APP - Obama needs to shout his achievements out loud

No it isn't. It wouldn't have mattered if the Ds put forward Dennis Kucinich the Rs were going to lose. It wasn't Obama that kept them out of office, that was Bush.

You're pushing it.

I love Dennis, but no way he wins a national election.
No it isn't. It wouldn't have mattered if the Ds put forward Dennis Kucinich the Rs were going to lose. It wasn't Obama that kept them out of office, that was Bush. do make a good point but me thinks you exagerate a bit. Kucinich? I mean granted he's got one of the hottest wives going but get elected President? Now there's one candidate I think Sarah could beat.
Against McOldguy and Sarah, yeah, he would have.

Wow - you're really standing by that?

You're putting too much on the "NotBush" thing. No way, no how does Kucinich get elected President, regardless of the circumstances.

Kucinich speaks his mind, and he's pretty radical. His ideas would have scared the crap out of mainstream America...
Wow - you're really standing by that?

You're putting too much on the "NotBush" thing. No way, no how does Kucinich get elected President, regardless of the circumstances.

Kucinich speaks his mind, and he's pretty radical. His ideas would have scared the crap out of mainstream America...
Bush didnt....and he was a radical. The people should have been afraid....been very afraid. What Damo is saying is not outside the relm of doesn't hurt that he's got a smokin hot red head for wife either.
Wow - you're really standing by that?

You're putting too much on the "NotBush" thing. No way, no how does Kucinich get elected President, regardless of the circumstances.

Kucinich speaks his mind, and he's pretty radical. His ideas would have scared the crap out of mainstream America...

so would Obama's if they had only paid attention to them.....
He signed legislation that expanded healthcare insurance for children,
It was already in the works. He did nothing for it, not even cheer lead it significantly. If you want to give him kudos for not vetoing, it just shows how desperate you are for finding somethinng to give him credit for.

saw the Senate confirm his choice of a new Supreme Court judge and
A lousy choice based entirely on gender and race issues, having nothing at all to do with qualifications (at the time of her nomination, 5 of 6 major decisions were overturned) and confirmed by a pet senate. Big deal. Another example of desperation looking for plus marks.

steered the $787billion stimulus package that has rescued the world's economy from the abyss.
It hasn't even rescued out economy, let alone the world's. Billions spent, and the result is 10% unemployment with a maximum downtick of 0.2% during the height of the Christmas season. Meanwhile he's managed to increase spending in one year that Dubya managed in 8.

But the nation is judging Obama not on what he has accomplished but on the plethora of goals he has failed to achieve. .
Damned straight. That is the natural consequence when failures and lies on major issues vastly outnumber minimal "accomplishments". This isn't a liberal grade school where you're given a pass just for showing up.
It was already in the works. He did nothing for it, not even cheer lead it significantly. If you want to give him kudos for not vetoing, it just shows how desperate you are for finding somethinng to give him credit for.

A lousy choice based entirely on gender and race issues, having nothing at all to do with qualifications (at the time of her nomination, 5 of 6 major decisions were overturned) and confirmed by a pet senate. Big deal. Another example of desperation looking for plus marks.

It hasn't even rescued out economy, let alone the world's. Billions spent, and the result is 10% unemployment with a maximum downtick of 0.2% during the height of the Christmas season. Meanwhile he's managed to increase spending in one year that Dubya managed in 8.

Damned straight. That is the natural consequence when failures and lies on major issues vastly outnumber minimal "accomplishments". This isn't a liberal grade school where you're given a pass just for showing up.

The US has pulled out of recession which would have never have happened without the bailouts and the stimulus plan which is still needed until at least 2012.

Instead, you would have been facing unemployment levels as high as the 1930s otherwise and a total collapse of the worldwide monetary system. It seems to me that many Americans suffer from collective amnesia about events that happened so recently.
The US has pulled out of recession which would have never have happened without the bailouts and the stimulus plan which is still needed until at least 2012.

Instead, you would have been facing unemployment levels as high as the 1930s otherwise and a total collapse of the worldwide monetary system. It seems to me that many Americans suffer from collective amnesia about events that happened so recently.

pure speculation, not fact

and again, the stimulus has barely been touched, it hasn't done anything when you consider the overall economy and what has been spent. why you continue to ignore facts is beyond me.
pure speculation, not fact

and again, the stimulus has barely been touched, it hasn't done anything when you consider the overall economy and what has been spent. why you continue to ignore facts is beyond me.

Facts? You're claiming the "stimulus hasn't done anything" and calling that a "fact?"