an actual conversation, so you just keep belching up "SOCK ACCOUNT" as if it might make me shy away. Well, sad news, Nancy, it won't. Nothing you can do will imp[act me at all...
I don't know what goat and Arbie are, so that means nothing to me...

I will happily stand alone to defend what I say, especially when faced by some ignorant gnat like you...

I made my argument./

You've failed at taking issue with it. My arguments are compelling, sound and reasoned.

Your response is childish and stupid...

No sock here, and I defy you to demonstrate otherwise. Of course, you and I both know you won't, because you already know you'll be a failure.

But, hey, failing is what you do...

Antics such as yours are tools used by cowardly little bitches to try to avoid having actual discussions. You lack the intellectual facility to have an actual conversation, so you just keep belching up "SOCK ACCOUNT" as if it might make me shy away. Well, sad news, Nancy, it won't. Nothing you can do will imp[act me at all...

Besides being a racist, you're obviously an angry misogynist. Did you hate women in the military, PO1 Steve?

While you may have, indeed, slipped in some facts in your "arguments", like this one, most are filled with your angry diatribes. I don't read most of them. Just a quick skim. Usually the first line or three since that's what 's most important to you.
Besides being a racist, you're obviously an angry misogynist. Did you hate women in the military, PO1 Steve?

When did you stop beating your wife? Why do you allow gay men to fuck you in the ass?

What the fuck are you talking about with this "misogynist" bullshit?

While you may have, indeed, slipped in some facts in your "arguments", like this one, most are filled with your angry diatribes. I don't read most of them. Just a quick skim. Usually the first line or three since that's what 's most important to you.

I honestly don't give a fuck if you read my posts or not, especially considering the undeniable fact that you're unable to do so without then lying about them.

Also, I really get a kick out of the fact that, despite your assertion that you don't allow what someone says on the internet to get under your skin, you're now going back to stuff I posted well over a week ago and rehashing it. You were too stupid to respond to it back when I posted it, so why have you fooled yourself into believing that you're smart enough to respond to it now?

Oh, wait... you're not. Nothing in your latest post addresses a single thing in the post of mine which you quoted.

I've officially gotten under your skin. I'm now living rent free in that pointed little head of yours.

You've officially been owned.


Checkmate, Slingblade...
When did you stop beating your wife? Why do you allow gay men to fuck you in the ass?

What the fuck are you talking about with this "misogynist" bullshit?

I honestly don't give a fuck if you read my posts or not, especially considering the undeniable fact that you're unable to do so without then lying about them.

Also, I really get a kick out of the fact that, despite your assertion that you don't allow what someone says on the internet to get under your skin, you're now going back to stuff I posted well over a week ago and rehashing it. You were too stupid to respond to it back when I posted it, so why have you fooled yourself into believing that you're smart enough to respond to it now?

Oh, wait... you're not. Nothing in your latest post addresses a single thing in the post of mine which you quoted.

I've officially gotten under your skin. I'm now living rent free in that pointed little head of yours.

You've officially been owned.


Checkmate, Slingblade...

See? You're no different than what you've been whining about me for the past several days. LOL

I love revealing hypocrites, liars and shitbags. I doubt this is the first time you've had the mask removed off your face, son. Sad.

You're free to claim whatever you like about me, but everyone can see I don't hide behind an ID card. You're a low-life racist and abusive misogynist who uses his military retirement as a shield. You're a disgrace, Petty Officer First Class Steve. You dishonor the Navy.
See? You're no different than what you've been whining about me for the past several days. LOL

I love revealing hypocrites, liars and shitbags. I doubt this is the first time you've had the mask removed off your face, son. Sad.

Wow, I'm actually a bit shocked at how stupid you truly are, and how you can't figure out that the reason I act as you do is to call attention to your own shitty behavior.

I certainly don't dredge up your posts from the past and stupidly try to breathe new life into them. I move on. That's what adults do.

Children act like you do...
See? You're no different than what you've been whining about me for the past several days. LOL

I love revealing hypocrites, liars and shitbags. I doubt this is the first time you've had the mask removed off your face, son. Sad.

You're free to claim whatever you like about me, but everyone can see I don't hide behind an ID card. You're a low-life racist and abusive misogynist who uses his military retirement as a shield. You're a disgrace, Petty Officer First Class Steve. You dishonor the Navy.
Wow, I'm actually a bit shocked at how stupid you truly are, and how you can't figure out that the reason I act as you do is to call attention to your own shitty behavior.

I certainly don't dredge up your posts from the past and stupidly try to breathe new life into them. I move on. That's what adults do.

Children act like you do...


I'm going to go out now and live my actual life and enjoy time spent with my actual friends.

I'll leave you to spend your time with your internet friends, in the virtual backyard you call "JPP", and enjoy your pitiful little existence of a life that you've made for yourself...
Tranquillus, you seem to have established a time frame for the placement of explosives? It could have taken weeks, months or even years. Perhaps you can explain that. You have evaded the issue. I'll ask again. How do you explain the fact that the towers were designed to withstand strikes from large jet airplanes?

They were designed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, not a 767; and, not crashes that caused fires.
I'm going to go out now and live my actual life and enjoy time spent with my actual friends.

I'll leave you to spend your time with your internet friends, in the virtual backyard you call "JPP", and enjoy your pitiful little existence of a life that you've made for yourself...

Your angry, bitter racist life, Petty Officer Steve? Did you tell your "COO" about your thoughts regarding black people?