Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida

The speculation about and seeming anticipation of riots in the event GZ is acquitted is uncalled for. Sure the police might consider preparing for all eventualities but there is no indication unrest will follow a verdict. The suggestion is insulting and I suspect comes from a racist perspective.

IF riots were to take place, it would make sense that the president would and should call for them to end.

So the black pastors in FL who were saying the same thing... are they racists?
There's a lot of Zimmerman supporters who might be in for a dissapointment. Though I think it's pretty obvious that the prosecution has not made a strong case for second degree murder they still have a good case for voluntary manslaughter and an excellent case for involuntary manslaughter. With the former Mr. Zimmerman could recieve up to 15 years and with the later he could recieve up to 7 years and with either he'd have a felon conviction hanging around his neck. I'm seriously hoping that he does come away with conviction of some sort that would forever end the possibility of his being a cop. Fuck he couldn't even handle doing community watch. Think what a fuck up he'd be as a police officer?
The difference between being found "not-guilty" by a jury and being truly innocent.

Two very different things. Plenty of people who committed crimes are found "not-guilty". Legally a jury can and should say that someone is not guilty even if they believe the Defendant might have done it. If you believe the Defendant did it, but that the prosecution did not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt... what should your verdict be?

:0) Thanks for the clarity.
" .. but many believe that a not-guilty is the right verdict based on the case that was presented"

What am I missing?

I think he is saying it would be similar to OJ. OJ was found not guilty based on the case as it was presented. I think most lawyers would say that was the right verdict given how the case went in court. Yet how many would still say they thought OJ did it?
Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Savage..imagined rioting of "da darkies"..they've probably been having visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads ever since Zimmerman was charged.
Come on. Four bloviating morons. I've seen nothing to indicate this would happen. What the vast majority people wanted is for Zimmerman to face justice. He's done that. So the vast majority of people will be ok with the verdict regardless of what the decision is because Mr. Zimmerman did ineed face justice. That's all I wanted. The odds of a riot were far greater when those stupid fucks in the local PD let him walk.
Come on. Four bloviating morons. I've seen nothing to indicate this would happen. What the vast majority people wanted is for Zimmerman to face justice. He's done that. So the vast majority of people will be ok with the verdict regardless of what the decision is because Mr. Zimmerman did ineed face justice. That's all I wanted. The odds of a riot were far greater when those stupid fucks in the local PD let him walk.

Ummm...I was being facetious.
I think he is saying it would be similar to OJ. OJ was found not guilty based on the case as it was presented. I think most lawyers would say that was the right verdict given how the case went in court. Yet how many would still say they thought OJ did it?
That's a good point but not really relevent. What's relevent is did reasonable doubt exist? In the OJ case it did and I think you can make a very strong argument that reasonable doubt exist for Mr. Zimmerman havng committed 2nd degree murder. Manslaughter now is a different argument.....mainly because it's a different crime.
There's a lot of Zimmerman supporters who might be in for a dissapointment. Though I think it's pretty obvious that the prosecution has not made a strong case for second degree murder they still have a good case for voluntary manslaughter and an excellent case for involuntary manslaughter. With the former Mr. Zimmerman could recieve up to 15 years and with the later he could recieve up to 7 years and with either he'd have a felon conviction hanging around his neck. I'm seriously hoping that he does come away with conviction of some sort that would forever end the possibility of his being a cop. Fuck he couldn't even handle doing community watch. Think what a fuck up he'd be as a police officer?

I would agree that manslaughter is a different story. I still think the prosecution was so horrid in their jobs that he may be acquitted of all charges, but certainly leave open the possibility of manslaughter.
That's a good point but not really relevent. What's relevent is did reasonable doubt exist? In the OJ case it did and I think you can make a very strong argument that reasonable doubt exist for Mr. Zimmerman havng committed 2nd degree murder. Manslaughter now is a different argument.....mainly because it's a different crime.

It was completely relevant to what Jarod stated and the question BAC asked. So do shut your ass Mutt.
Come on. Four bloviating morons. I've seen nothing to indicate this would happen. What the vast majority people wanted is for Zimmerman to face justice. He's done that. So the vast majority of people will be ok with the verdict regardless of what the decision is because Mr. Zimmerman did ineed face justice. That's all I wanted. The odds of a riot were far greater when those stupid fucks in the local PD let him walk.

So the cops, city leaders and pastors in Sanford and Miami who are trying to get in front of this are just paranoid? Or do you think they have a better sense of the feelings in their communities than some sheep fucker from Ohio?
I think he is saying it would be similar to OJ. OJ was found not guilty based on the case as it was presented. I think most lawyers would say that was the right verdict given how the case went in court. Yet how many would still say they thought OJ did it?

He is right .. I was confused about what he meant.

Most lawyers that I've spoken to think it will be manslaughter.

Of course if that happens white people will shoot up schools, movie theaters, and blow up buildings .. or, could that be as stupid as black people will riot if he's found innocent?
So the cops, city leaders and pastors in Sanford and Miami who are trying to get in front of this are just paranoid? Or do you think they have a better sense of the feelings in their communities than some sheep fucker from Ohio?
Are they announcing preparedness or is Faux News and the other bloviating right wing talking heads just spouting racist bile and venum again?