NWO Tools

Asshate say corporations must now sell goods and services at net loss. Threedee say Asshate is fucking nationalist internationalist fascist, and moronic dhimmist. It is not his right to infringe upon other's natural rights.

Consider yourself pwned, motherfuckineer!
Nope. It's the result of asshole internationalists fascists who want to consolidate their power by subverting all national governments and making sure they serve multinational corporations instead of the people they're supposed to protect.

Nope. It's the result of technological improvements which have made the cost of transporation and communication closer and closer to being trivial.
Why do you think nations exist Asshat?

It's because people went off in different directions, and stopped being able to communicate with each other, which gave them an excuse to kill each other for being different.
Why do you think nations exist Asshat?

It's because people went off in different directions, and stopped being able to communicate with each other, which gave them an excuse to kill each other for being different.

Nope. Internationalism is an excuse to kill people for being different. You're upside down, douchebag.

Legitimate states exist to protect people, not facilitate their destruction through instilling guilt and shame.
You are both fuckers, but at least Watermark is just trolling, so he has an excuse... Asshate, you are such a tool for the globull dhimmist conspiracy to place everyone under oppressive Muslim taxation!!! Curse you and you're NAU! :nono:
You are both fuckers, but at least Watermark is just trolling, so he has an excuse... Asshate, you are such a tool for the globull dhimmist conspiracy to place everyone under oppressive Muslim taxation!!! Curse you and you're NAU! :nono:

Being ridiculous doesn't bolster your argument, Big Chief Nuts On Chin.
Well, then, why don't you take you're own advise?

i'm not being ridiculous. You yourself are an open brainwashed advocate of the matters of which I speak, a perfect example of the average brainwashed neocon, spouting the usual propaganda, unable to think critically, or get real.

Yes you can.
Once again, a shining example of asshat roundly kicking ass and how. Lets all give threedee a hand picking his teeth from out of the floor, the roof of his mouth, and asshat's boot.
i'm not being ridiculous. You yourself are an open brainwashed advocate of the matters of which I speak, a perfect example of the average brainwashed neocon, spouting the usual propaganda, unable to think critically, or get real.

Yes you can.

What do you mean? Everyone in America has looked at GNP/GDP and "the economy" dating back to the time of the founding generation, and yet you call that "fascism." It proves that you are a disingenuous bastard. It is neither practical or necessary to look at "individual" accounts. You cannot run a national economy using microeconomic data. Trade, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. would fail if we did it your way. Unless you really want us to all live as paupers, but I think its just that you are an idiot internationalist nationalist.
What do you mean? Everyone in America has looked at GNP/GDP and "the economy" dating back to the time of the founding generation, and yet you call that "fascism." It proves that you are a disingenuous bastard. It is neither practical or necessary to look at "individual" accounts. You cannot run a national economy using microeconomic data. Trade, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. would fail if we did it your way. Unless you really want us to all live as paupers, but I think its just that you are an idiot internationalist nationalist.

Well if everyone ran off a cliff would you too?

When MOST people are neck deep in debt it's assinine to say the economy is good, unless of course, you only care about bankers and coroporations making money. It's fascist to ignore the precarious situations of most people and instead focus on relatively meaningless abstractions.

I'm an internationalist populist.
No, you're just an idiot. And if everyone ran off the cliff, I would too, because there is either a wonderful spring at the bottom or the threat of being very lonely for the rest of my days at work there. And if bankers and industrialists can make for a better economy than some foolish individuals, so be it... They aren't going to produce anything and America will soon after find itself being destroyed.
Once again, a shining example of asshat roundly kicking ass and how. Lets all give threedee a hand picking his teeth from out of the floor, the roof of his mouth, and asshat's boot.
Do you write your hymns to AHZ spontaneously based solely on your emotions, or does it take a bit of thought first?
No, you're just an idiot. And if everyone ran off the cliff, I would too, because there is either a wonderful spring at the bottom or the threat of being very lonely for the rest of my days at work there. And if bankers and industrialists can make for a better economy than some foolish individuals, so be it... They aren't going to produce anything and America will soon after find itself being destroyed.

SO. YOU would run off a cliff. You believe in fascism, and anyone who doesn't deserves to be destroyed. You're a stunning example of how totalitarian movements succeed. Congratulations. Seek help.
SO. YOU would run off a cliff. You believe in fascism, and anyone who doesn't deserves to be destroyed. You're a stunning example of how totalitarian movements succeed. Congratulations. Seek help.

How does my exercizing free will constitute fascism? No one forced me to jump off of the cliff... Also, how does the exercize of free will with regard to globalization/enterprise/markets constitute fascism? You are the only one telling others what to do, making you the only fascist at the table. Go away and collect your Dhimmi taxes for Mecca...
How does my exercizing free will constitute fascism?
That's right, you have the right to be an idiotic sheeple. And its' your choice, as an individual, to abandon critical thought and just go with groupthink.
No one forced me to jump off of the cliff... Also, how does the exercize of free will with regard to globalization/enterprise/markets constitute fascism? You are the only one telling others what to do, making you the only fascist at the table. Go away and collect your Dhimmi taxes for Mecca...

I'm informing you of the bizareness of your standards for "good economy". You say yourself you choose gdp as an accurate measure simply because it's what others do. And you're right, as an individual you have a right to abandon critical thought and be a brainwashed fascist follower. More power to you.