Now that Havana poon said he moved to Thailand

Guno WISHES he was on a Thai beach, fucking Thai babes, drinking French beer, and smoking Thai sticks.
Unfortunately (for the rest of us) he's stuck in North Carolina being pulled over for BB (Being Black) :(

Thai women are the most infected with the worst venereal diseases of any women from any other country.
Thinking about Guano's racism, there are quite a few black guys go to Thailand now. Here is one guy I met and hung around with for a few days. Great singer, here he is singing Mustang Sally, sorry no video.

Guno WISHES he was on a Thai beach, fucking Thai babes, drinking French beer, and smoking Thai sticks.
Unfortunately (for the rest of us) he's stuck in North Carolina being pulled over for BB (Being Black) :(

"A Cannabis Thai Stick sounds like it’s some sort of explosive device, or perhaps something even more sinister and illegal than just plain marijuana. A Thai Stick is one of the oldest ways to smoke marijuana in the world, originating in Thailand thousands of years ago to when the plant was first domesticated."

"If you start to explore Thailand, especially the more rural parts, you’re going to find vendors of Cannabis Thai Sticks all over the place, selling their own special roll or unique ratio of marijuana to stalk."

Jack, get off this board. No one likes you, not even your Amazon grouliies. You are a pest, worse than a mosquitoe. Bzzzzzzzz, get, go, be gone....
Jack, get off this board. No one likes you, not even your Amazon grouliies. You are a pest, worse than a mosquitoe. Bzzzzzzzz, get, go, be gone....

You. little. fucking. toad. You've crossed the line. When my son gets home, which should be any time now, he'll fetch my Walker, and at that time, YOUR ASS IN MINE!
i like jack

Thanks 28 days.
Yurt is being mean to me ... again.
Naturally, I've Reported him.
But, sadly, hasn't learned his Lesson.
He is still viciously, unmercifully, consistently, and maliciously attacking me.

(wringing hands) I don't know what do do. :(