APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud


onceler, as your buddy, i can't continue this, it is too embarrassing to watch this train wreck you've become.

how can we reach you? do you need to alter my posts and lie about what i said? will this help? i just want to help.

onceler, as your buddy, i can't continue this, it is too embarrassing to watch this train wreck you've become.

how can we reach you? do you need to alter my posts and lie about what i said? will this help? i just want to help.

Nah; just post the exact language from the CBO letter, which a reasonable, intelligent person could read & conclude that it says that the overall economy will be worse off because of the stimulus, and that it would be better off had Obama done nothing.

That'll do nicely....

since onceler always has to have the last word; especially in his delusional state, which i hope is temporary so i can get back to regular debates and discussions with him..........

the last word is yours onceler, you have the floor, i only hope this helps you through your recovery.

your buddy always,

The human projector.

Really? That's it?

No CBO verbiage?

I'll accept that as an admission of your epic wrongness on this issue. Try to think before posting next time, and try not to let your Obama-hate drive everything you voice here. Really, it seems to be a debilitating factor for you, and clouds any objectivity you could hope to have in a massive, massive way.....
my dear friends:

onceler once again had to have the last word, we let him have it. now, we must take him away. to a safe place. far, far away.

yours truly,


Knew you couldn't commit to the "last word" thing.

Like I said - human projector...

yet you continue to give the last word. i had hoped with your most recent therapy you wouldn't lash out like this.

again, the last word is yours, no need to lash out onceler. i like you, i respect you, and you are a good person.
yet you continue to give the last word. i had hoped with your most recent therapy you wouldn't lash out like this.

again, the last word is yours, no need to lash out onceler. i like you, i respect you, and you are a good person.

Little difference there, Yurtie. I never posted "the last word is yours" - you did. And you've posted twice since.

More Yurt lies. You really are the most dishonest poster here; I don't think you're a good person at all.

yet you had to give the last word....once again


I like having the last word. I kind of strive for it; I wouldn't say something like "I'm going to let Yurt have the last word," and then continue to post.

I mean - that's just dumb....

I see we got to ten pages...did any liberal come up with an accomplishment of Obama yet?

And there are plenty more where these came from.

-Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

-Signed an executive order allowing the federal fundingfor embryonic stem cell research.

-Established a credit card bill of rights

-Expanded eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)

-Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

-Directed military leaders to end war in Iraq

-No permanent bases in Iraq

-Allocated Homeland Security funding according to risk

-Initiated a grant and training program for law enforcement to deter cyber crime

-Granted Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba

-Established an Energy Partnership for the Americas

-Release of presidential records