Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History


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Here’s some perspective from a leftist view of Obamacare especially for those leftist that continue to support their hero’s clusterfuck!

It starts off with some actual truths about BIG insurance, but later in its text reverts to just more crap put out by the WHO.

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History http://healthoverprofit.org/2017/02/05/obamacare-the-biggest-insurance-scam-in-history/

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called “Obamacare,” may be the biggest insurance scam in history. The industries that profit from our current health care system wrote the legislation, heavily influenced the regulations and have received waivers exempting them from provisions in the law. This has all been done to protect and enhance their profits...............more at above site.
Here’s some perspective from a leftist view of Obamacare especially for those leftist that continue to support their hero’s clusterfuck!

It starts off with some actual truths about BIG insurance, but later in its text reverts to just more crap put out by the WHO.

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History http://healthoverprofit.org/2017/02/05/obamacare-the-biggest-insurance-scam-in-history/

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called “Obamacare,” may be the biggest insurance scam in history. The industries that profit from our current health care system wrote the legislation, heavily influenced the regulations and have received waivers exempting them from provisions in the law. This has all been done to protect and enhance their profits...............more at above site.

Well, we wanted single payer and/or a public option, but Conservatives refused.

So it's hard to see what you're so upset about? Obamacare preserves and supports the private insurance market like you want.
And on republicans that didn't vote to repeal the ACA.

Repeal it and replace it with...what?

You guys voted 60+ times to repeal it, but you had no plan for what you wanted to replace it with.

So you're just opposed to it purely out of partisan politics.
Here’s some perspective from a leftist view of Obamacare especially for those leftist that continue to support their hero’s clusterfuck!

It starts off with some actual truths about BIG insurance, but later in its text reverts to just more crap put out by the WHO.

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History http://healthoverprofit.org/2017/02/05/obamacare-the-biggest-insurance-scam-in-history/

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called “Obamacare,” may be the biggest insurance scam in history. The industries that profit from our current health care system wrote the legislation, heavily influenced the regulations and have received waivers exempting them from provisions in the law. This has all been done to protect and enhance their profits...............more at above site.

they wanted medicare for all

that was NOT obtainable politically at the time

so they copied a republican plan that could pass and be law

Millions of people are still alive because of ACA

you hate that huh
Robo has an insurance bug up his ass. What did Obamacare do? It forced insurance companies to meet min. standards in policies. People were paying for worthless insurance with copays and costs so high that they could not access it.
It forced them to cover people with pre-existing conditions.
It allowed kids tio stay on policies until age 26, through college.
It helped poor people to get insurance, many for the first time in their lives. It covered millions who had no insurance.
It put money in inner city clinics to help those poor people without transportation.
It added a yearly physical for people on Medicare, without copays.
It lowered the debt by143 billion by 2022.
It ended lifetime limits .
It slowed the increase in healthcare costs from over 4 percent to 1.2
It lowered the cost of healthcare for govt. employees.
And, it was the start of healthcare for all opening the door to badly needed universal health care.
Well, we wanted single payer and/or a public option, but Conservatives refused.

So it's hard to see what you're so upset about? Obamacare preserves and supports the private insurance market like you want.

Why would I be "upset" about anything when even the left now knows that Obamacare was just Obama's gift to BIG Insurance co's.? I posted this because I'm still hearing and seeing leftist, Democrats and neo-communist claiming Obamacare still is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Why would I be "upset" about anything when even the left now knows that Obamacare was just Obama's gift to BIG Insurance co's.

Because you love private insurance companies, remember?

I posted this because I'm still hearing and seeing leftist, Democrats and neo-communist claiming Obamacare still is the greatest thing since sliced bread!

No one has ever claimed that, so this is you constructing a straw man because your feelings are hurt that no one takes you seriously.
Robo has an insurance bug up his ass. What did Obamacare do? It forced insurance companies to meet min. standards in policies. People were paying for worthless insurance with copays and costs so high that they could not access it.
It forced them to cover people with pre-existing conditions.
It allowed kids tio stay on policies until age 26, through college.
It helped poor people to get insurance, many for the first time in their lives. It covered millions who had no insurance.
It put money in inner city clinics to help those poor people without transportation.
It added a yearly physical for people on Medicare, without copays.
It lowered the debt by143 billion by 2022.
It ended lifetime limits .
It slowed the increase in healthcare costs from over 4 percent to 1.2
It lowered the cost of healthcare for govt. employees.
And, it was the start of healthcare for all opening the door to badly needed universal health care.

The ONLY thing Obamacare accomplished was to make healthcare in this country worse, less accessible and more expensive. Gruber thinks you are an idiot and he is right.

Jonathan Gruber Videos: Americans "Too Stupid to Understand" Obamacare
Repeal it and replace it with...what?

You guys voted 60+ times to repeal it, but you had no plan for what you wanted to replace it with.

So you're just opposed to it purely out of partisan politics.

Repeal it and replace it with NOTHING! There's no constitutional authority for the feds to operate any kind of healthcare Insurance. Run the BIG Pharma and BIG Insurance lobbyist crooks out of the Congress, give the loot stolen from the States taxpayers back to the states and abide by the Constitution.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States "Reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)
Because you love private insurance companies, remember?
No one has ever claimed that, so this is you constructing a straw man because your feelings are hurt that no one takes you seriously.

Repeal it and replace it with NOTHING

Well, that's unrealistic.

There's no constitutional authority for the feds to operate any kind of healthcare Insurance.

Except they already do with Medicare, Tricare, and the VA.

All three have better satisfaction ratings than all forms of private insurance.

Run the BIG Pharma and BIG Insurance lobbyist crooks out of the Congress, give the loot stolen from the States taxpayers back to the states and abide by the Constituti

Few things:

1. You oppose campaign finance reform, so your position is cognitive dissonance.

2. A single payer system will force drug companies to negotiate for lower prices because of the single payer that has all the bargaining power.

3. In a single payer system, there is no need for private insurance companies. That's why the PhArma and HIPPA lobbies are against single payer.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States "Reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Now back to this stupid 10th amendment thing...how dumb are you?

You want private insurance companies to offer plans across state lines, but doing so would violate the 10th Amendment you hold so dear because each state regulates insurance differently. So in order for an out-of-state plan to be sold in-state, you'd need a federal rule that would overrule state law.

That's why your position on this is so dumb; you hold self-contradicting positions.
so more people getting healthcare could NOT have resulted in deaths being prevented?

just how fucking, cock sucking stupid are you?

if you claim your position you have just stated you don't believe medicine and Dr care benefits anyone

you gonna hold to that one shit for brains?
Robo has an insurance bug up his ass. What did Obamacare do? It forced insurance companies to meet min. standards in policies. People were paying for worthless insurance with copays and costs so high that they could not access it.
It forced them to cover people with pre-existing conditions.
It allowed kids tio stay on policies until age 26, through college.
It helped poor people to get insurance, many for the first time in their lives. It covered millions who had no insurance.
It put money in inner city clinics to help those poor people without transportation.
It added a yearly physical for people on Medicare, without copays.
It lowered the debt by143 billion by 2022.
It ended lifetime limits .
It slowed the increase in healthcare costs from over 4 percent to 1.2
It lowered the cost of healthcare for govt. employees.
And, it was the start of healthcare for all opening the door to badly needed universal health care.

and it saved lives

we will have universal care at some point

But first the cheating assd republican party needs to die to get us there

and fox

and the NRA

then the people will actually get to choose based on FACTS
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Name some! The only folks that got WELL because of Obamacare were the BIG Insurance crooks They got WELL HEALED! Thank you Barrack!

My wife got leukemia at the time Obamacare came in. It saved our asses. There were lots of gaps in our previous insurance. We would have been financially crippled. Thanks, Obama..
Robo has an insurance bug up his ass. What did Obamacare do? It forced insurance companies to meet min. standards in policies. People were paying for worthless insurance with copays and costs so high that they could not access it.

How come then I never had a co-pay until Nancy had to pass, (her stool sample), Obamacare to see what was in it? When she saw a co-pay for Robo she smiled and voted YES!

It forced them to cover people with pre-existing conditions.

And thereby drove up the cost of health insurance as I predicted. That’s why I have always called it Obama’s stool sample the UN-Affordable Care Act.

It allowed kids tio stay on policies until age 26, through college.

And as a result, that drove UP healthcare cost as I predicted. It, like the pre-existing mandate, mandated another category of health insurance that BIG insurance could rape the folks with! Predicting the cost would go up was elementary! Anybody with half a brain knows the more you order, the more it cost. Everybody but leftist it appears!

It helped poor people to get insurance, many for the first time in their lives. It covered millions who had no insurance.

It covered folks with Medicaid contributions from the taxpayer’s dime. After they took BIG loot from Medicare, ( the fund who folks actually pay into), to add to the Medicaid income redistribution scam.

It put money in inner city clinics to help those poor people without transportation.

That’s an authority of private charity, (the people), not the feds, (see amendment 10)

It added a yearly physical for people on Medicare, without copays.
It lowered the debt by143 billion by 2022.

What debt got lowered? Link please!

It slowed the increase in healthcare costs from over 4 percent to 1.2
It lowered the cost of healthcare for govt. employees.

Link please!

And, it was the start of healthcare for all opening the door to badly needed universal health care.

Everybody in America already has health CARE. Just walk into any hospital emergency room!

If you truly believe more is needed for people who buy flat TV’s and subscribe to cable and the internet and walk around with the latest Apple I-phone, but can’t find a bleeping job, then promote and work for a constitutional amendment and find out for sure how many Americans actually do want federal Single Payer. If it’s actually what you say it is you should be able to pass a constitutional amendment with ease, don’t you think?