Now Do You Understand the Importance of Voting?

You miss the point, Obama lied to us for eight years and the media and left didn't care. They defended the lies. Trump doesn't lie a fraction as much as the media does about him. 2,000 lies, that's leftist bullshit. Don't swallow it.

What Obama did is irrelevant but when he did the media certainly spent plenty of time on it (do a search). We are talking about Trump's many lies.

What is a media lie about Trump (creditable media, not left-wing trash)?
Clinton is a main stream Democrat..and a competent one at that.

What accomplishments did she achieve that make you think she's "competent"?

Having a vagina and being married to Blowjob Billy aren't accomplishments, BTW.
What Obama did is irrelevant but when he did the media certainly spent plenty of time on it (do a search). We are talking about Trump's many lies.

Most of the claims that he is lying are lies themselves or exaggerations. Give me an example and I will guide you through on how to detect a lie.

What is a media lie about Trump (creditable media, not left-wing trash)?

How about we start with the massive media lie "Muslim Ban?" There was no Muslim ban. That was a media LIE.

There are thousands if you need more.

Another one; "Trump Refers To Immigrants As ‘Animals.’ " He was referring to MS 13.

There are thousands if you need more.

"A White Supremacist Black Swan?

Why Donald Trump's fringe white nationalist supporters matter"

That screed was a pathetic and repugnant attempt to link Trump to the KKK and white supremacists.

There are thousands if you need more. Hell, you can just google Trump and come up with a thousand headlines that are FALSE and built on LIES and Trump hatred. This is from the MEDIA.
Never really left, just got fed up and tired of arguing with bleeping leftist idiots. Checked in once in awhile to read and laugh.

Well, good to see you post again. Really. We've had our disagreements but you at least have a brain and that is refreshing. ;)
Yes. Look at the election returns and analyses.

Or else, the Russians made us all vote that way. I was strongly for Hillary until I read the Facebook meme that she had a child sex ring in a Pizza shop. ;)

You're not serious are you? You actually think that the Russians helped Trump get elected? Stupid.
I don't think it. You admitted it, sort of:

Actually what I did was to deny it.

You are living with the result which in your own words is "sort of like living in hell."

Try to read with comprehension...if you can.

Which is what satanists want to achieve - living in hell.

No cigar...but I love the stretch.

You also said you want me to be in hell for eternity because I voted for Gary Johnson, the most qualified, honest, and most in line with classical liberalism. That would not bring me happiness. the deepest part of hell.

But for right now...I hope you are happy as a clam speaking with me.

You're not right, much less logical.

I am, in opposition to you, both right and logical.

Yet you are happy living in your own self described hell.

You are going to throw you back out stretching like that.

Calm down. Don't allow me to bother you so easily.
Most of the claims that he is lying are lies themselves or exaggerations.

I am not talking about news stories that he lied. I am talking about things I saw him say I knew was a lie or it became a lie. Just a few examples:

--he had to separate kids because he had to enforce the Democratic law (we don't have to enforce any law. He is not enforcing federal marijuana laws and ordered his administration not to enforce the punishment if people didn't buy health insurance.

--then he said he couldn't fix the problem with an executive order. Then, he "fixed" it with an executive order. Clearly a lie

--thousands of parents during the campaign asked him to bring home their dead sons from N. Korea. Those parents would have to be over 100 years old. Thousands of 100 year people going to his rallies?

--he had the largest electoral vote margin. Then changed it to largest margin of any Republican. Then changed it to "somebody told me that"

--3 million illegal voters in 2016 (yet his electoral commission quite meeting when they couldn't find any).

--largest inaugural crowd

--crime has been increasing in Germany

--When unemployment hit 5% under Obama he said it was about 20% higher (but when it hit 4% under Trump he said that was accurate)

I could list many more. These are just what I saw him say himself or Tweet.
I am not talking about news stories that he lied. I am talking about things I saw him say I knew was a lie or it became a lie. Just a few examples:

--he had to separate kids because he had to enforce the Democratic law (we don't have to enforce any law. He is not enforcing federal marijuana laws and ordered his administration not to enforce the punishment if people didn't buy health insurance.

He did not say is was a Democratic law; he said that was the law, which it is. Are you stupidly claiming that Trump just made up a law himself because he hates children? STFU

--then he said he couldn't fix the problem with an executive order. Then, he "fixed" it with an executive order. Clearly a lie

An executive order will not FIX the problem. He did it because Senator SCHUMER refused to act with Congress and offered him a pen; THAT was the LIE. His order can easily be overturned by legal action if the ACLU takes it to court.

--thousands of parents during the campaign asked him to bring home their dead sons from N. Korea. Those parents would have to be over 100 years old. Thousands of 100 year people going to his rallies?

So if someone exaggerates something he thinks he heard, that's lie? STFU. But the son's are coming home aren't they?

--he had the largest electoral vote margin. Then changed it to largest margin of any Republican. Then changed it to "somebody told me that"

So he made a mistake and that is a lie? But you were okay with "you can keep your plan and your doctor" right?

--3 million illegal voters in 2016 (yet his electoral commission quite meeting when they couldn't find any).

It's hard to find fraud when State's refuse to work with you and wish to keep the fraud a secret don't you think? How is this a lie?

--largest inaugural crowd

Exaggeration, perhaps; lie not hardly.

--crime has been increasing in Germany

It has been; immigrant crimes have gone through the roof. But leftist liars want to look at ALL crime stats and ignore the point Trump is making....that is the lie.

--When unemployment hit 5% under Obama he said it was about 20% higher (but when it hit 4% under Trump he said that was accurate)

I never saw Trump claim 4% was accurate. Link? But he was talking about REAL unemployment and not the reported unemployment everyone likes to look at because the numbers are lower. How is this a lie?

I could list many more. These are just what I saw him say himself or Tweet.

I am sure you could, and as illustrated above, most were not lies or mere exaggerations.

A lie is when you KNOW a fact and deliberately misquote it. Trump actually believes a lot of what he is saying. Obama KNEW he was lying to the American people. There is a difference. The MEDIA KNOWS their claims are lies and report them anyway. There is a HUGE difference.