Obama vs. Bush

your have just identified yourself as a fact refusing lying piece of cockroach bowel movement.

The name of the party is The democratic party and to pretend anything else is to be a childish prick

So when people ask you what you are, you say I'm a democratic.....you're probably stupid enough to actually do that....

Democrats belong to the Democrat Party...
Republicans to the Republican Party....
Communists to the Communist Party...(and most Democrats)
You dont get to rename the other party no matter how stupid you are.

Your just another brainless con that will repeat anyfuckingthing your masters tell you to no matter what reality is
now how fucking dishonest is the creepy assed cracker party?

so fucking dishonest they will lie right to your face and say something as stupid as " your names not Jim, I don't care what your mother, your birthcertificate and your drivers license says your name is Jam".

how fucking stupid does your party have to get before you people feel an ounce of shame?
So when people ask you what you are, you say I'm a democratic.....you're probably stupid enough to actually do that....

Democrats belong to the Democrat Party...
Republicans to the Republican Party....
Communists to the Communist Party...(and most Democrats)

Republican is an adjective and a noun. Democratic is an adjective. Democrat is a noun.
he knows full well its a lie.

its just he cant go against his masters no matter what the real facts are
So when people ask you what you are, you say I'm a democratic.....you're probably stupid enough to actually do that....

Democrats belong to the Democrat Party...
Republicans to the Republican Party....
Communists to the Communist Party...(and most Democrats)

You're an idiot. "Democratic Party," the full term, is a noun.
they always refuse to talk about this.

This is EXACTLY how the right in this country opperates.

Its all propaganda and no facts.

its the same reason brain dead cons claim we are not a democracy.

they have been fed a log of shit on this one and refuse the very dictionary definition and turn a blind eye to every encyclopedia in the world.

how can people be so WILLFULLY stupid and dishonest?
The biggest difference between the 2 Presidents is that Bush started with incredibly low expectations, and then somehow managed to not meet them. Obama started w/ much more promise, and then was woefully disappointing.

I'd still take Obama over Bush. But both suck.
competent at fucking us over.
WTF Grind. Are you completely stupid about politics?

The difference between a good politician and a bad politician is that a bad politician gives you the shaft and a good politicians puts vaseline in the shaft.

The difference between Obama and W is that Obama is a vastly superior public administrator and quite adept at putting vaseline on the shaft. Bush on the other has was utterly incompetent as a public administrator and Bush fucking put the vaseline in his shoes.....which explains a lot of his slip ups.
then tell me what you believe.

quit pretending Im supposed to have a card catalogue of your every policy point.

STOP defending the rights historically failed ideas and stop using the same lie filled playbook to smear our president.

please out line your own personal policy objectives and we will discuss that.

you can't figure that out after all the posts i've started or commented on? I'm a constitutional Libertarian. That means that i'm for strictly limiting the government to within the written confines of the constitution. That rights that are fundamental, the government has no power to restrict or limit even for 'public safety'. That the 9th and 10th Amendments mean something. That 'we the people' are the ones in power, not the federal, state, or even local governments.