Nuclear War Simulation


While it's logical to discuss relative effectiveness of various means of pandemic mitigation, to claim that a defensive measure is completely useless is both a lie and stupid.

IMO, it's like telling someone a thin Kevlar vest isn't effective against large caliber rifle bullets. While true, to discard the vest is stupid because it still provides limited protection from shrapnel, ricochets, glancing rounds and smaller caliber rounds.

For God's sake Mr. Tiny Penis, your duckduckgo machine broken? Get woke!

Thanks for the links since they prove you are less informed and much more gullible than you want to admit.

Consider the first link with this comment: "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that cloth masks have never been effective." It links the CDC source. What does their CDC source actually say? It's a New York Times article headlined that the CDC admits some masks are better than others.

The second link is about cloth masks like bandannas, not the regular surgical masks.

Dude, you're dragging down the national average IQ. Please stop doing that.

While it's logical to discuss relative effectiveness of various means of pandemic mitigation, to claim that a defensive measure is completely useless is both a lie and stupid.

IMO, it's like telling someone a thin Kevlar vest isn't effective against large caliber rifle bullets. While true, to discard the vest is stupid because it still provides limited protection from shrapnel, ricochets, glancing rounds and smaller caliber rounds.
Mr. Tiny Penis loves diversion when he is cornered. He got exactly what he asked for and all we get is his America hating bulllshit.
Key words, as all the intelligent adults will note, are "cloth masks" and "Omicron".

Pearl clutchers will scream "MASKS DON'T WORK!" just like Darth Omar. LOL

The efficacy of cloth masks was always a question mark, though. BTW, do you recall which noted physician said that masks are unnecessary on TV?
The efficacy of cloth masks was always a question mark, though. BTW, do you recall which noted physician said that masks are unnecessary on TV?

Funny how the Trumpers keep clinging to the "Masks don't work" meme even as they walk it back to "only cloth masks don't work" and only with Omicron. LOL
"Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There's no place for them in light of Omicron," CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, recently said on "CNN Newsroom."
Funny how the Trumpers keep clinging to the "Masks don't work" meme even as they walk it back to "only cloth masks don't work" and only with Omicron. LOL
"Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There's no place for them in light of Omicron," CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, recently said on "CNN Newsroom."

Supposedly, it's only the KN-95 masks that are particularly effective. That being said, once everyone who wanted to vax was able to, the pandemic should have been considered over.
Supposedly, it's only the KN-95 masks that are particularly effective. That being said, once everyone who wanted to vax was able to, the pandemic should have been considered over.

For Omicron. Got it. Thanks.

You're making a political decision, not a scientific one.
For Omicron. Got it. Thanks.

You're making a political decision, not a scientific one.

I take it you never bothered to read any of the available data on the efficacy of cloth/surgical/KN-95 masks throughout the various stages of the pandemic. This was always known even before the vaccines were completed.
I take it you never bothered to read any of the available data on the efficacy of cloth/surgical/KN-95 masks throughout the various stages of the pandemic. This was always known even before the vaccines were completed.

Which goes back to the body armor thing; there's light, medium and an M1 Abrams tank.

Why would any sane person refuse to wear light body armor because they didn't have a tank?
Which goes back to the body armor thing; there's light, medium and an M1 Abrams tank.

Why would any sane person refuse to wear light body armor because they didn't have a tank?

Because you either contact an illness or you do not. There is no "partial protection" from an ineffective face decoration. All it does is make me "compliant."
Because you either contact an illness or you do not. There is no "partial protection" from an ineffective face decoration. All it does is make me "compliant."

Soooo.....never wear light body armor because it wont stop an AK-47 round. Got it. I've seen the attitude before.
This is a frightening scenario, I would prefer to be vaporized at the onset?!! I'm to old for that Book of Eli existence?!!

Let's hope Putin is not insane too? (MAD)
Mutual assured destruction, is still pertinent today too?!!

they've been doing similar crap since I was a kid....but the REAL threat (as we were told) was when the USSR broke down, and there was the possibility of nuke triggers or nuke material being grab and sold on the black market.

Quite frankly, I'm more worried about terrorist threats against all those nuke plants across the globe ... much less an honest accident by operating officials or those who truck the waste to disposal sites. Scary.
Soooo.....never wear light body armor because it wont stop an AK-47 round. Got it. I've seen the attitude before.

It's a good thing your understanding of infectious illness is so astute. The correct answer is to have people utilize the correct equipment (i.e. not a cloth mask if they really want to avoid contracting any variant of COVID, from the original Xi Xinping to Omicron). Otherwise you're just being a douche.
It's a good thing your understanding of infectious illness is so astute....

Not a medical person nor a scumbag lawyer. Just following common sense rules. Obviously some masks are superior than others but even a bandana is better than nothing. Not much, but still better.

The difference between cloth masks and nothing was shown during the Spanish Flu pandemic. No doubt it will also be proved when all the data is compiled on states and cities which citizens wore masks versus those like Darth claimed "masks don't work". Remember him? LOL

Not a medical person nor a scumbag lawyer. Just following common sense rules. Obviously some masks are superior than others but even a bandana is better than nothing. Not much, but still better.

The difference between cloth masks and nothing was shown during the Spanish Flu pandemic. No doubt it will also be proved when all the data is compiled on states and cities which citizens wore masks versus those like Darth claimed "masks don't work". Remember him? LOL


Getting back to your body armour comparison (which is oranges to the mask apples), if you have a higher quality line of vests in your inventory, and you send guys out on patrol with some older crap you have lying around, then, you can't really pat yourself on the back for making them safe.

It's still a bad comparison, because, any old vest is still better than a t-shirt, but, any old mask isn't any better than being maskless.