North Tower Exploding

that sounds about right.

Still on that bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" crooks on Capital Hill District of Nazington, Diatribe of Christiananality pedophilia Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition of Rehnquist's Fourth Reich Freudian slip "What is 9/11" after Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking enforcement baptize thine eyes of a Washington, D.C. born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower and subsequent thieving US Constitution arsonists as if Trump ta-do-da-day & Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' toootin' Putin patriot act is that much better....
Controlled Opposition posted:
" destroy your argument when you say that the fire (now singular) burned in a single spot, producing sufficient heat to evenly heat the structures of both towers, causing them to collapse."

I said no such thing. Get the facts straight if you want to be taken seriously.

CO added: "The 28 pages should be enough for one with critical thinking skills to realize that the official version is bovine excrement."

For years you were telling everyone that the redacted pages of the Congressional Inquiry showed that Israel did it. Then the pages were released ... and not a word about Israel.

Not all of the pages were released, but Israel lost a lot of congressional by the people who actually read them.
Not all of the pages were released, but Israel lost a lot of congressional by the people who actually read them.

While bungling GI Joe is biding his "serve the Pope or die" time as when one those crooks on Capital Hill for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement double baptize thine eyes by urinations despicable & vile while whipping them out under color of law in a restaurant since thrown urine out of a container partially missed the mark, a Washington, D.C. born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower in Rehnquist's Fourth Reich July 9/11 Freudian slip to have Islam flying carpets nuke Temple Mount while Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin relentless annihilation of Ukraine certainly appears to be a continuation of frustration for only rendering those burning Bush's 9/11 NYC & D.C. partial destruction patriot act .
Wrong. By your own account you believed the first things you saw on television. No structural engineers would have leaped to such a conclusion on the first day.

While finishing breakfast first things seen on television looked like it was a movie trailer in that Independence Day movie plot, then after a while realized Rehnquist's Fourth Reich July fabricated Islam misnomers protecting & serving those Islamidiotocracy burning Bush's Islam "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement baptize thine eyes by urinations thrown out of a container followed by whipping them out & baptize thine eyes by urinations in Washington, D.C. in that Papal thieving bereavement memorial to JFK contingent arsonists tradition.....
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you only respect doctrinnaire truthers? oh yeah, they're also deep state.

As if Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Ukraine bloodbath & annihilation of resorting to 18th century Czar of Russia draft tactics in renaming individuals as coffee, tea, sugar or just killing them in order to have a military as this Christian Nation USA SCOTUS more holy trinity of Christiananality pedophilia thieving National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists, Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia patriot act "death to the infidels" & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement while still trying to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11 Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" as the national religion interpretation "one nation under God with equal justice under law.
This is a well-known video by David Chandler, prolific video maker for AE911truth:

He says that the collapse front was preceded by a wave of explosions which cut the support columns, so that when the falling mass reached each story it encountered no resistance. Hence the collapse took place at or near "free fall". In so far as there is a truther theory of controlled demolition, this is it.

How many separate explosive charges would have been required to do this? It's easy to calculate a ball-park figure without knowing anything about demolition technology, and as this is central to their claims I suppose some truthers must have done it. But no figure is mentioned in the video or anywhere in the truther opus that I know of. Can you see why they prefer to avoid it?

47 core columns
240 perimeter columns
70-80 stories up to the impact level.

I can't fault you. This is in the proper section of this forum. CT. We all saw the planes crash into the buildings.
How can anyone not see through Trump? I really did overestimate Republican voters' intelligence.

I enthusiastically voted for Trump in 2016. My opinion, which I still hold today, is that Hillary Clinton has no business ever seeing the inside of the Oval Office.

The second time around, I held my nose when I voted for Trump. While I agreed with his policies and positions, I had (and have) a very difficult time with the fact that the man conducts himself like an insolent child. From the 3:00am tweets to the name-calling, it just got old. It's not how I believe the most powerful man on the planet should act. But, when faced with the alternative, there was just no other sane way to vote. Joe Biden had spent the better part of 50 years inside the beltway, and had very little to show for it.

When someone questions the intelligence of Republicans (I'm a registered Independent), I have to sit in wonder and marvel at the fact that democrats proved to be stupid enough to believe that Biden was going to magically start getting things done. After 50 years of lackluster performance, democrats actually thought that Biden was ready to hit his stride. Yeah, watch him ride a bicycle or climb a flight of stairs into Air Force One. That's where he truly "hit his stride".

No, instead of getting things done, he's proven to be a failure. Gas prices are more than doubled than what they were under Trump. Food prices are through the roof. Our southern border is an absolute sieve, and our illustrious "border czar", that waste of a bag of skin that is Kamala Harris, has been an abject failure at doing anything to help secure the border. We are unsafe due to this, as both Harris and Biden have ignored their responsibilities with regards to border security. Hell, has our "border czar" ever actually been to the border?

I'm trying to think of a single positive thing that Biden has presided over, and I'm drawing a blank. I don't know if it's by design or simply due to the obvious rampant decline in his mental acuity, but Joe Biden is failing the American people at an alarming rate, and he must be stopped.

I believe it's a forgone conclusion that the GOP is going to take the House tomorrow. If they also take the Senate, I think impeachment proceedings would be very appropriate for both Biden and Harris, due to their failure to perform the most basic of their duties: to protect the American people...
I enthusiastically voted for Trump in 2016. My opinion, which I still hold today, is that Hillary Clinton has no business ever seeing the inside of the Oval Office.

The second time around, I held my nose when I voted for Trump. While I agreed with his policies and positions, I had (and have) a very difficult time with the fact that the man conducts himself like an insolent child. From the 3:00am tweets to the name-calling, it just got old. It's not how I believe the most powerful man on the planet should act. But, when faced with the alternative, there was just no other sane way to vote. Joe Biden had spent the better part of 50 years inside the beltway, and had very little to show for it.

When someone questions the intelligence of Republicans (I'm a registered Independent), I have to sit in wonder and marvel at the fact that democrats proved to be stupid enough to believe that Biden was going to magically start getting things done. After 50 years of lackluster performance, democrats actually thought that Biden was ready to hit his stride. Yeah, watch him ride a bicycle or climb a flight of stairs into Air Force One. That's where he truly "hit his stride".

No, instead of getting things done, he's proven to be a failure. Gas prices are more than doubled than what they were under Trump. Food prices are through the roof. Our southern border is an absolute sieve, and our illustrious "border czar", that waste of a bag of skin that is Kamala Harris, has been an abject failure at doing anything to help secure the border. We are unsafe due to this, as both Harris and Biden have ignored their responsibilities with regards to border security. Hell, has our "border czar" ever actually been to the border?

I'm trying to think of a single positive thing that Biden has presided over, and I'm drawing a blank. I don't know if it's by design or simply due to the obvious rampant decline in his mental acuity, but Joe Biden is failing the American people at an alarming rate, and he must be stopped.

I believe it's a forgone conclusion that the GOP is going to take the House tomorrow. If they also take the Senate, I think impeachment proceedings would be very appropriate for both Biden and Harris, due to their failure to perform the most basic of their duties: to protect the American people...

I don't care about voting for a president who "gets things done." It's our job as voters to get things done by voting on the correct congressmen. Asking a messiah figure to "get things done" is just laziness on the public's part.
I don't care about voting for a president who "gets things done." It's our job as voters to get things done by voting on the correct congressmen. Asking a messiah figure to "get things done" is just laziness on the public's part.

Oh my God.

So a "do nothing" President is okay with you?

Why vote for one, then? Do you abstain from voting for President (and only a ignoramus would refer to a President as a "messiah") because, if you don't, your statement is wildly hypocritical...
Until January 20, 2021, Jimmy Carter had been the worst President we've ever had...

According to whom? Nixon fans? Team Crazy?
