Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida

Florida churches have been working with city officials for awhile, they have asked churches to stay open the night of the verdict.

Trayvon's parents have appealed to public to be peaceful.

Maybe we should beef up security. Here's the mobs of crazy white folk rioting following the Anthony trial:

Maybe we should beef up security. Here's the mobs of crazy white folk rioting following the Anthony trial:

Funny you should bring this up. I don't remember the word "riot" being used with Casey Anthony, just the word "protest." Of course I'm 1500 miles away and we didn't get the same news coverage you did.
Neither the NY Times or the Miami Herald are beacons of sanity. They do what sells papers.

I come from a different perspective then you brother. White males are more invested in this case than anybody else. Some here eat and sleep Zimmerman.

I think it more likely that white males will resort to violence and act out their hate of black people just as Zimmerman did.

Fucking right they are! They disgust me. I can't even imagine how you feel about them. They are sick.
Fucking right they are! They disgust me. I can't even imagine how you feel about them. They are sick.

Grind and I are too...but it's more of an appreciation of the judicial process. Of course he's crazy and thinks Zimmy's going free. Thank God he didn't take that bet the other day. :)
Not just on blacks, all people walking where someone thought they did not belong.

Once when I was a teenager I was parked on the side of a wooded road with my girlfriend, some old fart tapped on the window with his shotgun. It scared me to death, and I got in the drivers seat and took off. What I should have done was have him arrested.
I dunno Jarod. You're kinda weird. If I saw you parked on my road I'd be toten a shotgun too!
Could be they were just saying that because you were in the room.

I know black lawyers as well .. none of them think Zimmerman is innocent .. NONE.

What we all know and have a llllooooooonnnnngggg ass history of watching is the injustice of the American criminal system when it comes to black people .. so an innocent verdict from an all-white jury would surprise NOBODY.

Surely your lawyer friends know that.

Wow what a racist statement!
You know what? I don't even care that he is. But the issue is the veiled nature of it. He knows what he meant, he knows how he feels....he's just to much of a pussy to be honest about it.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for people like him if they'd just be up front about it....I won't like them, I'll disagree withe them vehemently...but I'd respect them more.

Is that the best you have, you don't know me, so keep your idiotic labels to yourself, they don't stick to me, and I refuse to be defined by the likes of the liberal trolls on this site. Take your racism claim and shove it.
Come on. Four bloviating morons. I've seen nothing to indicate this would happen. What the vast majority people wanted is for Zimmerman to face justice. He's done that. So the vast majority of people will be ok with the verdict regardless of what the decision is because Mr. Zimmerman did ineed face justice. That's all I wanted. The odds of a riot were far greater when those stupid fucks in the local PD let him walk.

Justice would be a medal of honor for saving the prison system money since that was the path the young man was on.
Is that the best you have, you don't know me, so keep your idiotic labels to yourself, they don't stick to me, and I refuse to be defined by the likes of the liberal trolls on this site. Take your racism claim and shove it.

I know you from your online persona pretty well. Whether that transfers over to real life? I don't know....

All I am saying....is if that's what you want to project on a MB? Go for it.....don't shroud it with innuendo and double talk....just come out and live the dream
I know you from your online persona pretty well. Whether that transfers over to real life? I don't know....

All I am saying....is if that's what you want to project on a MB? Go for it.....don't shroud it with innuendo and double talk....just come out and live the dream

there we have it, more labeling designed to quiet dissenters.
lol...the nutcases must be rubbing off a big one over this. Just how many of them have already posted this bullshit on here? Hell...how many have posted it after I slapped their red asses down?

Here's the thing. Of course it's being discussed. As it well should be. Contingencies are always discussed following a big trial. We almost had riots after Casey Anthony was acquitted, rednecks and fat white mothers were draggiing their kids down the streets protesting. When the snot nosed kids should have been in school.

lol...if riots do break out (won't unless the wiggers go nuts), the city of Sanford will be criticized for not being prepared!
Where was the racial element in the Anthony trial? And if you have effectively repudiated the Breitbart claims elsewhere, excuse me, I won't even ask for proof because I don't care. But you cannot deny that Obama has already weighed in with his comments on this matter, which in my opinion were inappropriate.
No racist is the media continuing to call Zimmerman white when he is Hispanic, if President O is ever convicted of his crimes, would they say he is white, since he is half white you bet ya
I heard that the NY Times has created a new race for GZ. They call him a "white Hispanic".
I heard that the NY Times has created a new race for GZ. They call him a "white Hispanic".

Race and ethnicity are different things. So like, Zimmerman is white (that's his race) and he's Hispanic (that's his ethnicity). Thus, describing him as a "white Hispanic" isn't creating a new race, but reporting his race and ethnicity.

And, lilke, unless the NY Times is a time travelling newspaper that was in charge of Census 2000, it didn't create these distinctions.

Hope this helps.