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One of the biggest problems with Threedee, and humanity in general, is that he considers himself smarter than everyone else. Whenever by his own definition he'd probably be the poster child of the "ignorant masses".
One of the biggest problems with Threedee, and humanity in general, is that he considers himself smarter than everyone else. Whenever by his own definition he'd probably be the poster child of the "ignorant masses".

I have no doubt that there is huge variation in human ability, and that some people are better at some skills than others, but that's not what ELITISM is. Elitism is feeling you have a right to victimize others because you may be better at something. It's tragic that we train the best and brightest amongst us to work for population reduction programs and insane totalitarian fiat currency systems.

You are your brothers keeper.
I have no doubt that there is huge variation in human ability, and that some people are better at some skills than others, but that's not what ELITISM is. Elitism is feeling you have a right to victimize others because you may be better at something. It's tragic that we train the best and brightest amongst us to work for population reduction programs and insane totalitarian fiat currency systems.

You are your brothers keeper.

I hate to admit it but controlling population may be the only way to help your brother.
I hate to admit it but controlling population may be the only way to help your brother.

Nope. It's not. We could farm more earth, stop paying farmers not to grow food. Etc. The best and brightest are focused on genocide, not helping humanity, that's the basic point. You too have fallen for the death = help meme.
Actually we pay farmers not to grow food as part of a soil erosion fighting program. Problem is with rising food prices, fewer and fewer farmers are willing to let their fields go fallow, and it's going to destroy the Earth they're working on.
Actually we pay farmers not to grow food as part of a soil erosion fighting program. Problem is with rising food prices, fewer and fewer farmers are willing to let their fields go fallow, and it's going to destroy the Earth they're working on.

No it's not. And anyway, fuck the earth, love humanity.
Humanity cannot survive without the Earth. I love the Earth because I love humanity. Soil erosion is a massive problem and will only result in less land being farmable in the end. Look at the Sahara for a good example.

I believe in basic environmental protection, but erosion is not a catastrophic occurrence. That dirt washes to somewhere else, and over time, a new plain will emerge somewhere. The mistake of envirowackos is assuming that any flux is bad.

Erosion is certainly not reason enough to starve people.
Where would we get the food to supply the other planets?

Even if we could cultivate another planet, the human population would plummet from 6 billion to 20 or so. And after that, the people who were on the planet probably wouldn't have the know how to keep it all together, and something would screw up, and they'd die.

Which is why we have to keep the goddamn soil together. YOu're the guy starving people. Yeah flux is bad - the sahara is bad. The soil floats into the ocean and may come back up in 50 million years or so. Who knows.
We could colonize the moon rather easily. Mars would be a bigger challenge, due to the 7+ month trip required to get there, but is also feasible.
One of the biggest problems with Threedee, and humanity in general, is that he considers himself smarter than everyone else. Whenever by his own definition he'd probably be the poster child of the "ignorant masses".

Naw, I just consider humanity to be stupid. I haven't really placed myself in the enlightened category. I'm just self-aware, and I actually consider myself to be unintelligent, though perhaps more wise than some... I am an elitist, but I am not an elite - go figure.

Oh, and Asshate, you're absolutely right. I think that if you don't have money, then you should just go dig a grave and shoot yourself. :pke:
Naw, I just consider humanity to be stupid. I haven't really placed myself in the enlightened category. I'm just self-aware, and I actually consider myself to be unintelligent, though perhaps more wise than some... I am an elitist, but I am not an elite - go figure.

Oh, and Asshate, you're absolutely right. I think that if you don't have money, then you should just go dig a grave and shoot yourself. :pke:

At least you own your character defects. Empowering isn't it? Oprah would be proud.