North Tower Exploding

Holy shit, it's desh they were talking about over there. "She who must not be named" :laugh:

I'm going to skewer your ass, desh, you're a useless piece of leftist shit, ok?
You can go with politics, I will go with facts. Truth is, that I take no pleasure in discussing 9/11. You might be interested in University of Alaska Fairbanks four year study of the implosion of World Trade Center No. 7.

Are you saying they were designed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 767?
I am saying that they were brought down by controlled demolition. Check out WTC#7. It was not hit by an airplane, yet it imploded into its own footprint, exactly like the twin towers were.

Of course, you do. That's why I know you are a conspiracy theorist wackadoodle and probable paranoid schizo.
I am saying that they were brought down by controlled demolition.

The Twin Towers survived being hit by 767s. For around an hour they survived the fires that followed. Then they collapsed.

This is a video of the collapse starting in the South Tower. Watch carefully from the 0.05 mark:

How did the bad guys get the perimeter columns to buckle inwards like that at the precise point where the plane had hit and the fires burned? “Truthers” say it was pre-planted explosives (they don’t say how the explosives survived the impact and fire; in Trutherworld they obviously did survive, qed).
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See? You're angry and bitter after coming back from your "friends". What normal person would do that?

I'm hardly angry.

In all actuality, I pity you.

And if you have a problem with me hopping back online after meeting up with friends for a while, well, I would say that only further serves to prove that you don't have any actual friends...
I'm hardly angry.

In all actuality, I pity you.

And if you have a problem with me hopping back online after meeting up with friends for a while, well, I would say that only further serves to prove that you don't have any actual friends...

Racists are always angry.

If that was true, good for you. Empathy is a good path to salvation.

My only problem with you, Petty Officer Steve is that you dishonor the United States Navy with your racist, White Nationalist conduct.
Racists are always angry.

If that was true, good for you. Empathy is a good path to salvation.

My only problem with you, Petty Officer Steve is that you dishonor the United States Navy with your racist, White Nationalist conduct.

You dishonor the Navy with your lies about having served.

Even your family hates you...
You dishonor the Navy with your lies about having served.

Even your family hates you...

QED, Petty Officer Steve. You're acting like an idiot while flashing your ID around bragging to be a Petty Officer First Class:
Hardly a minion of anyone, fuck-stick.

You can die, too, for all I fucking care.

Mind you, I've actually presented something which supports my position that I'm retired military. Uncle Dunce has not.

Here, this is my (redacted) retiree ID card:


I would love to ask Dunce to provide his, but it's pretty fucking clear he doesn't have one, despite his lies to the contrary.

And, if this isn't good enough for you, then you can fuck off and die...
QED, Petty Officer Steve. You're acting like an idiot while flashing your ID around bragging to be a Petty Officer First Class:

You questioned whether or not I'd served.

I posted that (redacted, of course, since the rumor is you like to doxx people on this site) to show that, yeah, I've got my retired ID card.

You don't have one, though, and you're jealous, so you attack me and my service.

Such a sad little girl you are...
You questioned whether or not I'd served.

I posted that (redacted, of course, since the rumor is you like to doxx people on this site) to show that, yeah, I've got my retired ID card.

You don't have one, though, and you're jealous, so you attack me and my service.

Such a sad little girl you are...

Because of your conduct, dumbass. I'd expect it out of someone who only served four years then joined a White Nationalist militia. Americans should expect more out of their senior NCOs who are drawing a pension.

I don't need to hide behind my military ID, dumbass.

The violent nature of blacks isn't a stereotype. It's reality. A single black man isn't much of a threat, as he'll turn tail and run before any sort of physical engagement with someone who's able to handle himself. It's when blacks start to roam in packs that they become a concern, and that concern is justified given what the history of blacks in society is...

Hardly a minion of anyone, fuck-stick.

You can die, too, for all I fucking care.

Mind you, I've actually presented something which supports my position that I'm retired military. Uncle Dunce has not.

Here, this is my (redacted) retiree ID card:


I would love to ask Dunce to provide his, but it's pretty fucking clear he doesn't have one, despite his lies to the contrary.

And, if this isn't good enough for you, then you can fuck off and die...