Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida

I'm starting to get worried the Conservatives might riot if GZ is found guilty.
Same here good brother.

I rarely post in these threads because no matter what happens, Martin will still be dead and his family will grieve for him forever.

Racists can hang the head of a young barely 17 year old boy on their walls. Some trophy.

All this 'riot' nonsense is just the wanting to kill more of us.
At least they brought his ass to trial cuz. Think about the chilling impact if they had not. It would be open season in Florida on any black person walking anyplace that they are precieved as not belonging too.
True. But there are (unfortunately) lots of murders in the U.S. on a daily basis. Obviously something about this one caught the national media's attention because most murders don't garner this type of coverage.
I think that's because most people saw this as some gun ho moron who used pissed poor judgment, profiled a person, started a confrontation and then killed that person then was permitted to walk without due process of law.

What's not to be outraged about by that?
At least they brought his ass to trial cuz. Think about the chilling impact if they had not. It would be open season in Florida on any black person walking anyplace that they are precieved as not belonging too.

Not just on blacks, all people walking where someone thought they did not belong.

Once when I was a teenager I was parked on the side of a wooded road with my girlfriend, some old fart tapped on the window with his shotgun. It scared me to death, and I got in the drivers seat and took off. What I should have done was have him arrested.
President Obama should go on television tonight and appeal to the Conservatives to remain calm IF Martin is convicted.
Neither the NY Times or the Miami Herald are beacons of sanity. They do what sells papers.

I come from a different perspective then you brother. White males are more invested in this case than anybody else. Some here eat and sleep Zimmerman.

I think it more likely that white males will resort to violence and act out their hate of black people just as Zimmerman did.
I see your point but I don't think that will be the case although they sure have used this case to vent their racist spleen, haven't they?
Neither the NY Times or the Miami Herald are beacons of sanity. They do what sells papers.

I wouldn't argue with that, but they are reporting on the actions being taken in FL. Did the community leaders, police and pastors not do as the papers reported?

I come from a different perspective then you brother. White males are more invested in this case than anybody else. Some here eat and sleep Zimmerman.

Yes, you certainly do. I think people here are more invested in general in such discussions because we are all dorks that love discussing such things.

I think it more likely that white males will resort to violence and act out their hate of black people just as Zimmerman did.

Highly unlikely that you see white people riot if a Hispanic man is convicted of killing a young black man.
Maybe it's just me but the subject of rioting shouldn't even be out there while the trial's still running. Why give anybody ideas they might not have had otherwise?

My guess is the pastors and community leaders have a good feel for what is going on locally. Why let it fester and then potentially blow up on judgement day? Why not discuss the anger many feel and defuse any potential animosity if possible?
My guess is the pastors and community leaders have a good feel for what is going on locally. Why let it fester and then potentially blow up on judgement day? Why not discuss the anger many feel and defuse any potential animosity if possible?

Why doesn't Boehner come out and speak to angry white males? Why not have him discuss their hatred of black people?

Why not?

Why do you keep pretending that white males who are angry that Obama is the president aren't violent?
My guess is the pastors and community leaders have a good feel for what is going on locally. Why let it fester and then potentially blow up on judgement day? Why not discuss the anger many feel and defuse any potential animosity if possible?

If GZ is acquitted, Obama should get on a plane to Antarctica or some other harmless place and try to sell obamacare or something. He did enough damage by running his mouth in the first place.

lol...the nutcases must be rubbing off a big one over this. Just how many of them have already posted this bullshit on here? Hell...how many have posted it after I slapped their red asses down?

Here's the thing. Of course it's being discussed. As it well should be. Contingencies are always discussed following a big trial. We almost had riots after Casey Anthony was acquitted, rednecks and fat white mothers were draggiing their kids down the streets protesting. When the snot nosed kids should have been in school.

lol...if riots do break out (won't unless the wiggers go nuts), the city of Sanford will be criticized for not being prepared!
Maybe it's just me but the subject of rioting shouldn't even be out there while the trial's still running. Why give anybody ideas they might not have had otherwise?

Florida churches have been working with city officials for awhile, they have asked churches to stay open the night of the verdict.

Trayvon's parents have appealed to public to be peaceful.