North Tower Exploding

Science was never one of Conspiracy Theorists best subjects!

Skyscraper structural engineers on the mainstream media were able to call this one accurately and within minutes after the towers collapsed!

I remember them calling it the domino effect that day!

All it took was those support girders to melt down and soften just enough to cause the floor above to fall, which was too much weight for that floor to support, and thus started the domino effect all the way down to the basement level! The jet took out most of the support girders on, at least, two of the floors and the fire's incredible heat did the rest!

Even Captain Obvious could have called this one!


maybe one day you'll snap out of it and stop being such a retard.
it was obviously a controlled demolition.

Here is a short video (less than 1 minute) of the South Tower starting to collapse. Please pay particular attention to the perimeter columns, some of which are visible where the jetliner smashed through.

Are there any explosions, OR do the support columns buckle inwards and fail?
Here is a short video (less than 1 minute) of the South Tower starting to collapse. Please pay particular attention to the perimeter columns, some of which are visible where the jetliner smashed through.

Are there any explosions, OR do the support columns buckle inwards and fail?

starting to collapse. thats the whole collapse.

controlled demolition for sure.

an internal detonation on some supporting beam may not be visible from the outside.
Science was never one of Conspiracy Theorists best subjects!

Skyscraper structural engineers on the mainstream media were able to call this one accurately and within minutes after the towers collapsed!

I remember them calling it the domino effect that day!

All it took was those support girders to melt down and soften just enough to cause the floor above to fall, which was too much weight for that floor to support, and thus started the domino effect all the way down to the basement level! The jet took out most of the support girders on, at least, two of the floors and the fire's incredible heat did the rest!

Even Captain Obvious could have called this one!



If nothing else, how come there are no witnesses to the thousands of pounds of explosives and wiring needed to not only blow up both WTC towers but also #7? What about the airliners and all the people lost on them? At the Pentagon?

IMO, conspiracy theories are fun but anyone who takes them seriously is seriously mind fucked. Their screws are not tightened to factory specs.

Occam's Razor applies to 9/11.
This is a well-known video by David Chandler, prolific video maker for AE911truth:

He says that the collapse front was preceded by a wave of explosions which cut the support columns, so that when the falling mass reached each story it encountered no resistance. Hence the collapse took place at or near "free fall". In so far as there is a truther theory of controlled demolition, this is it.

How many separate explosive charges would have been required to do this? It's easy to calculate a ball-park figure without knowing anything about demolition technology, and as this is central to their claims I suppose some truthers must have done it. But no figure is mentioned in the video or anywhere in the truther opus that I know of. Can you see why they prefer to avoid it?

47 core columns
240 perimeter columns
70-80 stories up to the impact level.

Actually the twin towers were a Romulan outpost and were destroyed by Photon Torpedo's fired by the Enterprise on Capt. Kirk's orders.
maybe one day you'll snap out of it and stop being such a retard.

I'm looking forward to Donald Trump fading into history.

Then you Conspiracy Theorists that follow him, will fade along with him.

BUt, here is something shocking that you may need to listen up and absorb through that ASSHAT of yours...

... Even Donald Trump is smart enough to know that the towers fell as a result of the impact of the jets and the fires that followed.

Donald Trump built a skyscraper- you haven't!

So that makes him, at least, a little smarter than you- DON'T YA' THINK?
I'm looking forward to Donald Trump fading into history.

Then you Conspiracy Theorists that follow him, will fade along with him.

BUt, here is something shocking that you may need to listen up and absorb through that ASSHAT of yours...

... Even Donald Trump is smart enough to know that the towers fell as a result of the impact of the jets and the fires that followed.

Donald Trump built a skyscraper- you haven't!

So that makes him, at least, a little smarter than you- DON'T YA' THINK?

He won't fade. Trump will go down as a bigger asshole and worse President than Richard Nixon. 1/6 will cover half to a full page of all HS American history texts.

If nothing else, how come there are no witnesses to the thousands of pounds of explosives and wiring needed to not only blow up both WTC towers but also #7? What about the airliners and all the people lost on them? At the Pentagon?

IMO, conspiracy theories are fun but anyone who takes them seriously is seriously mind fucked. Their screws are not tightened to factory specs.

Occam's Razor applies to 9/11.

After 9/11, much has been studied and talked about how to make Skyscrapers stronger to prevent this Domino effect from ever happening again should a jet airliner decide to fly through one ever again.

It has been determined that it is impossible to make them any stronger than they are now to prevent this.

They have made all kinds of improvements on how to rescue people from towers that are on fire etc.

One such improvement that is now available are these emergency self-inflating shoot slides like the Jet airliners use to exit planes quickly after emergency landings.

If I am not mistaken, I believe that the tower that replaced the Twin Towers have these installed.

Somebody that knows for sure- HELP ME OUT HERE!
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After 9/11, much has been studied and talked about how to make Skyscrapers stronger to prevent this Domino effect from ever happening again should a jet airliner decide to fly through one ever again.

It has been determined that it is impossible to make them any stronger than they are now to prevent this.

F = MA Physical laws don't change just so people can feel better.
After 9/11, much has been studied and talked about how to make Skyscrapers stronger to prevent this Domino effect from ever happening again should a jet airliner decide to fly through one ever again.

It has been determined that it is impossible to make them any stronger than they are now to prevent this.

They have made all kinds of improvements on how to rescue people from towers that are on fire etc.

One such improvement that is now available are these emergency self-inflating shoot slides like the Jet airliners use to exit planes quickly after emergency landings.

If I am not mistaken, I believe that the tower that replaced the Twin Towers have these installed.

Somebody that knows for sure- HELP ME OUT HERE!

It's hard to make buildings impervious to intentional and controlled demolition.
It's hard to make buildings impervious to intentional and controlled demolition.

That's easy! All you have to do is watch out for anyone rigging up thousands of explosive charges all over the building. :laugh:

Each of the Twin Towers would have required 10,000 - 20,000 charges to demolish them in the way "truthers" say. See the OP!
That's easy! All you have to do is watch out for anyone rigging up thousands of explosive charges all over the building. :laugh:

Each of the Twin Towers would have required 10,000 - 20,000 charges to demolish them in the way "truthers" say. See the OP!

People do say there were mysterious workers there.

What's your take on wtc 7?
People do say there were mysterious workers there.

Mysterious invisible workers, if they placed 10,000+ demolition charges from top to bottom of both towers without anyone suspecting what they were up to. And it would have to be that many separate charges, all wired up, to do what truthers say was done. (If you disagree, please explain where my reasoning in the OP is wrong.)

What's your take on wtc 7?

WTC7 collapsed at around 5pm on 9/11 when it had been burning and empty for hours. What would be the point of demolishing it? Truthers say it was packed with secret records that the government had to destroy. They couldn't just send the FBI to stop people going in. Nah, gotta blow it up!

It collapsed in a more traditional way - from the bottom up - so any explosives would have had to be at the bottom. There were hundreds of first responders around and none of them reported hearing any explosions. Truthers say you can't always always hear the explosions in a controlled demolition. :dunno:

There have been many different takes on WTC7, including the one you cited earlier by a truther professor from Alaska. Don't think that's the last word. There may never be a definitive last word.
Mysterious invisible workers, if they placed 10,000+ demolition charges from top to bottom of both towers without anyone suspecting what they were up to. And it would have to be that many separate charges, all wired up, to do what truthers say was done. (If you disagree, please explain where my reasoning in the OP is wrong.)

WTC7 collapsed at around 5pm on 9/11 when it had been burning and empty for hours. What would be the point of demolishing it? Truthers say it was packed with secret records that the government had to destroy. They couldn't just send the FBI to stop people going in. Nah, gotta blow it up!

It collapsed in a more traditional way - from the bottom up - so any explosives would have had to be at the bottom. There were hundreds of first responders around and none of them reported hearing any explosions. Truthers say you can't always always hear the explosions in a controlled demolition. :dunno:

There have been many different takes on WTC7, including the one you cited earlier by a truther professor from Alaska. Don't think that's the last word. There may never be a definitive last word.

there is a last word.

it's an inside job.

no doubt.

they're still doing this shit now shooting up children to grab guns.

there is a last word.

it's an inside job.

no doubt.

they're still doing this shit now shooting up children to grab guns.


While that Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement baptize thine eyes by urinations of a Washington, D.C. born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower Freudian slip "What is 9/11" Christiananality pedophilia national religion of those crooks on Capital Hill don't laugh, it isn't funny premeditated August death with malice aforethought as "man is God" thieving US Constitution arsonists more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" thieving flying carpet to Valhalla Muhammed flying flaming chariots seems to have bungling GI Joe biding his time while Russia's Orthodox rootin' tootin' Putin wanna be's are "serve the Pope or die" self anointed.
While that Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement baptize thine eyes by urinations of a Washington, D.C. born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower Freudian slip "What is 9/11" Christiananality pedophilia national religion of those crooks on Capital Hill don't laugh, it isn't funny premeditated August death with malice aforethought as "man is God" thieving US Constitution arsonists more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" thieving flying carpet to Valhalla Muhammed flying flaming chariots seems to have bungling GI Joe biding his time while Russia's Orthodox rootin' tootin' Putin wanna be's are "serve the Pope or die" self anointed.

that sounds about right.