Obama ranked 7th greatest president

The New Slavers now straight up tell us to not try to think for ourselves, to instead believe what we are told, to do as we are told.

And so many of these moronic fucks I live with comply.
Just look at where the so-called experts have delivered us, just look at all the lies they have told.

Buckle Up.
Ranking of presidents by war crimes:

6. Obama (Libya)
5. GWB (Iraq)
4. Nixon (Cambodia, escalating VN)
3. LBJ (invasion of VN under false pretenses)
2. HST (targeting civilian populations)
1. Lincoln (targeting civilian populations)
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Ranking of presidents by war crimes:

6. Obama (Libya)
5. GWB (Iraq)
4. Nixon (Cambodia, escalating VN)
3. LBJ (invasion of VN under false pretenses)
2. HST (targeting civilian populations)
1. Lincoln (targeting civilian populations)
That's a hell of a list. Where is Clinton and Biden?
So there is no actual "source".... self identified "professional historians" means nothing...

Official Results of the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston
Justin S. Vaughn, Coastal Carolina University

About the Survey
The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics
from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Respondents included current and recent members of the
Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the
foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic

Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association is the major professional society for individuals engaged in the study of politics and government. APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors. While most APSA members are scholars who teach and conduct research in colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad, one-fourth work outside academe in government, research, organizations, consulting firms, the news media, and private enterprise. For more information about the APSA, its publications and programs, please see the APSA website.

I would imagine that since it was conducted back in November before Trump was found guilty of rape and fraud that your fuhrer will soon drop further. Oops, I guess you can't drop any further than dead fucking last.
I once had a lot of respect for historians, but currently finding one that both understands history and tries to tell the truth is almost like finding a Unicorn.

VDH is one.

That is to be expected coming from someone with the intelligence of a doorknob
Obama has risen to next to last worst president, just ahead of the worst president, Slow Joe.
Just goes to show you that there is no shortage of idiots in the world. Just for fun since the story is behind a paywall, what was the NYT's source(s)?

Presidential Greatness Project, a poll of presidential experts sponsored by the LA Times.

I don't have an NYT subscription, but can read the whole article. I think NYT gives you a certain amount of free reads, and you might have to clear your cache or something to reset the free reads