Obama ranked 7th greatest president

ROFL i'm still gainfully employed and have pretty decent insurance for myself and my wife. thanks.

You'll be on Medicare or some form of government sponsored health care eventually.

There are millions of MAGA morons today drawing Medicare, Medicaid, disability, food stamps who owe a debt of gratitude to LBJ.

That's why historians always rank LBJ fairly high despite Vietnam, because of his importance and legacy to the nation.

You never provided any reputable links to back up your claims that LBJ murdered rivals and stole elections.
You'll be on Medicare or some form of government sponsored health care eventually.

There are millions of MAGA morons today drawing Medicare, Medicaid, disability, food stamps who owe a debt of gratitude to LBJ.

That's why historians always rank LBJ fairly high despite Vietnam, because of his importance and legacy to the nation.
that might be, but I think that's more of a system designed to make people dependent upon government instead of independent from it.

You never provided any reputable links to back up your claims that LBJ murdered rivals and stole elections.

I gave you the same amount of evidence that had you convicting trump. wonder why you want iron clad evidence NOW???
Not even like that really. They sent out a request, only folks who wanted to responded, this isn't even a valid polling sample of the membership. This is basically a MSDNC internet quiz. They got the results they wanted so that Cypress can tell us all how Trump is the worstest ever president! But hey, maybe next time I'll spend $10 to become a member and change the result.

This poll isn't even like a poll of "registered voters" rather than "likely voters" this was a "respond if you want to" kind of quiz.

If you were not a scholar with published work you were not asked to participate. ONLY 525 of the over 15,000 members were invited to participate. If you have 150 historians all rank presidents and yours ends up dead fucking last, it is retty damn significant regardless of how much you care to discount it. When those historians also reveal their personal political positions and even the rightwingers put Trump damn near last and Biden way ahead of him it's also significant.
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It doesn't take much intelligence to send out a survey that only three out of 10 people if that respond to...
And anyone can compile someone's tweets...:laugh: I'm not sure how intelligent they are if they'll sell a membership to anyone for 10 bucks...;) ...but if you want to endorse the organization and embrace the results as presented that's entirely up to you... I have no problem with that and you shouldn't have a problem with the fact that I choose not to...

Of course you will never embrace any survey on the ranking of presidents because there are a number of them and they ALL place your shithead dead last or close to it. In 10 years it will be a no-brainer, there won't be a single ranking out there that does not have trump dead last. He did fucking nothing and was charged with nearly 100 crimes, guilty of rape and fraud and impeached twice. There is no question he will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Not just MAGAs.
E.g., LBJ invaded a sovereign country that had absolutely no beef with the U.S. , under false pretenses which caused 1,353,000 deaths and he’s considered the 9th greatest? Ever? He’s 1000 X’s worse than Trump.
Reagan the 4th most polarizing, one that frustrated Geraldine Ferraro who complained he was supported by traditional democrat voters and won by 2 landslides?
I could give more but you should get my point.
The bias is obvious.
Was Trump one of the worst? Of course. But not close to war criminals such as GWB and especially LBJ.

We have fought a number of wars to prevent the spread of communism, LBJ is not going to be downgraded for that. The civil rights act was monumental and probably why he is as high as he is.
The idiocy you post is rather astounding.

Prior to Eisenhower was Truman - and that was a HOT war - that the hive masters apparently didn't program you with - something we normies call "World War II."

I'm sure you must have some programming on it - you know that Stalin single-handedly defeated the Nazis or some such bullshit.

We fought on the same side as Russia in WWII so the cold war had not yet started.
Of course you will never embrace any survey on the ranking of presidents because there are a number of them and they ALL place your shithead dead last or close to it. In 10 years it will be a no-brainer, there won't be a single ranking out there that does not have trump dead last. He did fucking nothing and was charged with nearly 100 crimes, guilty of rape and fraud and impeached twice. There is no question he will go down in history as the worst president ever.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion... are you able to post without rage and profanity? I'm just curious....
Of course you will never embrace any survey on the ranking of presidents because there are a number of them and they ALL place your shithead dead last or close to it. In 10 years it will be a no-brainer, there won't be a single ranking out there that does not have trump dead last. He did fucking nothing and was charged with nearly 100 crimes, guilty of rape and fraud and impeached twice. There is no question he will go down in history as the worst president ever.

Unless, of course, the (R)s manage to come up with an even worse one, who's smart enough to pull off a coup and remain in office despite losing an election.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion... are you able to post without rage and profanity? I'm just curious....

Oh noes, "teacher" is scolding again! Are YOU able to post without rage and profanity and snark and hateful little digs? Nope. lol
Rage and profanity is a leftist trait...

Let's let Tommy know you think he's a leftist. :laugh:

Nasty evil cunt says what?

I can dub you Bitchy Vitriol if you so wish!

And Toxic's boyfriend, too? lol

Dump BullShit on us and then run away is the SOP of these low quality fucks...

This is a Dark Age after all.

One of these days you will wise up and figure out that America is now run by an illegal illegitimate regime which does not give a flying fuck what you think.
Of course you will never embrace any survey on the ranking of presidents because there are a number of them and they ALL place your shithead dead last or close to it. In 10 years it will be a no-brainer, there won't be a single ranking out there that does not have trump dead last. He did fucking nothing and was charged with nearly 100 crimes, guilty of rape and fraud and impeached twice. There is no question he will go down in history as the worst president ever.

MAGAts won't see what they don't want to see. Notice those on this thread who deny that Trump did anything wrong on 1/6. Any President who incites a mob to attack Congress, kill his own VP and top Democrat leaders should rank dead fucking last. The MAGAts don't think Trump did anything wrong, ergo, they think he shouldn't be last.

I don't see any evidence of "experts"...I do see 154 random, biased opinions...which is ok...
If you understand that they are just that....
You are certainly entitled to your opinion... are you able to post without rage and profanity? I'm just curious....

$20 says I can prove you thanking people for cursing and calling women you don't like a "cunt". Bet?
so now i've been denying it all this time? wow, you can't keep a story straight at all, can you?

so you like to throw out any idiot allegation and expect to be taken seriously, yet demand iron clad evidence if your favored politicians are accused...............understood. :laugh:
Sgt. Doolittle's version of the Texas Two-step.

Are you a Threeper or not, Doolittle?

If I'm such an idiot and not taken seriously, why do you bother responding to my posts?
Lets all acknowledge what the Magat issue is with this.

Magats do not care about what these "elites" say or think.

What magats care about is that they are ALLOWED to express it. That is what angers them. Magats hold a world view that if you reference Dear Leader in anything he must be the sun and the light and ranked the best at everything he does. Full stop. Period.

If this survey said 'we rank Trump #1, and no one else was even in contention' it would not even be a thought for magats to question is. It would be accepted and screamed from the rooftop.