Nuclear War Simulation


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This is a frightening scenario, I would prefer to be vaporized at the onset?!! I'm to old for that Book of Eli existence?!!

Let's hope Putin is not insane too? (MAD)
Mutual assured destruction, is still pertinent today too?!!

I watched this Japanese Movie on the atomic bombings. All the 'survivors' headed towards the water because they were so burned with radiation. The River ended up being filled with corpses. Only a matter of time.

What's that saying: 'The Living are envious of the Dead'.
I watched this Japanese Movie on the atomic bombings. All the 'survivors' headed towards the water because they were so burned with radiation. The River ended up being filled with corpses. Only a matter of time.

What's that saying: 'The Living are envious of the Dead'.

The atomic bombs dropped of Japan were air burst too, about 1870 and 1650 feet when they detonated. There is no fallout from air bursts?!! If you want to kill a lot of people over a wide area, then air burst is the way to go?!! In this simulation, it was ground bursts, creating fallout and a nuclear winter and it be my guess everything is set for ground bursts today too?!!
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Russia has a small little dick tator!

I watched this Japanese Movie on the atomic bombings. All the 'survivors' headed towards the water because they were so burned with radiation. The River ended up being filled with corpses. Only a matter of time.

What's that saying: 'The Living are envious of the Dead'.

Feel free to PM me for tips. :thup:
The atomic bombs dropped of Japan were air burst too, about 1870 and 1650 feet when they detonated. There is no fallout from air bursts?!! If you want to kill a lot of people over a wide area, then air burst is the way to go?!! In this simulation, it was ground bursts, creating fallout and a nuclear winter and it be my guess anything is set for ground bursts today too?!!

I can just recount what the Japanese Movie portrayed. Rather gruesome.
Either way, it won't look like Ukraine with well-dressed women holding children getting on Buses and Trains.
The atomic bombs dropped of Japan were air burst too, about 1870 and 1650 feet when they detonated. There is no fallout from air bursts?!! If you want to kill a lot of people over a wide area, then air burst is the way to go?!! In this simulation, it was ground bursts, creating fallout and a nuclear winter and it be my guess anything is set for ground bursts today too?!!

As the book I posted shows, the worst scenario is nuclear power plants are deliberately targeted for nuclear ground bursts. That lays waste to vastly more territory than anything else does. Europe glows in the dark, quite literally.
Shout your love for Putin.

You're Putin lovers. If it was up to me, I'd put him naked in ring with 20 Ukrainians who have lost family members, arm them with rusty crowbars then let them shred Putin on PPV.

They can make Putin a pinata, then a pin cushion using existing orifices then cut a major artery to see how long it takes him to bleed out.
Apparently Putin has promised that he will not be the first to use nukes, but what our infant rulers are doing has us closer to nuclear war than we have been in decades.

Here's the REAL simulation.

It's a shout out to each other, letting each other know they're there, active and ready.