APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud

Here's my request of the gdp-challenged righties: link the CBO letter, and stop linking the erroneous Times article (which, again, media watchdog groups have criticized as flat-out bad reporting).

Once you link the CBO letter, cut & paste the exact verbiage - in context - which shows that the CBO states conclusively that the stimulus will be more MORE detrimental in the long run, and that America & the economy would have been better off had Obama done nothing.

"Good luck," as they say...

Worth a bump? Sure...
onceler is having a melt down


Nah - I'm thoroughly enjoying this. How many times do I have to ask for in-context verbiage from the actual CBO letter? Why can't anyone satisfy this simple request?

I realize you'd prefer to cut & paste an erroneous opinion from the Times over & over again, and keep dishonestly saying "this is exactly what the CBO said," but it's been exposed....
we need to do an intervention for onceler, he is rapidly descending into paranoia delusional behavior and its clear he is unable to discern reality from his delusional made up world that his meltdown forced him to hide in.
see, in his delusional world i said something that i never said, is mind his so frail he sees only delusions and lies. he cannot accept reality, only the reality of his delusional world.
see, in his delusional world i said something that i never said, is mind his so frail he sees only delusions and lies. he cannot accept reality, only the reality of his delusional world.

Eh - you're just stalling, hoping Good Luck will ride to the rescue again.

He won't, though; the verbiage just isn't there.

What a shame...

i've already quoted the report you delusional fool and i laught at you because you once claimed good luck said i was wrong, when in fact he said you lied....lmao, you are truly delusional

just because you don't like the answer i gave doesn't mean your delusions are true. seek help before you kill yourself.
Here is the document in question.....spin away....

CBO estimates that this Senate legislation would
raise output and lower unemployment for several years, with effects broadly
similar to those of H.R. 1 as introduced. In the longer run, the legislation would
result in a slight decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) compared with CBO’s
baseline economic forecast.
i've already quoted the report you delusional fool and i laught at you because you once claimed good luck said i was wrong, when in fact he said you lied....lmao, you are truly delusional

just because you don't like the answer i gave doesn't mean your delusions are true. seek help before you kill yourself.

The snippet you posted said neither that the overall economy would be worse in the long run as a result of the stimulus, nor that it would be better had Obama done nothing.

Want to have another go at it?
those that need padded cells can't handle an earlier defeat and must continually request this nebulous repeat of some silly argument that never worked for them in the first place....that is the definition of insanity folks and onceler can't accept the true reality of it.
those that need padded cells can't handle an earlier defeat and must continually request this nebulous repeat of some silly argument that never worked for them in the first place....that is the definition of insanity folks and onceler can't accept the true reality of it.

I'm not asking you to repeat anything; I think you realized that your argument failed when you realized that the Washington Times article was bogus, and also realized that the sentence you kept posting was actually a Times sentence, and not one from the CBO. But, you can't admit it (at least, not directly - your recent posts are pretty much an admission, though).

As for insanity, you might want to look at the use of "folks" in the post above. Do we have an audience?

Now, that's a little nuts!
