Obama ranked 7th greatest president

Feel free to Suck My DICK if you hope that will solve your emotional disturbance...I will provide lessons as needed....I am nothing if not generous.
You're a drunken pervert and adulterous traitor who will get your wife and son arrested for colluding with the Russians.
Obama 7th best
Clinton 11th
Biden 14th
Reagan 16th
Trump dead last at 45th


Mmmm...that strikes me as rather odd, because Barack Obama was a Marxist; and and half-decent US President not be a Marxist ideologue. Why? Because if we call America's Founding principles, beliefs and values -(which were awesome)- "WHITE," then Marxism would be "BLACK." "BLACK" is an appropriate colour for Marxism as well, because all that it ever managed to create was death, misery and suffering.

Hold on, now I understand...this list (that ranks Obama as #7 in the rank order of greatest American Presidents was published in the "New York Times." And everyone in America know that the NYT has got "two left testicles."

The truth is that Obama was/is a devious, machiavellian, lying, criminally- corrupt, evil C**t

Guess you didn't know that, Cypress. Right?

And that makes sense, because after all you are a self-confessed DEADHEAD

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
The Republicans LOVE Putin.


No Republican ever called Putin "Uncle Vlad" the way the filthy democrats praised Stalin as family.

{Today, Roosevelt's attitude towards Stalin appears, in Nisbet's apt phrase, almost hallucinatory. He was fond of Stalin, childishly cherishing the privilege the Soviet dictator granted him, of calling him "Uncle Joe." As far as his policy is concerned, it was equally puerile: FDR seems actually to have believed what Stalin said: "If I give (Stalin) everything I possibly can, and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of peace and democracy." Accordingly, from June 1941, when the Nazis invaded Russia, almost to the end of his life, the president engaged in, as Nisbet puts it, an "unbroken, relentless series of acts of favor to Stalin," from the unconditional provision of vast quantities of supplies to the sanctioning of Communist domination of a third of Europe. How was all this possible?}

If this deep into this dark age you are taking these sorts of claims seriously then you are an idiot.

A dark ages is a period of contracting trade and communication. You may have a possible point with trade contracting, it is bizarre to say the age of the internet has less communication than previous ages.

Maybe the problem here is your life sucks?
If anyone actually believes Brandon is the 7th greatest president then you're a brain damaged idiot. The first 5 alone are greater than him. The freaking moron can't even find his way off a stage. You people are screwed up.

Obviously the first five are greater than the seventh. That's basic arithmetic. And btw, Obama is seven not Biden.

The question of where they all rank isn't supposed to be based on whether you like their policies, or if they have a fake birth certificate.

That is why surveys like this ask professional historians. Presidents are supposed to be ranked on their importance and legacy to the nation, irrespective of how you personally feel about their health care or tax policy
The New Slavers now straight up tell us to not try to think for ourselves, to instead believe what we are told, to do as we are told.

And so many of these moronic fucks I live with comply.

Do you have any idea how bad slavery was? My life is certainly not that bad. And I know how much you post on the internet, so you are not working from dawn to dusk, and overnight on nights that have a full moon.

So tell us, how have you been "enslaved"?
Obama 7th best
Clinton 11th
Biden 14th
Reagan 16th
Trump dead last at 45th


Well, President Obama did rescue America from the Bush jr/Chenry mortgage crisis and economic recession.
President Obama also killed the biggest terrorist on the planet and the one responsible for 9/11.
Also, President Obama got millions of Americans health care with Affordable Care Act.
President Obama did a lot of good things for America and served eight years without a major scandal (except for the tan suit scandal).
Tucker never said anything like that. He just said the Moscow subways are clean - which they are because the penalty for littering is death...

That is simply not true. Moscow subways in the suburbs are covered in urine and vomit. Even in the city center, they have homeless people.

The penalty for littering is never death. The most common penalty for littering is demands of a bribe.
Only one president has ever appeared in a porn. trump was in a soft core porn, while his wife was in a different hard core porn. They were just desperate to get noticed, but it was still sad.

I have no doubt that you're an authority on porn, Walt. My guess is that you're a talented "anal acrobat" who's been bung-holed more times (and in more different positions) than "Stormy Daniels."


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
That is simply not true. Moscow subways in the suburbs are covered in urine and vomit. Even in the city center, they have homeless people.

The penalty for littering is never death. The most common penalty for littering is demands of a bribe.

Doesn't look that way to me...

That is simply not true. Moscow subways in the suburbs are covered in urine and vomit. Even in the city center, they have homeless people.

I have no idea - but you are not known for honesty and Tucker had video.

The penalty for littering is never death. The most common penalty for littering is demands of a bribe.

In America the penalty is paying a bribe.

Putin is an evil dictator - you never can tell about Russia.
I have no doubt that you're an authority on porn, Walt.

I cannot say that I am. I did see the clip from trump's soft core porn. I really do not know why Playboy included him. he literally added nothing. I have seen melania's lesbian hard core porn. I guess she was willing to do whatever it took to become relevant.

"Stormy Daniels."

I honestly would not have known who Stormy Daniels was had trump not paid her for sex. he even had her sign a contract requiring her to get an abortion.