Nuclear War Simulation

Ambassador de Sadesky: It was to be announced at the Party Congress on Monday. As you know, the Premier loves surprises.

Another reason why I never went into politics or wanted an office job. I'd have to work with idiots like that mentality all day.

Yep. And now you know why our current crop of fuck ups in Dirty City are running everything into the ground.
Yep. And now you know why our current crop of fuck ups in Dirty City are running everything into the ground.

Agreed. So what's the solution? What it's not is overthrowing the government and installing a dictator. Left or Right, a dictator is a dictator.
Which one would you rather have? A far left dictator or a far right dictator? Why or why not?

Neither because human beings are subject to corruption and giving them absolute power is an absolute way to ensure it will eventually go absolutely bad. There were good Roman Emperors but there were some really shitty ones too. Were the good emperors really worth condemning your kin to suffer the bad ones down the road? Not IMO.

Brutus and the Senators were heroes for killing a dictator. The Praetorian Guard were heroes in killing very bad emperors. The main reason Brutus gets a bad rap in our society is because Shakespeare was in fear of the monarchy should he hint that killing one's absolute rulers was a good thing. An American should not hesitate to kill a tyrant.

Neither because human beings are subject to corruption and giving them absolute power is an absolute way to ensure it will eventually go absolutely bad. There were good Roman Emperors but there were some really shitty ones too. Were the good emperors really worth condemning your kin to suffer the bad ones down the road? Not IMO.

Brutus and the Senators were heroes for killing a dictator. The Praetorian Guard were heroes in killing very bad emperors. The main reason Brutus gets a bad rap in our society is because Shakespeare was in fear of the monarchy should he hint that killing one's absolute rulers was a good thing. An American should not hesitate to kill a tyrant.


If I had to make a choice, I would have chose Hitler or Mussolini. At least we wouldn't be starving. Less murders of citizens.

There is a danger of theocracy when a country tends to the far right. See Middle East.
If I had to make a choice, I would have chose Hitler or Mussolini. At least we wouldn't be starving. Less murders of citizens.

There is a danger of theocracy when a country tends to the far right. See Middle East.

Despite the misconceptions and outright lies from the Alt-Right, Hitler and Mussolini's version of fascism was pretty centered. Agreed Theocracies lean right, they lean conservative.

This is where the Republicans fucked up and lost their way after 2012 and the reason I stopped calling myself a Republican. There are millions of untapped conservatives in the United States as identified by the Growth & Opportunity Project: they are strongly family oriented, they are hard working, they are very traditional and they are devoutly religious. Most were also brown and spoke Spanish, so the fucking morons in majority of the Republican Party blew off the report and went in the opposite direction: moar racism. The results are seen on JPP.

Notice all the assholes at the top of the chart and the good folks at the bottom. :thup:

Would you rather live under more authoritarian rule or more libertarian?
Despite the misconceptions and outright lies from the Alt-Right, Hitler and Mussolini's version of fascism was pretty centered. Agreed Theocracies lean right, they lean conservative.

This is where the Republicans fucked up and lost their way after 2012 and the reason I stopped calling myself a Republican. There are millions of untapped conservatives in the United States as identified by the Growth & Opportunity Project: they are strongly family oriented, they are hard working, they are very traditional and they are devoutly religious. Most were also brown and spoke Spanish, so the fucking morons in majority of the Republican Party blew off the report and went in the opposite direction: moar racism. The results are seen on JPP.

Notice all the assholes at the top of the chart and the good folks at the bottom. :thup:

Would you rather live under more authoritarian rule or more libertarian?

Just saw your edited post. Dunno why I wasn't notified. Anyway, I'd rather live under Washington.
Just saw your edited post. Dunno why I wasn't notified. Anyway, I'd rather live under Washington.


When a party supports suppressing freedom, as both major American parties often do, then I'm supporting the third option.

I don't think the alert function works for edited posts past the first time.
Cloth masks aren't effective. The CNN medical expert called them mere facial decorations a while back.


While it's logical to discuss relative effectiveness of various means of pandemic mitigation, to claim that a defensive measure is completely useless is both a lie and stupid.

IMO, it's like telling someone a thin Kevlar vest isn't effective against large caliber rifle bullets. While true, to discard the vest is stupid because it still provides limited protection from shrapnel, ricochets, glancing rounds and smaller caliber rounds.
This is a frightening scenario, I would prefer to be vaporized at the onset?!! I'm to old for that Book of Eli existence?!!

Let's hope Putin is not insane too? (MAD)
Mutual assured destruction, is still pertinent today too?!!

Totally chilling. I think Russia is as aware of the consequences of using nukes as we are.
This is a frightening scenario, I would prefer to be vaporized at the onset?!! I'm to old for that Book of Eli existence?!!

Let's hope Putin is not insane too? (MAD)
Mutual assured destruction, is still pertinent today too?!!

Double mask KN95's Kenny and give it two weeks to flatten the curve.