You'll never know unless you try. To be honest....it's not hard to mime some of the other Members. For example....if you analyze every little thing and then jump on the the first person who makes a minor mistake, call them "Mutt" and behave like a maniac....everyone will think your SF. :)

Or you can act like some idiotic character and everyone will think your USF.

OK that was funny. Except nobody called me Mutt after my fuckup. Some did think Olaf was you.

I thought about trying to emulate USF, but I don't think I could stay in character for an entire game. That takes commitment.
Well, he did express anger when I killed SF and left him alive. He continued to angrily lash-out at people, but not at a noticeably higher rate.
We couldn't be as big an asshole as he is though!
Sure you can! Here's how you can be a bigger asshole than Super Freak in 5 easy steps.

#1. Have impossibly refined judgment. This is probably the hardest step in becoming a world class asshole as you really have to know your field and do some studying. I suggest specializing in something. General assholery is spectacularly impressive feat but it takes a virtual life time commitment of study to achieve. So choose a specialized field to be an asshole in. Faking is not an option here as you'll be held up to derision as a pretentious moron instead of a true asshole. Knowing your field means knowing it completely and utterly. So if you're going to be a Wine asshole you will need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a Gelber Muskateller and a Nerello Mascalese and be able to expound in snarky sarcasm to your host or hostess why it would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert. Obviously Super Freak has mastered the field of anal retentive conservative assholery.

#2. Use really big words. This is probably the easiest step in your ascendance to true asshole status. You just need a thesaurus and a dictionary. Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones. For example, in our wine asshole example use "phellem" instead of cork or "bouguet" instead of odor. Make sure you properly use your obscure words and loudly correct anyone who uses them incorrectly. In Super Freaks field he would be properly referred to as a "Machiavellianist" instead of an anal retentive conservative asshole.

#3. Chose something to hate. It doesn't matter what you hate as long as it's something everyone loves. Like puppies, children, flowers or chocolate. Don't hate something obscure as no one really cares that some acting asshole hates Maurice Chevalier. A true acting asshole hates Meryl Streep! To use our wine analogy a real wine asshole would hate champagne or merlot or Chardonnay. No true wine asshole would hate a gewürztraminer cause no one gives a rats ass about a gewürztraminer! Also remember to hate what you hate as loudly and obnoxiously as you can. This is an area in which Super Freak excels as an anal retentive conservative asshole cause, as we all know, everyone loves a liberal. :)

#4. Another area in which Super Freak excels as an asshole. Always bring a conversation around to you! No matter what the conversation is, make sure you are the star. When someone talks about their new car or boat or house in the Hamptons...remember....yours is bigger and better. If someone even remotely comes close to mentioning something in your area of expertise, make sure you dominate the conversation. Then, if you can, turn the conversation back to that which you hate in step 3 and complain loudly and bitterly. You'll be well on your way to being a true asshole.

#5. Always...and I mean always be right and be smugly self confident about being right. This is the ultimate culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you've mastered the first four steps you're prepared for this. If someone argues the merit of something you hate in step three bludgeon them to death with the words you learned in step two. This will not be difficult if the hated item is in your field of expertise in step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponents intelligence. Don't be concerned about being clever or witty or eloquent, you are an asshole after all, not a bitch. Also, whenever you win an argument, no matter what the reason, be as ungracious as you can be towards your fallen foe and taunt them mercilessly.

Super Freaks mastery of anal retentive conservative assholery is most evident in this step as his mastery of the first four steps of being an asshole are clearly evident.

Follow these five steps and in no time you can be a major asshole like Super Freak too. You may have no friends but you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is better than being a jerk or a loser; they not only lack friends, they lack style!
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Sure you can! Here's how you can be a bigger asshole than Super Freak in 5 easy steps.

#1. Have impossibly refined judgment. This is probably the hardest step in becoming a world class asshole as you really have to know your field and do some studying. I suggest specializing in something. General assholery is spectacularly impressive feat but it takes a virtual life time commitment of study to achieve. So choose a specialized field to be an asshole in. Faking is not an option here as you'll be held up to derision as a pretentious moron instead of a true asshole. Knowing your field means knowing it completely and utterly. So if you're going to be a Wine asshole you will need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a Gelber Muskateller and a Nerello Mascalese and be able to expound in snarky sarcasm to your host or hostess why it would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert. Obviously Super Freak has mastered the field of anal retentive conservative assholery.

#2. Use really big words. This is probably the easiest step in your ascendance to true asshole status. You just need a thesaurus and a dictionary. Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones. For example, in our wine asshole example use "phellem" instead of cork or "bouguet" instead of odor. Make sure you properly use your obscure words and loudly correct anyone who uses them incorrectly. In Super Freaks field he would be properly referred to as a "Machiavellianist" instead of an anal retentive conservative asshole.

#3. Chose something to hate. It doesn't matter what you hate as long as it's something everyone loves. Like puppies, children, flowers or chocolate. Don't hate something obscure as no one really cares that some acting asshole hates Maurice Chevalier. A true acting asshole hates Meryl Streep! To use our wine analogy a real wine asshole would hate champagne or merlot or Chardonnay. No true wine asshole would hate a gewürztraminer cause no one gives a rats ass about a gewürztraminer! Also remember to hate what you hate as loudly and obnoxiously as you can. This is an area in which Super Freak excels as an anal retentive conservative asshole cause, as we all know, everyone loves a liberal. :)

#4. Another area in which Super Freak excels as an asshole. Always bring a conversation around to you! No matter what the conversation is, make sure you are the star. When someone talks about their new car or boat or house in the Hamptons...remember....yours is bigger and better. If someone even remotely comes close to mentioning something in your area of expertise, make sure you dominate the conversation. Then, if you can, turn the conversation back to that which you hate in step 3 and complain loudly and bitterly. You'll be well on your way to being a true asshole.

#5. Always...and I mean always be right and be smugly self confident about being right. This is the ultimate culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you've mastered the first four steps you're prepared for this. If someone argues the merit of something you hate in step three bludgeon them to death with the words you learned in step two. This will not be difficult if the hated item is in your field of expertise in step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponents intelligence. Don't be concerned about being clever or witty or eloquent, you are an asshole after all, not a bitch. Also, whenever you win an argument, no matter what the reason, be as ungracious as you can be towards your fallen foe and taunt them mercilessly.

Super Freaks mastery of anal retentive conservative assholery is most evident in this step as his mastery of the first four steps of being an asshole are clearly evident.

Follow these five steps and in no time you can be a major asshole like Super Freak too. You may have no friends but you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is better than being a jerk or a loser; they not only lack friends, they lack style!
Tell me Mott, what does Darlas dick taste like? Since you're always racing to gobble on it.
Sure you can! Here's how you can be a bigger asshole than Super Freak in 5 easy steps.

#1. Have impossibly refined judgment. This is probably the hardest step in becoming a world class asshole as you really have to know your field and do some studying. I suggest specializing in something. General assholery is spectacularly impressive feat but it takes a virtual life time commitment of study to achieve. So choose a specialized field to be an asshole in. Faking is not an option here as you'll be held up to derision as a pretentious moron instead of a true asshole. Knowing your field means knowing it completely and utterly. So if you're going to be a Wine asshole you will need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a Gelber Muskateller and a Nerello Mascalese and be able to expound in snarky sarcasm to your host or hostess why it would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert. Obviously Super Freak has mastered the field of anal retentive conservative assholery.

#2. Use really big words. This is probably the easiest step in your ascendance to true asshole status. You just need a thesaurus and a dictionary. Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones. For example, in our wine asshole example use "phellem" instead of cork or "bouguet" instead of odor. Make sure you properly use your obscure words and loudly correct anyone who uses them incorrectly. In Super Freaks field he would be properly referred to as a "Machiavellianist" instead of an anal retentive conservative asshole.

#3. Chose something to hate. It doesn't matter what you hate as long as it's something everyone loves. Like puppies, children, flowers or chocolate. Don't hate something obscure as no one really cares that some acting asshole hates Maurice Chevalier. A true acting asshole hates Meryl Streep! To use our wine analogy a real wine asshole would hate champagne or merlot or Chardonnay. No true wine asshole would hate a gewürztraminer cause no one gives a rats ass about a gewürztraminer! Also remember to hate what you hate as loudly and obnoxiously as you can. This is an area in which Super Freak excels as an anal retentive conservative asshole cause, as we all know, everyone loves a liberal. :)

#4. Another area in which Super Freak excels as an asshole. Always bring a conversation around to you! No matter what the conversation is, make sure you are the star. When someone talks about their new car or boat or house in the Hamptons...remember....yours is bigger and better. If someone even remotely comes close to mentioning something in your area of expertise, make sure you dominate the conversation. Then, if you can, turn the conversation back to that which you hate in step 3 and complain loudly and bitterly. You'll be well on your way to being a true asshole.

#5. Always...and I mean always be right and be smugly self confident about being right. This is the ultimate culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you've mastered the first four steps you're prepared for this. If someone argues the merit of something you hate in step three bludgeon them to death with the words you learned in step two. This will not be difficult if the hated item is in your field of expertise in step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponents intelligence. Don't be concerned about being clever or witty or eloquent, you are an asshole after all, not a bitch. Also, whenever you win an argument, no matter what the reason, be as ungracious as you can be towards your fallen foe and taunt them mercilessly.

Super Freaks mastery of anal retentive conservative assholery is most evident in this step as his mastery of the first four steps of being an asshole are clearly evident.

Follow these five steps and in no time you can be a major asshole like Super Freak too. You may have no friends but you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is better than being a jerk or a loser; they not only lack friends, they lack style!

What the fuck did you do with my Vyvanse, Mott?
I seriously ran out on Saturday. I don't know if anyone could tell, but I was half asleep all monday. I had slept 12 hours and still wasn't right. I was more straightened out by Tuesday. But I posted a lot more on Thursday and Friday for that reason. The first two days, I wasn't really into it; I was mainly doing various forms of Vyvanse procrastination, which is the worst form of procrastination.
The voice I associated with Moxy in my head was considerably less annoying than the voice I associate with Mott. I'd suggest that Mott just become Moxy, and entirely leave his old persona behind.
And yes, I am officially the last person to temporarily become unlazy enough to bother to switch back to from my alt to my main. I think I wanted to post on Grind's wall, and it was lazier to simply do this than to go look up whatever name he's using now.
Bullshit you fucking liar.

What I said was that USF plays werewolf as a grudge match...to even the score with people he dislikes from the board. Which is exactly what he does. He is a terrible player and that is part of the reason...but only part. His unrivaled stupidity is the other part.