Obama ranked 7th greatest president

The LA link is a paywall. I saw no murders as you claimed nor heinous crimes.

The AP link had this: "“Johnson did not win the election; It was stolen for him. And I know exactly how it was done,” said Salas, now a lean, white-haired 76; then a swarthy 210-pound political henchman with absolute say over vote counts in his Mexican-American, South Texas, precinct."

Notice the key word "for" not "by". Ergo, Johnson didn't steal the election, but it appears there was some hanky-panky done in his name.
Why is this poll causing much angst on the MAGAt side?

Is there any doubt about the major flip-flop between Lefties and MAGAts if Biden was at the bottom and Trump was in the middle?

Nope. However I would say the same thing there.

This is like asking NRA members to rank Amendments, then having SmarterthanYou "surprise" us with the "fact" that the second Amendment was voted as the most important Amendment.
Nope. However I would say the same thing there.

This is like asking NRA members to rank Amendments, then having SmarterthanYou "surprise" us with the "fact" that the second Amendment was voted as the most important Amendment.

While I'm certain some people would shit themselves over it, I fail to see the problem.
The LA link is a paywall. I saw no murders as you claimed nor heinous crimes.

The AP link had this: "“Johnson did not win the election; It was stolen for him. And I know exactly how it was done,” said Salas, now a lean, white-haired 76; then a swarthy 210-pound political henchman with absolute say over vote counts in his Mexican-American, South Texas, precinct."

Notice the key word "for" not "by". Ergo, Johnson didn't steal the election, but it appears there was some hanky-panky done in his name.

ah, I forgot. you require iron clad video evidence to even consider that a democrat MIGHT have done something 'bad', but for trump, rittenhouse, and other republicans, innuendo is enough to snipe them from the rooftops.
ah, I forgot. you require iron clad video evidence to even consider that a democrat MIGHT have done something 'bad', but for trump, rittenhouse, and other republicans, innuendo is enough to snipe them from the rooftops.
Simply backing up your claims would be nice. You claimed murder and heinous crimes then came up with a 1948 election on one county where someone-not-Johnson stuffed a ballot box because they favored Democrats over Republicans. What this had to do with LBJ and Vietnam, I don't know but you seem to think it matters.
Simply backing up your claims would be nice. You claimed murder and heinous crimes then came up with a 1948 election on one county where someone-not-Johnson stuffed a ballot box because they favored Democrats over Republicans. What this had to do with LBJ and Vietnam, I don't know but you seem to think it matters.

liberal tactic #85....misdirection and deflection

tell us how you're not a fucking liberal again. that was a good fairy tale
Stalin Mao The Cold War
Omitted from choices of Greatest American Presidents.
Why do you only belabor LBJ's Proxy War in Vietnam?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution based on lies to justify invading a sovereign nation that had no quarrel with the U.S, causing 1,300,000 needless deaths of civilians and combatants plus untold casualties.

Already debated ad nauseum . Let it go.
Why do you keep protecting Trump?
Third worst since 1953 is not protecting Trump. The two worse were verifiable war criminals. Trump did not invade a sovereign nation based on lies.
liberal tactic #85....misdirection and deflection

tell us how you're not a fucking liberal again. that was a good fairy tale
Omitted from choices of Greatest American Presidents. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution based on lies to justify invading a sovereign nation that had no quarrel with the U.S, causing 1,300,000 needless deaths of civilians and combatants plus untold casualties.

Already debated ad nauseum . Let it go. Third worst since 1953 is not protecting Trump. The two worse were verifiable war criminals. Trump did not invade a sovereign nation based on lies.
They claim they aren't Trumpers then defend him against every perceived slight.

I'm not a Democrat, I've never voted Democrat nor do I plan to start. I do, however, strongly dislike anti-Americans, traitors, terrorists, criminals and pedophiles. Trump is all of those and I fail to see why any American would vote for him.

If Nikki is on the ballot, I'll vote for her. Otherwise, I'll be voting Libertarian again. Based on both of your posts, I have little doubt you'll be voting for Trump the Traitor.


It doesn't take much intelligence to send out a survey that only three out of 10 people if that respond to...
And anyone can compile someone's tweets...:laugh: I'm not sure how intelligent they are if they'll sell a membership to anyone for 10 bucks...;) ...but if you want to endorse the organization and embrace the results as presented that's entirely up to you... I have no problem with that and you shouldn't have a problem with the fact that I choose not to...

Four out of five experts say you are an idiot for ignoring their expert opinion.
What was the qualification? Looks like leftist academia with a few republicans and independents sprinkled in to appear nonbiased.
Survey is a synonym for poll.

Why do you lie? Only MAGSs lie.
I can’t and apparently neither can you. I asked yet you failed to answer. Another lie?

Survey is not synonymous with a scientific poll. Never has been. Never will be. Just as a poll tax has never been a survey tax and when Washington was surveying Virginia he wasn't out there polling Virginia.
Why did you think it was almost all leftist acedamia? Is it because RWers are too stupid to be able to teach others or do any research?
All 55 sections of the ASPA list their dues. It seems you are incapable of navigating the website of a "secret society."
Survey is not synonymous with a scientific poll. Never has been. Never will be. Just as a poll tax has never been a survey tax and when Washington was surveying Virginia he wasn't out there polling Virginia.
Why did you think it was almost all leftist acedamia? Is it because RWers are too stupid to be able to teach others or do any research?
All 55 sections of the ASPA list their dues. It seems you are incapable of navigating the website of a "secret society."
Jeezus fucking christ. It says right there in your link $10 !

9. Presidents and Executive Politics $10 $0

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They claim they aren't Trumpers then defend him against every perceived slight.
you say this, yet NEVER have provided a single post where i've done that...........weird.

I'm not a Democrat, I've never voted Democrat nor do I plan to start. I do, however, strongly dislike anti-Americans, traitors, terrorists, criminals and pedophiles. Trump is all of those and I fail to see why any American would vote for him.
disagree, I think you might have. yes, we understand you hate everything about America and believe that the founders were traitors who should have just said 'yes, king george'.

If Nikki is on the ballot, I'll vote for her. Otherwise, I'll be voting Libertarian again. Based on both of your posts, I have little doubt you'll be voting for Trump the Traitor.
what posts would those be? please provide those posts.
Me too. If not I'll write in Chris Christie. Have you seen their candidates?
Not good. Jo Jorgensen was a good one in 2020. The best they ever had was Ron Paul.


It doesn't matter who the Libertarian candidate is since they won't win. It's a protest vote. Hopefully the Libertarians will do better locally and across Texas.
Ok, show me where they indicate the percentage of respondents that are R, D, I, libertarian or otherwise.
I certainly don’t see it .

You seem to have a lot of willful blindness.
You didn't see that the NYTimes linked to the survey.
You didn't see that the survey included independents.

Let me repeat since your willful blindness seems to preclude you from understanding simple things.
This is a SURVEY
As a survey, the number of respondents of a given ideology is not part of the equation since they are only reporting responses of actual people and not trying to calculate for a larger size.

If you want to try to figure out percentages, it is a reasonable easy calculation.
We know what the Total response is. We know what each group's response is. You then just need to find the most likely percentages that lead from one result to another.
Jeezus fucking christ. It says right there $10 !

9. Presidents and Executive Politics $10 $0


And yet you couldn't find it until you were led there by the nose.

Now all you have to do is pony up $10 to be a member of ASPA then pony up $10 to be a member of the President and Executive section, then write and publish a couple of papers and then keep paying that $20 annually until they do another survey which they don't announce to the public before they do it.
And yet you couldn't find it until you were led there by the nose.

Now all you have to do is pony up $10 to be a member of ASPA then pony up $10 to be a member of the President and Executive section, then write and publish a couple of papers and then keep paying that $20 annually until they do another survey which they don't announce to the public before they do it.

And if you call now we'll give you two for the price of one.
Like your denying being Threeper? :rofl2:
so now i've been denying it all this time? wow, you can't keep a story straight at all, can you?

You keep confusing me with being a lawyer and this a court of law. Not my department.
so you like to throw out any idiot allegation and expect to be taken seriously, yet demand iron clad evidence if your favored politicians are accused...............understood. :laugh: