APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud

what do you do for a living never answer that, yet you constantly bring up my profession....why are so ashamed of what you do?

and moron, i'm the one that gave the link in the first place....the quote is entirely valid, the CBO clearly and unequivocally states that the stimulus will do more harm than with it

He asked a rather simple question.

Why can't you answer it?
what do you do for a living never answer that, yet you constantly bring up my profession....why are so ashamed of what you do?

and moron, i'm the one that gave the link in the first place....the quote is entirely valid, the CBO clearly and unequivocally states that the stimulus will do more harm than with it

I'm in a rock band. Spinal Tap. Maybe you heard of us? I assumed my reputation preceded me. Apparently not. And I was unaware that calling an attorney "counselor" was some sort of slight or sign of disrespect. I assumed it was an honorific. Apologies.

What's your trouble with answering the question? I'll try it again: Is 3-4% growth now during a recession worth a projected 0.1-0.3% decrease in GDP in 2019?

Your turn.
I'm in a rock band. Spinal Tap. Maybe you heard of us? I assumed my reputation preceded me. Apparently not. And I was unaware that calling an attorney "counselor" was some sort of slight or sign of disrespect. I assumed it was an honorific. Apologies.

What's your trouble with answering the question? I'll try it again: Is 3-4% growth now during a recession worth a projected 0.1-0.3% decrease in GDP in 2019?

Your turn.

why are so dishonest dungheap? why are so scared to state what you do? you seem obsessed with my profession, frequently insulting my abilities etc....yet you're too much of a coward to say what you do.

the problem with the question is you are trying to spin your way out of what the CBO're trying to make it out as if that is the only harm that will result from the stimulus. it is a dishonest question and you know it. the fact remains, according to the CBO, the stimulus will harm the economy and it would have been better had obama done nothing.

you're just pissy because you tried to use the CBO to say the stimulus is working....:)
why are so dishonest dungheap? why are so scared to state what you do? you seem obsessed with my profession, frequently insulting my abilities etc....yet you're too much of a coward to say what you do.

the problem with the question is you are trying to spin your way out of what the CBO're trying to make it out as if that is the only harm that will result from the stimulus. it is a dishonest question and you know it. the fact remains, according to the CBO, the stimulus will harm the economy and it would have been better had obama done nothing.

you're just pissy because you tried to use the CBO to say the stimulus is working....:)

I'm in a rock band. Spinal Tap. Look it up.

And no, there is no spin involved in that question. Before the stimulus bill was passed, that was the question that lawmakers had to answer. Is 3-4% GDP growth now worth a 0.1-0.3% decline in growth in 2010? I say yes. What's your position.

And I'm not trying to use the CBO to say anything. The CBO is saying that the stimulus is working. That's not disputable.
poor cowardly dungheap is too ashamed to tell us what he does for a living....

you're trying your hardest to spin this away, but i'm not playing

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.
poor cowardly dungheap is too ashamed to tell us what he does for a living....

you're trying your hardest to spin this away, but i'm not playing

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.

You're using that one line as a gospel, and ignoring the rest. They actually debated this during the stimulus' passage, you know.

And they determined that yes - it's better to have higher growth now, and sacrifice a couple of quarters in 2019 at slightly negative growth. For anyone who cares about the economy, it's a no brainer of a trade-off.

Explain why you think it isn't, without relying on the one line you keep repeating as a crutch.
You're using that one line as a gospel, and ignoring the rest. They actually debated this during the stimulus' passage, you know.

And they determined that yes - it's better to have higher growth now, and sacrifice a couple of quarters in 2019 at slightly negative growth. For anyone who cares about the economy, it's a no brainer of a trade-off.

Explain why you think it isn't, without relying on the one line you keep repeating as a crutch.

It's not even that bad. The CBO didn't say that we would experience negative growth in GDP in 2019, only that growth will modestly lower by 0.1% - 0.3% than it otherwise would be.

It's about the stupidest criticism of the stimulus bill to date. And there's been a lot of stupid going around.
its funny watching the libs run away from the CBO comment because it doesn't fit their agenda

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.
its funny watching the libs run away from the CBO comment because it doesn't fit their agenda

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.

i fail to see why are you laughing that, according to the CBO, obama's stimulus will harm the economy

go back to playing board police and let the grown ups discuss this issue

I was laughing because discussing the issue is exactly what you're not doing. You're just cutting & pasting the same line, and hoping the question will go away.

It's funny.
i fail to see why are you laughing that, according to the CBO, obama's stimulus will harm the economy

go back to playing board police and let the grown ups discuss this issue


I guess we'll put you down for being against 3-4% growth now because of concern about a 0.1-0.3% reduction in GDP in 2019. Congratulations! You're really smart.
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I was laughing because discussing the issue is exactly what you're not doing. You're just cutting & pasting the same line, and hoping the question will go away.

It's funny.

wrong you dishonest hack, the question is totally dishonest. that is not the only harm to the economy. you and nigel should get a room and masterbate each other in private, we don't need to see it on the board.

you're the one trying to make the the CBO's opinion go away. the fact remains, that their belief is that the stimulus will do more harm to the economy than if obama did nothing. nigel's dishonest question does not change that.
wrong you dishonest hack, the question is totally dishonest. that is not the only harm to the economy. you and nigel should get a room and masterbate each other in private, we don't need to see it on the board.

you're the one trying to make the the CBO's opinion go away. the fact remains, that their belief is that the stimulus will do more harm to the economy than if obama did nothing. nigel's dishonest question does not change that.

Ah - the ad homs come out.

It's not a dishonest question at all. It's what the CBO was referring to, and what Congress debated.

Fact is, it is MUCH better to have 3-4% growth now, for a miniscule trade-off in growth 10 years from now. No one in their right mind thinks otherwise.

It's good to see you're so "quick" to admit that you're wrong, though.

Ah - the ad homs come out.

It's not a dishonest question at all. It's what the CBO was referring to, and what Congress debated.

Fact is, it is MUCH better to have 3-4% growth now, for a miniscule trade-off in growth 10 years from now. No one in their right mind thinks otherwise.

It's good to see you're so "quick" to admit that you're wrong, though.


wrong...if that was solely their concern, then they wouldn't have said that the stimulus will harm the economy and the economy would be better off he did is dishonest to claim a small contraction in the economy in 10 years is what they were talking about, they said in the long run, they did not say a small contraction in 10 years, they said overall....any honest person realizes that a small contraction for two quarters in 10 years is not harm in the long run, it is only harm for a brief period, not the long run

you're a dishonest hack, its not an ad hom, it is the truth
wrong...if that was solely their concern, then they wouldn't have said that the stimulus will harm the economy and the economy would be better off he did is dishonest to claim a small contraction in the economy in 10 years is what they were talking about, they said in the long run, they did not say a small contraction in 10 years, they said overall....any honest person realizes that a small contraction for two quarters in 10 years is not harm in the long run, it is only harm for a brief period, not the long run

you're a dishonest hack, its not an ad hom, it is the truth

Uh, if you want to start parsing language of the CBO letter maybe you should read that actual CBO letter instead of what the Washington Time says the letter says. Maybe?

Here's are a few hints: (1) the word "harm" does not appear once in the letter; (2) the CBO doesn't say that "the stimulus will harm the economy;" (3) the CBO didn't say that "the economy would be better of he (sic) did nothing." And that's just for starters.
you truly are an idiot...i was paraphrasing, explaining to you what they really the long run is similar to overall...i'll decrease my vocabulary and reasoning skills the next time i discuss something with you, that way it won't go over your head

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.

CBO, the official scorekeepers for legislation, said the House and Senate bills will help in the short term but result in so much government debt that within a few years they would crowd out private investment, actually leading to a lower Gross Domestic Product over the next 10 years than if the government had done nothing.

you and dungheap keep trying to make it out as if they said only a limited time, they didn't, in the long, overall, next 10 years, overall
Ah - more ad homs.

The answer, of course, is no - that's not what the CBO said.

Why don't you do a little more research, and try to ditch that crutch you have. Frankly, this is getting embarassing...