One plays like an idiot, one is an idiot. Hard to tell them apart sometimes. Even this game I thought you were Mott half the time, because your Yoda talk sucked as badly as Mutt's poems.

You claim my poems are a tumor;
When it's you who lacks any humor.
My poems shouldn't rancor;
Nor elicit your anger.
But if that is the case;
Then it would seem I am late
Cause I wish I had thought of it sooner. :)
What I said was that USF plays werewolf as a grudge match...to even the score with people he dislikes from the board. Which is exactly what he does. He is a terrible player and that is part of the reason...but only part. His unrivaled stupidity is the other part.

Actually from a strategic standpoint SF plays this game very well. It's obvious he and Grind have experience playing other strategy games. From the stand point of having fun while playing the game....he blows chunks. ;)
Actually from a strategic standpoint SF plays this game very well. It's obvious he and Grind have experience playing other strategy games. From the stand point of having fun while playing the game....he blows chunks. ;)

He appears to be having fun to me.

But back to how you know how Billy's dictate?
One plays like an idiot, one is an idiot. Hard to tell them apart sometimes. Even this game I thought you were Mott half the time, because your Yoda talk sucked as badly as Mutt's poems.

Your comments, now, are almost identical to the whining you've done, after several other games. :p
What I said was that USF plays werewolf as a grudge match...to even the score with people he dislikes from the board. Which is exactly what he does. He is a terrible player and that is part of the reason...but only part. His unrivaled stupidity is the other part.

The only ones who've agreed with this are members of your Saturday night Fishwife club.
It would carry more weight, if someone with common sense agreed with you.
You claim my poems are a tumor;
When it's you who lacks any humor.
My poems shouldn't rancor;
Nor elicit your anger.
But if that is the case;
Then it would seem I am late
Cause I wish I had thought of it sooner. :)

You've played enough times.
Do you see me playing Werewolf as a "grudge match" to get back at other individuals?
Not really.
One of the last time she played; she ended up getting lynched and then blamed it on the "men", picking on the "women".
As a matter of fact, she spent a great deal of time (posts) railing against Damo.

Isn't that sweet.
I mention Darla and Rune groans. :p
What I said was that USF plays werewolf as a grudge match...to even the score with people he dislikes from the board. Which is exactly what he does. He is a terrible player and that is part of the reason...but only part. His unrivaled stupidity is the other part.

I remember this one round he did really good, and we all thought he maybe had some sort of idiot-savant prowess with this game. But, he's never repeated it (LYNCH MOXY YOU MUST! LYNCH MOXY!!) it turned out it was more like a broken clock is right twice a day.
No....anoy them maybe and I actually thought you were one of the better game mods.

He does. He always tries to lynch me on the first day. The best was the game where his grudge play backfired on him, cause i really was a wolf and I used his previous grudge lynch attempt to lead a bandwagon on him. Then when he was dead he claimed that Grind hadn't used the random program this time and instead made me, Christie, and Rana all wolves in some sort of all-female dream team. We laughed our asses off talking about Grind being Charlie...now they work for me, my name is Grind. hahaha
He does. He always tries to lynch me on the first day. The best was the game where his grudge play backfired on him, cause i really was a wolf and I used his previous grudge lynch attempt to lead a bandwagon on him. Then when he was dead he claimed that Grind hadn't used the random program this time and instead made me, Christie, and Rana all wolves in some sort of all-female dream team. We laughed our asses off talking about Grind being Charlie...now they work for me, my name is Grind. hahaha

You're an idiot and I challenge you to prove your allegation; because throwing suspicion on someone is not proof that a person is TRYING to get them lynched. :palm:
He does. He always tries to lynch me on the first day. The best was the game where his grudge play backfired on him, cause i really was a wolf and I used his previous grudge lynch attempt to lead a bandwagon on him. Then when he was dead he claimed that Grind hadn't used the random program this time and instead made me, Christie, and Rana all wolves in some sort of all-female dream team. We laughed our asses off talking about Grind being Charlie...now they work for me, my name is Grind. hahaha

Yeah, this shit is why we don't ever get any females playing anymore. Again, we're anon now, so perhaps you can actually play this time instead of being pigeonholed by your gender. I know a lot of women are reluctant to reveal their gender online, just because people treat them differently and start being condescending and/or assholes to them.