APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud

Let's take a look at what the pinhead offers up as "Obama achievements"

He signed legislation that expanded healthcare insurance for children

Legislation which he had nothing to do with, and was actually an initiative of the previous administration. He just happened to be in the Oval Office when it passed.

Saw the Senate confirm his choice of a new Supreme Court judge

Who is already on record as being on the wrong side in her first of many decisions.

Steered the $787billion stimulus package that has rescued the world's economy from the abyss.

Well I am happy Obama is going to take credit for that, I thought maybe since we haven't seen any actual recovery or jobs produced from it, he might try to blame THAT on the previous administration and Republicans who voted for it. Although, I really don't think the majority of American people think this was some great achievement from Mr. Hope and Change!

The nation is judging Obama not on what he has accomplished but on the plethora of goals he has failed to achieve.

Presidents are judged by what they accomplish, and as we can see, Obama has accomplished nothing. And as I recall, Bush was never judged by you on the things he accomplished, it was always an intense focus on what he failed to accomplish. Doesn't it strike you as odd, your personal behavior is contradictory to what you expect the behavior of others to be? They have a word for that, it's called hypocrisy.
fuck his warning......why has he done everything conceivable to destroy this country over the last twelve months?......

I believe that Bush took out the patent on country destroying. Without the stimulus package you really would have had something to bellyache about, the ironic thing is if unemployment had reached above 20%, many of those on here moaning about healthcare would have been without cover.
I believe that Bush took out the patent on country destroying. Without the stimulus package you really would have had something to bellyache about, the ironic thing is if unemployment had reached above 20%, many of those on here moaning about healthcare would have been without cover.

and I believe that both you and Obama are full of it....shucks I saved ten million jobs just this morning by not doing anything....and I'm going to save another ten million this afternoon the same way.....before the week is out I will have saved every job in this country twice over....and do I get any respect for it?......

there is one thing that the stimulus bill did that is inarguable....F U C K E D U S O V E R........
and I believe that both you and Obama are full of it....shucks I saved ten million jobs just this morning by not doing anything....and I'm going to save another ten million this afternoon the same way.....before the week is out I will have saved every job in this country twice over....and do I get any respect for it?......

there is one thing that the stimulus bill did that is inarguable....F U C K E D U S O V E R........

The fact of the matter is that you were fucked over, as you so charmingly put it, by the Wall St casinos. You've lived in a cloud cuckoo land for so long that you find it hard to face reality.
I see one of the greatest accomplishments of Obama as being able to turn on the TV and NOT seeing a war monger going on and on about terrorists hiding under every bed or adding the names of countries to the "Evil list" like one would collect sports cards. That, alone, is a paradigm shift and a very healthy one.

It is a dangerous game to be adding "enemies" to the collective psyche when citizens are going through tough times.

We have much more to be thankful for than meets the eye.
What we see here are the two extreme points of view on Obama. On one hand, his first year has been chock-full of positive accomplishments; on the other, he has done literally "nothing."

As always, the reality falls somewhere in between. I don't think there is any doubt that he has made some rookie mistakes, and those on the left in particular are dismayed by his waffling & then capitulation on Afghanistan. The failure of healthcare has 2 different reasons, also, depending on who you talk to; if you talk to a rightie, he pushed way too hard to the left, and America didn't want anything resembling universal healthcare. If you talk to a leftie, universal healthcare has wide support in America, and Obama's mistake was trying to moderate too much and not ramming through a more extreme plan when he had the chance.

Obama got elected on the economy, mainly, and that, to me, is the lion's share of his litmus test for the first year. How you view his effectiveness depends in large part on what your expectations were in January of '09. I thought we could easily enter 1930's territory by this time, so I happen to fall on the side of those who think the bailouts & stimulus - at the very least - helped stem the bleeding & lay the foundation for recovery.

This year will tell us a lot about where both the economy & Obama's Presidency are heading...
If you believe the bail-outs and the stimulus to have been effective, then you should probably rate Obama no lower than OK.

If, on the other hand, you believe as many of us do that the bailouts and stimulus were not only ineffective but harmful, you should rate Obama no higher than unsatisfactory.
I believe that Bush took out the patent on country destroying. Without the stimulus package you really would have had something to bellyache about, the ironic thing is if unemployment had reached above 20%, many of those on here moaning about healthcare would have been without cover.

this post is nothing but lies. the stimulus package hasn't done anything, it has barely been spent. if anything worked, it arguably is the bailout that bush started.

please educate yourself before spouting meadowmuffins.
this post is nothing but lies. the stimulus package hasn't done anything, it has barely been spent. if anything worked, it arguably is the bailout that bush started.

please educate yourself before spouting meadowmuffins.

Meadowmuffins again?? :palm: Why are you such a condescending c**t
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What we see here are the two extreme points of view on Obama. On one hand, his first year has been chock-full of positive accomplishments; on the other, he has done literally "nothing."

As always, the reality falls somewhere in between. I don't think there is any doubt that he has made some rookie mistakes, and those on the left in particular are dismayed by his waffling & then capitulation on Afghanistan. The failure of healthcare has 2 different reasons, also, depending on who you talk to; if you talk to a rightie, he pushed way too hard to the left, and America didn't want anything resembling universal healthcare. If you talk to a leftie, universal healthcare has wide support in America, and Obama's mistake was trying to moderate too much and not ramming through a more extreme plan when he had the chance.

Obama got elected on the economy, mainly, and that, to me, is the lion's share of his litmus test for the first year. How you view his effectiveness depends in large part on what your expectations were in January of '09. I thought we could easily enter 1930's territory by this time, so I happen to fall on the side of those who think the bailouts & stimulus - at the very least - helped stem the bleeding & lay the foundation for recovery.

This year will tell us a lot about where both the economy & Obama's Presidency are heading...

I wonder what these people would have been saying if their banks had failed and all the savings had just disappeared overnight?
Obama’s plunging popularity comes despite the fact that he has achieved much of his promised agenda. He can claim a 96.7 per cent success rate in votes in Congress on legislation where he has taken a stand – the best record of any president in the past 50 years.

He signed legislation that expanded healthcare insurance for children, saw the Senate confirm his choice of a new Supreme Court judge and steered the $787billion stimulus package that has rescued the world's economy from the abyss. But the nation is judging Obama not on what he has accomplished but on the plethora of goals he has failed to achieve.

Americans had bought into Obama’s promise of change but with unemployment soaring, bank closures rife and consumer confidence in the gutter, Obama unfairly takes the blame for failing to bring Americans what their declaration of Independence promises: “The pursuit of happiness.”

It seems to me that many Americans have a very short attention span combined with collective amnesia, a fatal combination which will come back to haunt them in the future.
Yea! He needs to shout it all out that he's done....well... that he's done....uhhh....that he's accomplished....errrr

What was it he's done again?

Oh yea! Get elected! :clink:
I don't mean to be overly critical of Obama....I mean I did vote for him....but right now his list of accomplishments is about as thick as the book on Great Jewish Athletes.

It's only been a year though. :)