NYC Mayor Eric Adams indicted by grand jury in historic federal probe

If you actually believe that, you should euthanized and put to rest.
We see one after another phony charge against Trump ending up in the toilet where it should have been all along.
How's that Fani nonsense working out for her and her boyfriend?
Isn't it sad that grown men have the mental maturity of a 10 year old?
It astounds me. I don't know how fully formed men can go through their entire lives being dumber than aquarium algae and succumbing to the most ridiculous manipulations possible.
We see one after another phony charge against Trump ending up in the toilet where it should have been all along.
How's that Fani nonsense working out for her and her boyfriend?
So far he has been found guilty 34 times. He's a felon, you cock sucking idiot. And also your gawd.
It astounds me. I don't know how fully formed men can go through their entire lives being dumber than aquarium algae and succumbing to the most ridiculous manipulations possible.
It's a combination of low IQ and poor education.

New research on Trump voters: They're not the sharpest tools in the box
Now there's proof: Trump's voters lack "cognitive sophistication

Low levels of cognitive sophistication may lead people to embrace simple cognitive shortcuts, like stereotypes and prejudices that were amplified by the Trump campaign. Additionally, the simple linguistic style presented by Trump may have appealed to voters with limited education and cognitive sophistication. Beginning with [T.W.] Adorno's classic study of the authoritarian personality, empirical works have linked low levels of cognitive sophistication with right-wing orientations....

Trump's campaign may also have been more attractive to people with low cognitive sophistication and a preference for low-effort information processing because compared to other candidates Trump's speeches were given at a much lower reading level…. While much of the Trump campaign's rhetoric and orientation may have resonated with the poorly educated and cognitively unsophisticated, those overlapping groups are less likely to register to vote or to turn out in an election.

An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key Traits​

1. Authoritarianism

2. Social dominance orientation

3. Prejudice

4. Intergroup contact

5. Relative deprivation
