OBAMA; What stinking RED LINE, I never said Red Line

And what he said was TRUE, when he spoke of a red line, he was echoing the international standard that was already set.

Then show where in his speech, when he first mentioned the red line, he was referring to the one set by International Standards.
It must be there, right?
It would probably be something like:
He must not cross that red line, that has been set by International Standards.
“A refusal to act would undermine the credibility of America's other security commitments, including the president's commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Hagel told the same hearing.


why you want them to have nukes?

dear idiot Bush and team merely said that they may make a mushroom cloud out of an someones town.

no one wants Iran to have nukes but crazy fucking people
why you want them to have nukes? dear idiot Bush and team merely said that they may make a mushroom cloud out of an someones town. no one wants Iran to have nukes but crazy fucking people

LOL, earlier you claimed the Warlord Obama's minions weren't talking about mushroom clouds, didn't you, Fox Fan Desh?
Then show where in his speech, when he first mentioned the red line, he was referring to the one set by International Standards.
It must be there, right?
It would probably be something like:
He must not cross that red line, that has been set by International Standards.

No, I believe one can echo a standard that is set without mentioning the original.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calls it proof "beyond any reasonable doubt."

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says it's "very clear."

President Barack Obama says the United States has "high confidence" that Syria used chemical weapons - the strongest position the U.S. can take short of confirmation.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry calls it proof "beyond any reasonable doubt."

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says it's "very clear."

President Barack Obama says the United States has "high confidence" that Syria used chemical weapons - the strongest position the U.S. can take short of confirmation.


Those are all very signifigntly different than "no doubt"!
Then show where in his speech, when he first mentioned the red line, he was referring to the one set by International Standards.
It must be there, right?
It would probably be something like:
He must not cross that red line, that has been set by International Standards.

he doesn't NEED to reiterate that. Most intelligent folks are aware of the red line the world has drawn concerning chemical weapons use.
LOL, sure they are.

they are. If I say that I have no doubt that the Red Sox will make it to the postseason this year, that is a statement of my personal opinion and not a lie. If, on the other hand, I say that THERE IS NO DOUBT the Red Sox will win the World Series this year, that is a lie... because there certainly IS doubt.