First, there is no way anyone can claim the "stimulus" package did shit. Bailouts restored minimal confidence in the banking system, but on the other hand billions of dollars went down a black hole while GM filed for the bankruptcy the bailouts were supposed to prevent.
Stimulus has had no demonstrable effect. The "It would have been worse" claim has no supporting data so it's so much cheer leading hubris.
And the real spending figures are even worse than the 1/3 that is shown by the federal figures. 1/3 represents money that has been distributed, not necessarily spent. Much of what has been distributed is still in state coffers, waiting for whatever project was approved to get the allotments. The state of Montana has received about 198 million out of 876 million allotted for Montana programs. Of that, less than 5 million has actually been spent.
Also, look at the stimulus spending in action:
How about this one:
Jenny O has been contracted to produce and deliver small, cooked turkey breasts. (where they have not bothered to say....) Reported jobs: 286. Reality: The number 286 represents the full time work hours needed to produce the turkey breasts. No extra employees were hired at that plant, and since Jenny-O in Willmar, MN had no plans to lay anyone off prior to receiving the stimulus, it saved no jobs either.
There are literally thousands of other examples of how much good (NOT!) the stimulus package is doing our economy.
Second, as liberals pointed out correctly for 8 fucking years, the measure used to determine recession has no bearing to reality. Democrats stated (again, correctly) the economy was in poor shape, while the republicans kept pointing out the technical definition of recession, and lousy growth numbers showing no recession.
Democrats also pointed out correctly that UE figures of 5% or below did not reflect reality because the numbers did not account for people without jobs who were not, for various reasons, registered; nor did it account for underemployment. Now that the democrats are in charge, the same methods to determine UE are just fine, even though they report UE at twice the levels with NO appreciable indications of coming down anytime soon.
UE is still high, wages are stagnant, loan defaults still through the roof, numbers of people living below the poverty level growing. The reality is the economy still sucks worse than it did 5 years ago when liberals were saying the economy sucked, and is still getting worse. Meanwhile liberals are now using the same government lies that were used under Bush to tell us everything was fine - in order to tell us things are not as bad as the COULD be. What a fucking crock.