Now Do You Understand the Importance of Voting?

All those folks who stayed home because they were pissed about Bernie...or who listened to the Russian Agitprop and saw Clinton the way the GOP wanted you to see her, or simply had something else to do..

THIS is the result. Trump...and Supreme Court and lower court Justices who will be on the bench for a generation, They will roll back abortion rights, civil rights, and labor rights and protections.

They will roll back even the most basic gun control laws.

I think some who voted for Trump even if they did not like him did so purely because of the Supreme Court. They aren't concerned with gun laws or abortion rights but 1st Amendment rights. They don't want to be forced to contribute to an organization to keep their job or be forced to bake a cake that contains a pro-gay or anti-gay message.
Uh, you're sick.

No, I am not. But I do not mind a sicko like you supposing I am.

You live with that result. You choose hell.

If it makes you feel better about you and your life to think I choose hell...go for it.

I am happy...and I want you to be happy too.

Although if you fit the criteria I mentioned in my original post...I hope you spend eternity in hell.

Ah, so you're a satanist.

I am not a satanist.

And you are not a logician.
All those folks who stayed home because they were pissed about Bernie...or who listened to the Russian Agitprop and saw Clinton the way the GOP wanted you to see her, or simply had something else to do..

THIS is the result. Trump...and Supreme Court and lower court Justices who will be on the bench for a generation, They will roll back abortion rights, civil rights, and labor rights and protections.

They will roll back even the most basic gun control laws.

We have ONE chance to correct this and that is the mid-term election. If Dems fail to take back the House and more importantly the Senate next year...the window closes.

There will be no checks on the insanity that is Trump.
Exactly what we want to reverse the Leftward lurch of this country.
Clinton is a main stream Democrat..and a competent one at that.


Of course the right wing hates her

WRONG; we point at her and laugh you willful twit.
Upset at what Trump and Trumpers are doing to this country...yes

Yeah; liberals hate it when Americans pay less in taxes, can find jobs, don't have to be on food stamps and in general, see more money in their paychecks.

They also hate it when we bring rogue nations to the negotiating table. Better to go to war. After all, the past FOUR major wars we've been in were started with Democratic Presidents at the helm.
I still can't figure out why Trump lies so much. Does he not understand the difference between truth and falsehood, or does he know but doesn't care?

Either way, this is not a person who should be leading the USA and, supposedly, the western world. He should have stuck to swindling customers of his fake "university" and the like.

He doesn't; you're just a gullible dumbfuck who gets his information from left wing loon sites and ignore all the lies your side tell you. Dunce.
Uh, you're sick.

You live with that result. You choose hell. Ah, so you're a satanist.

I agree. That is silly. I voted for Johnson and I live in a red state that I knew Trump would easily win. I couldn't vote for him or Hillary, but I didn't help elect him because he would have won without my vote.

He won because liberals ran off the white working class voters by looking down on them and calling them ignorant racists and because many black voters who voted for Obama did not turn out for Hillary.
He doesn't; you're just a gullible dumbfuck who gets his information from left wing loon sites and ignore all the lies your side tell you. Dunce.

Come on, Truth Detector. We have all heard Trump lie many times because he is constantly talking. We didn't get that information from any media. If you are not aware of his many lies you are spending all your time with Fox or Rush or are blind. Some Trump supporters like everything he is doing and are willing to ignore his many lies.
Maybe if Bernie focused on important issues rather then the number of deodorant choices, he would of appealed to more then the degenerate left that has no understanding of economics.

Suggesting Liary Rotten was an actual choice or improvement over what we have now shows how little you offer to the rest of us

Good points.
Come on, Truth Detector. We have all heard Trump lie many times because he is constantly talking. We didn't get that information from any media. If you are not aware of his many lies you are spending all your time with Fox or Rush or are blind. Some Trump supporters like everything he is doing and are willing to ignore his many lies.

You miss the point, Obama lied to us for eight years and the media and left didn't care. They defended the lies. Trump doesn't lie a fraction as much as the media does about him. 2,000 lies, that's leftist bullshit. Don't swallow it.
Are you loons still going on about that sniper fire?

The fact that she lied about something so trivial and easily disproven speaks volumes about her.

Your acceptance of her in spite of her lies speaks volumes about you.
All those folks who stayed home because they were pissed about Bernie...or who listened to the Russian Agitprop and saw Clinton the way the GOP wanted you to see her, or simply had something else to do..

THIS is the result. Trump...and Supreme Court and lower court Justices who will be on the bench for a generation, They will roll back abortion rights, civil rights, and labor rights and protections.

They will roll back even the most basic gun control laws.

We have ONE chance to correct this and that is the mid-term election. If Dems fail to take back the House and more importantly the Senate next year...the window closes.

There will be no checks on the insanity that is Trump.

Yeah right! It's an absolute travesty that a President would actually appoint judges to the Courts that actually know how to read the Constitution and form opinions based in the actual dictionary definitions and textual righteousness of the Constitution as it's actually written, huh? I conclude there is no common sense, honesty or literal understanding of the Constitution by the left. They're either all mentally illiterate or bleeping liars, or both.
If it makes you feel better about you and your life to think I choose hell...go for it.
I don't think it. You admitted it, sort of:
Fact with the result of what they helped happen is sort of like living in HELL...
You are living with the result which in your own words is "sort of like living in hell."
I am happy...
Which is what satanists want to achieve - living in hell.
and I want you to be happy too.
You also said you want me to be in hell for eternity because I voted for Gary Johnson, the most qualified, honest, and most in line with classical liberalism. That would not bring me happiness.
Although if you fit the criteria I mentioned in my original post...I hope you spend eternity in hell.
You're not right, much less logical.

I am not a satanist.
Yet you are happy living in your own self described hell.
Yeah right! It's an absolute travesty that a President would actually appoint judges to the Courts that actually know how to read the Constitution and form opinions based in the actual dictionary definitions and textual righteousness of the Constitution as it's actually written, huh? I conclude there is no common sense, honesty or literal understanding of the Constitution by the left. They're either all mentally illiterate or bleeping liars, or both.

BoBo!!!! You're back!!!