Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida

He is right .. I was confused about what he meant.

Most lawyers that I've spoken to think it will be manslaughter.

Of course if that happens white people will shoot up schools and movie theaters .. or, could that be as stupid as black people will riot if he's found innocent?

I think manslaughter is 50/50 at this point. Basically who knows. 2nd is out.

As for the rioting, given the racial injustices of the past within our legal system, I do think the anger is likely to be greater amongst the black communities than it is with white people. I think the community leaders in FL, along with many of the pastors in Miami and Sanford trying to get out in front of it is wise. Not to say that a riot would for sure happen, but to try and get people to think about it ahead of time when emotions are not as high is a good idea. Otherwise you could end up with a knee jerk reaction among a few... which could be a spark that lights the fire. Just my opinion.
Are they announcing preparedness or is Faux News and the other bloviating right wing talking heads just spouting racist bile and venum again?

It was in the NY times you dolt... not to mention the Miami Herald etc...


Mr. Oliver, the Sanford pastor, said he remained optimistic. “You can feel a little sense that anger is re-emerging,” he said.

The possibility of an acquittal has prompted community leaders, ministers and law enforcement officials in Miami and Sanford to prepare. This week in Miami, they will hold a meeting in Miami Gardens, where Mr. Martin lived, to talk about the complexity of the legal case and what has happened in the courtroom so far. They are also reaching out to young people in schools and parks and through Web sites, urging them to remain calm.

“It is important that we still maintain peace, even though decisions are not made to our liking,” Mr. Jackson said. “That is our message, and that is what we are preaching.”
Even the suggestion that trouble may follow an acquittal is fraught with racial overtones, particularly since much of the preparation is focused on the black community.
But in cities like Miami, which have experienced racial unrest, the ministers and activists said it was a reasonable concern. It is better to be prepared, they say, than caught off guard.

“Everybody wants to know the pulse of the community,” Mr. Jackson said. “It’s not an insult to ask whether we feel there will be unrest.”
I would agree that manslaughter is a different story. I still think the prosecution was so horrid in their jobs that he may be acquitted of all charges, but certainly leave open the possibility of manslaughter.
That depends on how they address their closing statements. Essentially to go after a manslaughter conviction they would probably need to undermine the case for 2nd degree murder in their closing arguments. If they decide to go all in for 2nd degree murder than there's a good chance Mr. Zimmerman will walk. I haven't really watched this case like I did the OJ case and if the prosecution have managed this case like the OJ murder trial then Mr. Zimmerman will indeed probably walk.
I think manslaughter is 50/50 at this point. Basically who knows. 2nd is out.

As for the rioting, given the racial injustices of the past within our legal system, I do think the anger is likely to be greater amongst the black communities than it is with white people. I think the community leaders in FL, along with many of the pastors in Miami and Sanford trying to get out in front of it is wise. Not to say that a riot would for sure happen, but to try and get people to think about it ahead of time when emotions are not as high is a good idea. Otherwise you could end up with a knee jerk reaction among a few... which could be a spark that lights the fire. Just my opinion.

It isn't as though white people .. particularly white males .. don't have a LONG history of violent riots and reactions in this country. Most particularly at a time when white males feel the world is crashing down on them and America no longer belongs to them alone.

Perhaps we should all think about the impending violent reactions of a people who are used to getting their way if Zimmerman goes to jail .. particularly in a state like Florida. Can't get much further south than that.
It isn't as though white people .. particularly white males .. don't have a LONG history of violent riots and reactions in this country. Most particularly at a time when white males feel the world is crashing down on them and America no longer belongs to them alone.

Perhaps we should all think about the impending violent reactions of a people who are used to getting their way if Zimmerman goes to jail .. particularly in a state like Florida. Can't get much further south than that.

when was the last violent riot of white people? I can certainly recall 'environmentalists' trashing property and ironically causing damage to the environment in order to try and get there way. Can you think of other examples?

I do understand what you are saying, I was simply commenting on what I had read in the Times.
It isn't as though white people .. particularly white males .. don't have a LONG history of violent riots and reactions in this country. Most particularly at a time when white males feel the world is crashing down on them and America no longer belongs to them alone.

Perhaps we should all think about the impending violent reactions of a people who are used to getting their way if Zimmerman goes to jail .. particularly in a state like Florida. Can't get much further south than that.
Meh.....I think it will be an MTV moment. Mr. Zimmerman will go to jail or walk. A week later everyone will forget about it and Trayvon Martin will still be dead. My heart really goes out to that young mans parents.
when was the last violent riot of white people? I can certainly recall 'environmentalists' trashing property and ironically causing damage to the environment in order to try and get there way. Can you think of other examples?

I do understand what you are saying, I was simply commenting on what I had read in the Times.

When was the last violent riot of black people?
Meh.....I think it will be an MTV moment. Mr. Zimmerman will go to jail or walk. A week later everyone will forget about it and Trayvon Martin will still be dead. My heart really goes out to that young mans parents.

Same here good brother.

I rarely post in these threads because no matter what happens, Martin will still be dead and his family will grieve for him forever.

Racists can hang the head of a young barely 17 year old boy on their walls. Some trophy.

All this 'riot' nonsense is just the wanting to kill more of us.
Same here good brother.

I rarely post in these threads because no matter what happens, Martin will still be dead and his family will grieve for him forever.

Racists can hang the head of a young barely 17 year old boy on their walls. Some trophy.

All this 'riot' nonsense is just the wanting to kill more of us.

Then why is it that the FL communities, including the black pastors, are trying to keep it peaceful in case Zimmerman gets completely acquitted of all charges? If they sense anger in the local community, should they not address it? I would hardly think the NY Times and Miami Heralds are beacons of racism that are discussing this just because they want more black people dead.
Rodney King is the last that comes to mind. So early 90's. Like that case, this one has been tried in the media and I think that is why there is precaution being taken.

Big difference....King was brutally beaten by three or four cops....on video. The whole country was witness to it. Not so with this case.
Rodney King is the last that comes to mind. So early 90's. Like that case, this one has been tried in the media and I think that is why there is precaution being taken.

I think this has more to do with those who have wet dreams about the wholesale slaughter of black people.

Any excuse will do.
Big difference....King was brutally beaten by three or four cops....on video. The whole country was witness to it. Not so with this case.

True. But there are (unfortunately) lots of murders in the U.S. on a daily basis. Obviously something about this one caught the national media's attention because most murders don't garner this type of coverage.
Then why is it that the FL communities, including the black pastors, are trying to keep it peaceful in case Zimmerman gets completely acquitted of all charges? If they sense anger in the local community, should they not address it? I would hardly think the NY Times and Miami Heralds are beacons of racism that are discussing this just because they want more black people dead.

Neither the NY Times or the Miami Herald are beacons of sanity. They do what sells papers.

I come from a different perspective then you brother. White males are more invested in this case than anybody else. Some here eat and sleep Zimmerman.

I think it more likely that white males will resort to violence and act out their hate of black people just as Zimmerman did.
OMG! I just saw police officers on every corner!!!!!

Are we getting ready for riots?

Wait. Nevermind. School just let out.