Obama vs. Bush

what would be the result of no funding for the military?

that would not go just down party lines huh
yes, it might keep you from looking like a moron by calling me a right winger all the time.

I have not changed my name at all on here.

because that's just not as much fun as branding everyone a right winger sociopathic liar, is it.

then tell me what you believe.

quit pretending Im supposed to have a card catalogue of your every policy point.

STOP defending the rights historically failed ideas and stop using the same lie filled playbook to smear our president.

please out line your own personal policy objectives and we will discuss that.

listen to the right on TV .
NOT a one will say democratic party

they all say democrat party.

then tell me what you believe.

quit pretending Im supposed to have a card catalogue of your every policy point.

STOP defending the rights historically failed ideas and stop using the same lie filled playbook to smear our president.

please out line your own personal policy objectives and we will discuss that.


With respect, I honestly have no idea how you've spent as much time on this board as you have and claim you basically have no idea what STY believes in.
Desh, STY has not changed his name once to my knowledge and (for better or worse depending on who you ask) has been pretty damn consistent about his beliefs. It's not real difficult to understand where he stands.

My unasked for two cents Desh, this is what I mean by judging people as individuals. I've read your previous conversation with STY where you've called him a Republican and said he lied about not voting for a Republican. Instead of trying to group different people into one category recognize people are different.
LOL I'll say. STY has only two positions on anything. Guns good/Cops bad. LOL

(June 2013)

Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States along with the Republican Party. Since the 1930s, the party has promoted a socially liberal and progressive platform,[2][3][4] and its Congressional caucus is composed of progressives, liberals, and centrists.[5] The party has the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the United States and is among the oldest political parties in the world
Sure, just as some say Repiglicans or Rethuglicans. It's basically childish partisan gamesmanship used to try and annoy the other side.

do you hear EVERY member of the Democratic party call the republican party any of those names on TV?
The dropping of the ending of the party name was done to SMEAR the party by the right.

its sounded to ....well.......Democratic and they didn't like that
do you hear EVERY member of the Democratic party call the republican party any of those names on TV?

I'm not justifying people doing it, it's stupid that they do, but they do it to get the exact reaction you are giving them. Look how worked up you are about it. In the big picture it's not a top concern. Just ignore it.
Basic English. Democratic's an adjective, democrat a noun. I'm a Democrat in the Democratic party.

The NAME of the party ( a noun) is the Democrat Party.....adjectives aren't names....and yes, its basic English, maybe you missed class that day.
Nope because it shows the level of respect they will give the opposition.

They are not even honorable enough to say the name correctly.

Its part of the banner they wear all over themselves that says "I hate you because you don't agree with me"
The NAME of the party ( a noun) is the Democrat Party.....adjectives aren't names....and yes, its basic English, maybe you missed class that day.

your have just identified yourself as a fact refusing lying piece of cockroach bowel movement.

The name of the party is The democratic party and to pretend anything else is to be a childish prick
Nope because it shows the level of respect they will give the opposition.

They are not even honorable enough to say the name correctly.

Its part of the banner they wear all over themselves that says "I hate you because you don't agree with me"

You're an idiot.....study up on your nouns and adjectives and how they are used.....a dumb idiot....dumb being the adjective and idiot being the noun.