Obama ranked 7th greatest president

Yeah. Obama is a lot more boring than Trump's four years of constant fuckups capped with an attempted coup. LOL

Tu quoque fallacy in the form of whataboutism. Maybe you could list some of Obama's great accomplishments that catapulted him to 7th place instead... Oh wait! He has none.
Tu quoque fallacy in the form of whataboutism. Maybe you could list some of Obama's great accomplishments that catapulted him to 7th place instead... Oh wait! He has none.

He was/is enormously important in the project of burning America to the ground so that UTOPIA can spring from the smoldering ashes via magic.
Yes, he was a darling of the Left. But then again, the Left loves Castro and Stalin too...

Its about destroying the power of nations and national identity, in the project of setting up the globalists UTOPIA....which will end up with the West dead and China in charge of the globe. I am increasingly convinced that those you call the left are ignorant tools of China, who after America is burned down will be shocked to find that 'Merica remains rubble, with the Han boot on our neck.