Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida

Race and ethnicity are different things. So like, Zimmerman is white (that's his race) and he's Hispanic (that's his ethnicity). Thus, describing him as a "white Hispanic" isn't creating a new race, but reporting his race and ethnicity.

And, lilke, unless the NY Times is a time travelling newspaper that was in charge of Census 2000, it didn't create these distinctions.

Hope this helps.

It won't, two of the people on this forum, who think they are super intelligent, can't seem to grasp this.
Race and ethnicity are different things. So like, Zimmerman is white (that's his race) and he's Hispanic (that's his ethnicity). Thus, describing him as a "white Hispanic" isn't creating a new race, but reporting his race and ethnicity.

And, lilke, unless the NY Times is a time travelling newspaper that was in charge of Census 2000, it didn't create these distinctions.

Hope this helps.
I don't care. GZ describes himself as Hispanic, not "white" Hispanic. My ethnicity is western European, specifically English. I describe myself as a white guy. Whoever came up with it, it was designed for the same reason: To put up walls between people.
Race and ethnicity are different things. So like, Zimmerman is white (that's his race) and he's Hispanic (that's his ethnicity). Thus, describing him as a "white Hispanic" isn't creating a new race, but reporting his race and ethnicity.

And, lilke, unless the NY Times is a time travelling newspaper that was in charge of Census 2000, it didn't create these distinctions.

Hope this helps.
No. Zimmerman was a scapegoat and White Hispanic was created to further that false narrative.
I don't care. GZ describes himself as Hispanic, not "white" Hispanic. My ethnicity is western European, specifically English. I describe myself as a white guy. Whoever came up with it, it was designed for the same reason: To put up walls between people.

White is a race. Hispanic is an ethnicity. What's the problem? Do you guys have the same issue with the US Census Bureau and black Hispanic?
Obama will lead, or at least it will be made to appear that he is leading. But why should he? He must know as well as any of the brightest that to let racism rule in the US south is not going to lead to a solution.

So therefore, wouldn't a more rational approach be more appropriate? A solid condemnation of the ugly fact that Zimmerman was not immediately charged with first degree murder and that his defence needed to attempt to lessen the offence from that beginning.

That is the real truth of the situation and it appears it can't be understood by any Americans, be they on the left of the right! As I've said, America hasn't even reached the starting gate yet.

You better do that soon or you will all suffer the consequences!
White is a race. Hispanic is an ethnicity. What's the problem? Do you guys have the same issue with the US Census Bureau and black Hispanic?

People are people. Citizens are citizens. That appears to be your biggest problem in understanding. But, take heart because you are among the average in your country.
People are people. Citizens are citizens. That appears to be your biggest problem in understanding. But, take heart because you are among the average in your country.

:rolleyes: Nice character analysis. I wonder why you felt the need to respond to my post instead of the ones preceding it.
:rolleyes: Nice character analysis. I wonder why you felt the need to respond to my post instead of the ones preceding it.

Because you Americans are more alike than you are different in any important way. You're all responsible for what you have made of your country and the problems that is going to create for you all.

Regardless of the outcome of this trial, this sort of gungoon behaviour is going to become an every day occurrence. For some Americans that will be a good thing! Just ask them.
Because you Americans are more alike than you are different in any important way. You're all responsible for what you have made of your country and the problems that is going to create for you all.

Regardless of the outcome of this trial, this sort of gungoon behaviour is going to become an every day occurrence. For some Americans that will be a good thing! Just ask them.

The topic isn't about American differences and likenesses, despite your attempt to hijack the thread.
The topic isn't about American differences and likenesses, despite your attempt to hijack the thread.

It's close enough though. The fact that no Americans are looking at this close enough to understand the grave danger posed in the verdict going either way. It's not important what happens to Zimmerman, it's only important in that it's going to most likely form a direction for your whole country. Either one side or the other is going to feel aggrieved and that is most likely going to lead to hatefilled reactions.

That is what is inevitably going to lead to a change in the status quo. A change for the better in which guns and the gungoon attitudes will be rectified or maybe the opposite. A change in that many more Americans will feel totally at freedom to pick up their guns and take justice into their own hands.

The fun begins after the verdict is in. One way or the other it's going to be groundbreaking for your sick, sick society!
It's close enough though. The fact that no Americans are looking at this close enough to understand the grave danger posed in the verdict going either way. It's not important what happens to Zimmerman, it's only important in that it's going to most likely form a direction for your whole country. Either one side or the other is going to feel aggrieved and that is most likely going to lead to hatefilled reactions.

That is what is inevitably going to lead to a change in the status quo. A change for the better in which guns and the gungoon attitudes will be rectified or maybe the opposite. A change in that many more Americans will feel totally at freedom to pick up their guns and take justice into their own hands.

The fun begins after the verdict is in. One way or the other it's going to be groundbreaking for your sick, sick society!

Hey man....back off on the sick, sick society....if it weren't for us, you'd be speaking German now and eating Brats and saurkraut, and waving swastika flags. Yes, we have our.problems...but what country doesn't?
It's close enough though. The fact that no Americans are looking at this close enough to understand the grave danger posed in the verdict going either way. It's not important what happens to Zimmerman, it's only important in that it's going to most likely form a direction for your whole country. Either one side or the other is going to feel aggrieved and that is most likely going to lead to hatefilled reactions.

That is what is inevitably going to lead to a change in the status quo. A change for the better in which guns and the gungoon attitudes will be rectified or maybe the opposite. A change in that many more Americans will feel totally at freedom to pick up their guns and take justice into their own hands.

The fun begins after the verdict is in. One way or the other it's going to be groundbreaking for your sick, sick society!

Since you claim to be from another country, let me educate you. America's had incidents similar to the Zimmerman trial for decades, if not centuries. See the OJ Simpson trial, the Rodney King beating, the Newtown murders, the Amadou Diallo shooting for example. None of these formed or changed the direction of the country despite the hate-filled reactions. None of these were groundbreaking enough for our society to change, and the GZ trial is just another flashpoint that's getting a few weeks' publicity.

If you're trying to make a gun argument, 90% of Americans want background checks but we're being held hostage by the NRA and their ilk. So your wholesale condemnation of American society doesn't really hold up against the facts.