APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud

But that would be bad news for you, wouldn't it?

Haven't you argued that Republicans "work better in the minority?"

Why would you want them in a position where they work more poorly?

I've never said Republicans work better in the minority, that sounds like something McCain might say, or maybe Damo, but not ME!
I got a better idea, let's do nothing and continue to watch the high unemployment through the Summer of 2010, and the anemic growth, and the declining dollar, while this DEMOCRAT congress continues to spend us into oblivion and raise taxes! That's what I want to see, because by November, I seriously doubt more than 15% of the country will want to vote for your party, and we can say goodbye to your goofy asses forever.
That could be but if by this time next year we see more stabilization of the banking industry, significant consumer protections due to health care and banking reforms, unemployment at less then 7%, inflation at 5% or less, sustained job growth over four quarters, measurable reductions in the budget deficit and a withdrawl from Iraq and Afghanistan then Obama will be viewed as having fixed or repaired the majority of Bush's major fuck ups he inherited in two short years, a remarkable achievement that the voting public will recognize despite what a handful of teabagging reactionaries have to say. In which case the shoe will be on the other foot and most Americans aren't going to have the time of day to listen the the rants of the wingnuts.
And, in Dixieland, there is a fundamental difference between "do better" and "work better"?

I guess it depends on the definition of "is"...

No, "is" doesn't even appear in either statement. "Tend to do better" doesn't mean "works better", they both contain the word "better" but the two phrases have entirely different meaning. I understand, it's not your fault, you are a simple minded retard who can't comprehend the most basic nuances in language, so I don't hold it against you, but you were just plain wrong. As usual!
No, "is" doesn't even appear in either statement. "Tend to do better" doesn't mean "works better", they both contain the word "better" but the two phrases have entirely different meaning. I understand, it's not your fault, you are a simple minded retard who can't comprehend the most basic nuances in language, so I don't hold it against you, but you were just plain wrong. As usual!

So, in your view, they "tend to do better" when in the minority, but they "work better" in the majority?
That could be but if by this time next year we see more stabilization of the banking industry, significant consumer protections due to health care and banking reforms, unemployment at less then 7%, inflation at 5% or less, sustained job growth over four quarters, measurable reductions in the budget deficit and a withdrawl from Iraq and Afghanistan then Obama will be viewed as having fixed or repaired the majority of Bush's major fuck ups he inherited in two short years, a remarkable achievement that the voting public will recognize despite what a handful of teabagging reactionaries have to say. In which case the shoe will be on the other foot and most Americans aren't going to have the time of day to listen the the rants of the wingnuts.

Mott, the problem is, "this time next year" we will have elected Republicans to Congress, and they will be taking the seats formerly held by the Democrats, who have already cleaned out their desks and gone home. You better hope this impossibly miraculous turnaround happens within the next 6 months or so, otherwise it will simply be too late for Democrats.
So, in your view, they "tend to do better" when in the minority, but they "work better" in the majority?


They "tend to do better" ....they TEND to stay focused on core conservative values and articulate them to the American people BETTER if they are on the outside looking in. They WORK BETTER in the majority, passing legislation based on core conservative values. Sorry you were confused, I hope that clears it up for ya!
Mott, the problem is, "this time next year" we will have elected Republicans to Congress, and they will be taking the seats formerly held by the Democrats, who have already cleaned out their desks and gone home. You better hope this impossibly miraculous turnaround happens within the next 6 months or so, otherwise it will simply be too late for Democrats.
We all are Dixie, we all are. Most of us recognize that Obama is only human and that it will require many, many years to undo the harm Bush and his administration has done to this nation.
We all are Dixie, we all are. Most of us recognize that Obama is only human and that it will require many, many years to undo the harm Bush and his administration has done to this nation.

Well that's too bad then, because the American people have shown no signs of patience with Obama and the Socialists. He ran on the promise to FIX the problems, not to moan and whine about how bad things were because of Bush! I know you pinhead morons love to hear that, but it's just not SOLVING the problems you were elected to SOLVE!

They "tend to do better" ....they TEND to stay focused on core conservative values and articulate them to the American people BETTER if they are on the outside looking in. They WORK BETTER in the majority, passing legislation based on core conservative values. Sorry you were confused, I hope that clears it up for ya!

I didn't really need you to "clear up" that your essentially insane, and capable of parsing any word in the dictionary to the nth degree.

I have always said that, if anyone had the time, they could create a thread of robust debate on just about every issue, using only quotes from you.
I didn't really need you to "clear up" that your essentially insane, and capable of parsing any word in the dictionary to the nth degree.

I have always said that, if anyone had the time, they could create a thread of robust debate on just about every issue, using only quotes from you.

Well, I just schooled you on the actual context and definition of words I used, and illustrated the difference between what you thought I said, and what I actually said. There is no "parsing" of words, they meant what they meant. You just misunderstood them, which is a common problem retarded people have, I understand!
Well that's too bad then, because the American people have shown no signs of patience with Obama and the Socialists. He ran on the promise to FIX the problems, not to moan and whine about how bad things were because of Bush! I know you pinhead morons love to hear that, but it's just not SOLVING the problems you were elected to SOLVE!
Maybe and I'm sure that line of rhetoric sells in Alabama and rural South Dakota. Memories aren't so short that mainstream Americans are going to vote for reactionary wingnuts cause Obama hasn't accomplished much. If Republican still continue to attempt to govern from the far right....then the American public will take their chances with a mainstream centrist like Obama. Keep in mind that this year with the Democrats in charge of both the executive branch and congress, that they will get to gerrymander congressional voting districts to their advantage making gains in congress for Republicans that much more difficult. It's going to take a lot more then dissatisfaction in HC reform to change that. A poor rate of job growth between now and November will play a much larger role. If that occurs Democrats will have to make an argument that the current situation is a result of 8 years of Republican reactionary extremism then it is from 2 years of Obama which is the truth. The best Republicans can hope for is to gain a few seats in the house and a few in the Senate. They will not regain either house in 2010. The American publics memory aint that short.
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Well, I just schooled you on the actual context and definition of words I used, and illustrated the difference between what you thought I said, and what I actually said. There is no "parsing" of words, they meant what they meant. You just misunderstood them, which is a common problem retarded people have, I understand!

Is that what happened? Really?

The idea that saying Republicans "work better" and "do better" constitutes 2 entirely different concepts is certifiable.
Is that what happened? Really?

The idea that saying Republicans "work better" and "do better" constitutes 2 entirely different concepts is certifiable.

Again, you are misquoting what I said and using the context you want instead of the one intended. Anyone can do that... I can take what you say out of context and have you supposedly saying all sorts of shit! It's called "intellectual dishonesty" in case you didn't know, which I am sure you didn't, since you have no clue what "intellectual" is to begin with.

Here is a prime example, where I went to the trouble of breaking it down into simple terms to explain it to your dumb ass, and you STILL want to run back to the misquoting and taking things out of context. It's one thing to be ignorant, but to be stubborn and ignorant... that's a hopeless combination! I do hope you get help!
"I do hope you get help! "

Do you hope I "get" help, or do you hope I "go get" help? See, they are two entirely different things...