Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History

My wife got leukemia at the time Obamacare came in. It saved our asses. There were lots of gaps in our previous insurance. We would have been financially crippled. Thanks, Obama..

You had gaps you didn't know about because?
24,000,000 people gained coverage thanks to Obamacare.

Did you ever look up how many lost their coverage because they couldn't afford it? Did you ever find out how many of them were some of the 24,000,000 you're claiming ended up on Medicaid?
Did you ever look up how many lost their coverage because they couldn't afford it?

There has not been one single legitimate victim of Obamacare ever.


All you slimebags have done is lie about it. The most famous case being Julie Boonstra. You remember her, right? She's the fat, ugly, diseased GOP sow who starred in a Koch-bros produced ad where she claimed the ACA caused her insurance costs to rise. However, it turns out that she was lying her fat ass off. Her insurance company said she would actually save $2,400...pretty much what Obama had said the average person would save. When confronted with this, what was Boonstra's response? "I choose to not believe that".

Did you ever find out how many of them were some of the 24,000,000 you're claiming ended up on Medicaid?

What does it matter if they're on Medicaid or not?
How come then I never had a co-pay until Nancy had to pass, (her stool sample), Obamacare to see what was in it? When she saw a co-pay for Robo she smiled and voted YE

This is peak Conservative; the politics of selfishness and pettiness.

Firstly, I sincerely doubt your claim that you never had to pay co-pays before. It's an unverifiable anecdote you are submitting into the debate in absence of actual facts.

Secondly, what Pelosi said was "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy."

So when you lop off the second half of her statement, you end up proving her entire statement true!

So thanks for that.
And as a result, that drove UP healthcare cost as I predicted. It, like the pre-existing mandate, mandated another category of health insurance that BIG insurance could rape the folks with! Predicting the cost would go up was elementary! Anybody with half a brain knows the more you order, the more it cost. Everybody but leftist it appears!

Health care costs were being driven up before the ACA.
It covered folks with Medicaid contributions from the taxpayer’s dime. After they took BIG loot from Medicare, ( the fund who folks actually pay into), to add to the Medicaid income redistribution scam.

Medicare (which you also oppose on principle) was not "looted"...Medicare reimbursement were reformed so they would be outcome-based. Before, if you went in for a procedure and developed a condition while in the care of the provider (think: staph infection), Medicare would reimburse the provider for the initial care and the treatment of the condition that arose while the patient was in the care of the provider. The ACA changed that so providers were on the hook for care of treatment of conditions that developed while the patient was in their care. This change to Medicare improves outcomes because it forces providers to provider better care.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and it shows.
That’s an authority of private charity, (the people), not the feds, (see amendment 10)

The totality of all charitable giving in the US, which includes "charities" like the New York Ballet, isn't even close to Medicaid's budget.

Private charity doesn't fill the gap.

Also, your shitty tax bill ended up limiting the amount of charitable giving people could deduct.

Has the new tax law stopped people from giving to charity?
Nonprofit organizations were concerned they’d lose out on major donations this year as a result of the change, said Patrick Rooney, an economist and philanthropy professor. Households would likely donate an estimated $13.1 billion less per year, a decline of 4.6%, according to his research.
If you truly believe more is needed for people who buy flat TV’s and subscribe to cable and the internet and walk around with the latest Apple I-phone, but can’t find a bleeping job, then promote and work for a constitutional amendment and find out for sure how many Americans actually do want federal Single Payer. If it’s actually what you say it is you should be able to pass a constitutional amendment with ease, don’t you think?

This is just a temper tantrum of resentment.
Well, we wanted single payer and/or a public option, but Conservatives refused.

So it's hard to see what you're so upset about? Obamacare preserves and supports the private insurance market like you want.

If it did what you said, lefties wouldn't have supported it.

We want you to STFU about the government doing for you what you refuse to do for yourself.
Nobody is a bigger leech than you, banjofuck.

You breathe oxygen to which you're not entitled.

If you're not too diseased, you might be adequate for use as landfill.

Landfill doesn't have to breathe.
You had gaps you didn't know about because?

Well for starters, the insurance company fought over and over to stop us from accessing the healthcare we had paid for. Get sick and you can learn about endless emails, phone calls and paperwork up the ass to make it as hard as they can to prevent the cost of your healthcare. Healthinsurance companies are in the healthcare denial biuisiness. They have an aparatus set up to fight you, not to deliver care. When you are seriously sick and least able to fight them, they block everything they can. This is the system you are so proud of.
We had health care agencies that dropped into rural areas to provide free healthcare. They were met with enormous lines. For many in America, their health problems are on 3rd world levels. Doctors without borders even drop in on Americans in rural areas.doctors This what you are proud of? https://www.theguardian.com/news/20...p-clinic-trying-bridge-americas-health-divide
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Your premium would be higher without the ACA. The uninsured will end up in the ER...and their unpaid bills will translate to higher insurance premiums.

Before Obamacare I paid $400 a month for good insurance .... Now i pay $1300 for shit insurance .

Die Obama .... Die !
Before Obamacare I paid $400 a month for good insurance .... Now i pay $1300 for shit insurance .

Die Obama .... Die !

Do not believe you. Obamacare forced insurance companies to meet standards. They were selling substandard plans that were terrible insurance.
If we had universal care, you woul have no monthly insurance costs at all.
Do not believe you. Obamacare forced insurance companies to meet standards. They were selling substandard plans that were terrible insurance.
If we had universal care, you woul have no monthly insurance costs at all.

Go fuck yourself ! Welfare must be nice !