NOTHING Trump has done is as mean-spirited as what Biden did here

Then stfu and keep on laughing.

When will you stop bashing Trump for shit he did as a businessman, before he announced for the Presidency?

When will you stop bashing Trump for shit he didn't do?

You Libs think that you can lie and cheat and steal and smear Trump for 6 years and over nothing, starting before he took office, but when Biden's had almost 6 months in office that the real stuff HE did was going to remain off limits?

We have largely laid off that cork sacker until now.

Now, it's his turn to account for his horrible and criminal behaviors.

Payback is a Biden because Biden is a bitch.
trump began his political career lying about the citizenship of a sitting president. Given our history, the lie was made worse as President Obama was also our first black president.

He never apologized or admitted fault.

trump likely ended his political career with a lie about a presidential election that he lost. He is an awful human and has been nothing but, divisive based on lies.

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trump is a corrupt piece of shit punk. always has been. biden is not perfect but he is honest and decent. so go fuck yourself, bitch.

The facts say otherwise.

Video surfaces of Biden accuser’s mom allegedly calling into Larry King's show

Newly-resurfaced video from decades ago lends support to allegations against Joe Biden; insight from journalist Rich McHugh.

trump is a corrupt piece of shit punk. always has been. biden is not perfect but he is honest and decent. so go fuck yourself, bitch.

Really?? Biden is a chronic liar. He was booted out of Law school for a year for plagiarism he had to quit his first run for president because he plagiarized a speech. He lied about being arrested while visiting Mandela . He also lied about marching with black protestors.
trump began his political career lying about the citizenship of a sitting president. Given our history, the lie was made worse as President Obama was also our first black president.

He never apologized or admitted fault.

trump likely ended his political career with a lie about a presidential election that he lost. He is an awful human and has been nothing but, divisive based on lies.

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Old business.

Biden is the POTUS.

Focus on the current situation or the future.

Biden is a scum bag who led us all to believe he is competent and a nice guy.

The facts show he is a lying, incompetent, half-wit, corrupt, sexually predatory reprobate who has intentionally misled us to benefit his disgusting, dishonest family and himself.

The only question should be, "noose or firing squad"?
Really?? Biden is a chronic liar. He was booted out of Law school for a year for plagiarism he had to quit his first run for president because he plagiarized a speech. He lied about being arrested while visiting Mandela . He also lied about marching with black protestors.

Great catch!

So everyone in the community said that?

Until he remarried in 1977, whenever Joe Biden attended a public safety event, parade or spoke during a firehouse banquet, police officers and firefighters would approach him and discuss the accident and the tragedy of his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi falling victim to a drunken driver. Imagine how those discussions must have affected the young Senator.
Until he remarried in 1977, whenever Joe Biden attended a public safety event, parade or spoke during a firehouse banquet, police officers and firefighters would approach him and discuss the accident and the tragedy of his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi falling victim to a drunken driver. Imagine how those discussions must have affected the young Senator.
LINK???? And where are the quotes from those people. And were those people's opinions shaped by firsthand knowledge or by rumors that Joe Himself started? Give me the answers to those basic questions.
Old business.

Biden occupies the White House.

Focus on the current situation or the future.

Biden is a scum bag who led us all to believe he is competent and a nice guy.

The facts show he is a lying, incompetent, half-wit, corrupt, sexually predatory reprobate who has intentionally misled us to benefit his disgusting, dishonest family and himself.

The only question should be, "noose or firing squad"?
NOTHING Trump has done is as mean-spirited and low-down as what Biden did here


So imagine that you are the innocent victim of a traffic accident which someone falsely said was your fault.

Imagine the accident resulted in lives being lost.

Then imagine the lives lost were those of the wife and child of a sitting US Senator!

And though the police never cited you as contributing to ANYTHING involving the crash, imagine the remorse and the guilt you might feel, even though you were not at fault.

But what if the Widowed Senator continued telling election crowds all through the land that the man who killed his wife and child had been drinking.

The mental anguish you might feel would be overwhelming.

And that even after a few years and a few decades, imagine the Senator failing to honor your family's requests to clear your name, but the Senator never did.

Instead, imagine the Senator continuing to publicly blame you for his family member's deaths.

And then you went to your grave without Biden ever clearing your name!

And that he continued accusing you for decades!

Joe Biden is shit.

NOTHING Donald Trump EVER DID was as low down, miserable, low lifed and mean spirited as the hell he put Curtis Dunne and his family through for DECADES!

And though I have no evidence to support this theory, it just fits Biden's way of thinking and acting.

I suspect Mrs. Biden realized what a shit he was and decided to end it all and take the kids with her so that they'd be spared his evils.

Maybe corruption. Maybe sexual. Maybe perversions. Maybe sex acts with kids.

Who knows?

And maybe it was just a tragic accident.

But by continuing to offer the press and the public this red herring* i.e. that Dunne had been drinking, and that his drinking was the cause of the "accident," that his ruse would divert suspicion from any other sub-plot that might hurt Biden and/or send him to prison.

Former Sec'y of Defense, Robert Gates has said that Joe Biden is "simply impossible not to like."

Biden wields his amiability like a sword and shield and in an era when appearances and emotions rule the day, Joe Biden has used the power of his likeability to deceive most of America.

And the choice between a gruff man of substance and accomplishment like Trump, vs a glad handing, do nothing, know nothing, unprincipled charlatan who trades on his ability to trick your minds with his personality, America has shown how far we have fallen as a society to have such an awful man leading our country.

Joe Biden is the devil's disciple.

*A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion. A red herring may be used intentionally, as in mystery fiction or as part of rhetorical strategies (e.g., in politics), or may be used in argumentation inadvertently.

Red herring - Wikipedia

the fucking scum bag biden claimed the driver was drunk. Now you know why he is the leader of the cunts