Nuclear War Simulation

Good, then you know the idiots who joke about nuclear war don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

I might joke about it, but it's gallows humor. Nuclear war is very serious business and would definitely set mankind back a couple of centuries, but it wouldn't be the end of the world either. For example, that opening video greatly over estimates the effects of radiation. First, most radiation from nuclear devices is alpha or beta and that means you have to breathe or eat it. Finally, a reason to wear a cheap cloth mask!
You're Putin lovers. If it was up to me, I'd put him naked in ring with 20 Ukrainians who have lost family members, arm them with rusty crowbars then let them shred Putin on PPV.

They can make Putin a pinata, then a pin cushion using existing orifices then cut a major artery to see how long it takes him to bleed out.

Well, it's probably going to have to be someone within the Russian government.
This is a MUST watch if you want to truly understand the after effects of nuclear war.

The effects of a nuclear holocaust on the working class city of Sheffield, England and the eventual long-term effects of nuclear war on civilization.

Mostly exaggeration and fiction there.

First, there's the size of the bomb going off. After the initial blast and thermo-effects, all you have is to worry about secondary radiation, mostly alpha and beta. These mostly die off within two weeks after which you have to deal with low levels of long-term radiation. If you don't eat or breathe it in you are pretty much safe from these effects.

How much effect a bomb will have on you depends on your distance from the detonation based on its size.
I might joke about it, but it's gallows humor. Nuclear war is very serious business and would definitely set mankind back a couple of centuries, but it wouldn't be the end of the world either. For example, that opening video greatly over estimates the effects of radiation. First, most radiation from nuclear devices is alpha or beta and that means you have to breathe or eat it. Finally, a reason to wear a cheap cloth mask!

Finally? Um knock knock 1346-1353 ring any bell?
Finally? Um knock knock 1346-1353 ring any bell?

If you are referring to the plague of Europe, not a valid comparison. People can be easily informed ahead of time how to handle post nuclear device radiation. Of course, most will be stupid and not do what needs doing so nature will take her course.
If you are referring to the plague of Europe, not a valid comparison. People can be easily informed ahead of time how to handle post nuclear device radiation. Of course, most will be stupid and not do what needs doing so nature will take her course.

You said finally. It has already been done in the past. The Spanish Flu and others. We had legit reason to wear masks.
If you are referring to the plague of Europe, not a valid comparison. People can be easily informed ahead of time how to handle post nuclear device radiation. Of course, most will be stupid and not do what needs doing so nature will take her course.

General "Buck" Turgidson: Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.
I might joke about it, but it's gallows humor. Nuclear war is very serious business and would definitely set mankind back a couple of centuries, but it wouldn't be the end of the world either. For example, that opening video greatly over estimates the effects of radiation. First, most radiation from nuclear devices is alpha or beta and that means you have to breathe or eat it. Finally, a reason to wear a cheap cloth mask!

Most people don't get gallows humor as humor. Look at AHZ; he's a goth kid who takes this shit seriously. He takes people like you seriously because he can't see you're joking.
You said finally. It has already been done in the past. The Spanish Flu and others. We had legit reason to wear masks.

A simple cloth mask will work against alpha and beta radiation. They don't against viruses. Radioactive particles are charged. They are attracted to the fibers in the mask and discharge to them rendering them harmless. Most of these are also part of larger particles like dust making it easy to trap them. So, versus fallout masks work. Versus an airborne virus, they generally don't.
A simple cloth mask will work against alpha and beta radiation. They don't against viruses. Radioactive particles are charged. They are attracted to the fibers in the mask and discharge to them rendering them harmless. Most of these are also part of larger particles like dust making it easy to trap them. So, versus fallout masks work. Versus an airborne virus, they generally don't.

You mean aerosolized viruses. Proper masks work for that.


Plastic masks, hazmat suit and n95 work the best.
General "Buck" Turgidson: Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.

Great movie... Or when Dr. Strangelove asks the Russian ambassador "Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you keep it a secret! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?"
Great movie... Or when President Muffley tells the Russian ambassador "What good is a doomsday device if you don't tell anyone about it?"

Ambassador de Sadesky: It was to be announced at the Party Congress on Monday. As you know, the Premier loves surprises.

Another reason why I never went into politics or wanted an office job. I'd have to work with that mentality all day.