NWO Tools

Yep, but that might work out well for them. There is lots of money to be made in misery too.

Soon the people will assert their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and throw off the yoke of an oppressive and totalitarian currency system.
Soon the people will assert their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and throw off the yoke of an oppressive and totalitarian currency system.

Not soon, suffering must happen first to make us men again.
We are just spoiled wussies now.
Not everyone is a fascist, and therefore we don't all see globalization as a bad thing. Its a natural trend in the global economy, period. And its sad to see that Asshat hates immigrants - stupid nativist xenophobe...
Not everyone is a fascist, and therefore we don't all see globalization as a bad thing. Its a natural trend in the global economy, period. And its sad to see that Asshat hates immigrants - stupid nativist xenophobe...

Actually fascists love it the most, as it puts multinational corporations in the drivers seat. And as we see from your behavior above, the only argument mosts globalists have in the end is personal attack.

Citizens deserve the labor market protections of a functioning border and an immigration policy NOT designed with corporate needs in mind.

You stumbled upon the truth in the other thread, where you admitted a debt/consumerism based society is bad for individuals and bad for the country. So who then is it good for? Corporations. But because you're brainwashed you will have stumbled over the truth only to get up, dust yourself off, and pretend nothing happened. I pity your idiocy.
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Globalization is the result of technological improvements which have made the cost of transporation and communication closer and closer to being trivial.
Actually fascists love it the most, as it puts multinational corporations in the drivers seat. And as we see from your behavior above, the only argument mosts globalists have in the end is personal attack.

Citizens deserve the labor market protections of a functioning border and an immigration policy NOT designed with corporate needs in mind.

You stumbled upon the truth in the other thread, where you admitted a debt/consumerism based society is bad for individuals and bad for the country. So who then is it good for? Corporations. But because you're brainwashed you will have stumbled over the truth only to get up, dust yourself off, and pretend nothing happened. I pity your idiocy.

When you lose your inalienable, God-given, Natural Right to property, then you have fascism, and that is exactly what attempts to interfere with free markets and free trade are all about.

Secondly, you liar, I said that individual (micro) debt is great for the economy, and national (macro) debt is bad for the economy. Not everyone who benefits from individual debt is connected to a corporation. Many are small business owners.
Globalization is the result of technological improvements which have made the cost of transporation and communication closer and closer to being trivial.

Nope. It's the result of asshole internationalists fascists who want to consolidate their power by subverting all national governments and making sure they serve multinational corporations instead of the people they're supposed to protect. Technological improvements have merely made it easier for them.
When you lose your inalienable, God-given, Natural Right to property, then you have fascism, and that is exactly what attempts to interfere with free markets and free trade are all about.

Secondly, you liar, I said that individual (micro) debt is great for the economy, and national (macro) debt is bad for the economy. Not everyone who benefits from individual debt is connected to a corporation. Many are small business owners.

There is private property under fascism, especially for ceo's.

No. You said it hurts indiviudals. You're actually the liar here.

I've pwned you multiple times.
You said debt hurts individuals.

And it DOES NOT MATTER ONE FRIGGIN BIT THAT DEBT HURTS INDIVIDUALS! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM ALL! I admitted that debt hurts individuals, which is TOTALLY unimportant, you dhimmist, nationalist internationalist! On the micro level, debt is great for the economy, because one man's debt is several other men's profit. That is the point I was making, but you were too busy blowing you're dhimmist masters to catch on.
And it DOES NOT MATTER ONE FRIGGIN BIT THAT DEBT HURTS INDIVIDUALS! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM ALL! I admitted that debt hurts individuals, which is TOTALLY unimportant, you dhimmist, nationalist internationalist! On the micro level, debt is great for the economy, because one man's debt is several other men's profit. That is the point I was making, but you were too busy blowing you're dhimmist masters to catch on.

You have it reversed, corporate profit is everyone else's debt. Using gdp as a measure of economic health is moronic. Your attitude above is why I call you internationalist fascists "assholes", instead of "enlightened", your prefered moniker.

Do you think Mcain, Hillary or Obama will be running on the "Fuck Individuals!" platform?
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They should be. Its enlightened. And obviously you are not an economist, otherwise you would not say something idiotic like "gdp is not a valid way of measuring the health of the economy." We need Topspin and his cleaver one-liners here, because you're concept of finance and economics has been weighed and found wanting....
They should be. Its enlightened. And obviously you are not an economist, otherwise you would not say something idiotic like "gdp is not a valid way of measuring the health of the economy." We need Topspin and his cleaver one-liners here, because you're concept of finance and economics has been weighed and found wanting....

It's not enlightened, it's corporations and banks making profit by putting other people into debt.

GDP is just the amount of goods and services being sold. Of course CORPORATIONS like that measure, because they only do the deal at a profit. if it's not profitable the deal doesn't happen. Individuals are going into debt to make the deals happen. Considering the staggering amount of consumer debt, I would say the economy is not healthy. Of course, fascists like you deny these obvious truths, and prefer the abstractions which gloss over these realities.

Consider yourself pwned.
Anyway, back to he nwo thing - it's a go. perhaps not in the way it's being depicted, but make no mistake, the idea of supranationalist states (instituions) emerging out of what are now regional trading blocs will continue to happen. Who knows how far things will gooooooooooo.....IMHO, the shit will really hit the fan once every continent has formed and organized themselves.....Canada/US/Mexcio, South America, the EU, the African Union and so on.....
Anyway, back to he nwo thing - it's a go. perhaps not in the way it's being depicted, but make no mistake, the idea of supranationalist states (instituions) emerging out of what are now regional trading blocs will continue to happen. Who knows how far things will gooooooooooo.....IMHO, the shit will really hit the fan once every continent has formed and organized themselves.....Canada/US/Mexcio, South America, the EU, the African Union and so on.....

It will stop happening when people wise up and reject it. It's merely being PRESENTED as what will happen. It being inevitable is part of the brainwash.
It will stop happening when people wise up and reject it. It's merely being PRESENTED as what will happen. It being inevitable is part of the brainwash.
Oh puuuulease. You even used all caps for emphasis. People never wise up in time. But keep the faith, man. And i mean that in a nice way.