Obama’s Approval Rating Matches Two-Year Low - Headed for Bush Lows

Then he picked some cabinet posts you didn't like and you flipped on him like days into his presidency if I recall

No he stopped supporting him early on, well before the 08 election. I had several fights with him about it because I didn't want McCain. I still believe Obama is better than McCain and Romney, for sure, but he's been a grave disappointment. And it's true that he's a big phony. Also, he has purposefully, IMO, exploited the fact that white liberals would view a black Democrat as more to the left than a white Democrat. He did very well in the primaries playing white boys like pianos with that. Remember how many of them worshipped him and hated Hillary. I remember Krugman writing that actually Hillary's domestic policies were slightly to the left of Obama's and he later spoke of the hate mail he got from white liberal males. They went sideways on anyone who didn't worship Obama.

But Obama knew all this, and he played all this. He's really pretty much a dick.
Bac you have a pathology tied to this man for some reason.

History will call him a great president.

Most of history is written by morons. He's not a great president. He's far from the worst president, he's not the monster the right says he is, but he's not great.
he will go down in history as a great president.

you wait and see.

He has kicked ass and all you detractors said the very same as the ones I heard under Clinton.

left leaning people will critic their own people and the right NEVER does.

Its why Democratic presidents don't get the power republicans get.

gop will back blindly and dems not so much.
Bac you have a pathology tied to this man for some reason.

History will call him a great president.

You asked me a question .. I gave you an honest answer .. but because my answer makes sense, you don't want to accept it.

I have no 'pathology' about Obama nor anyone else .. and if I may good sister .. there is a glaring difference between our perspective thoughts about politics.

I don't vote based on political party, race, gender, advertisements, speeches, group think, pundits, or meme. I vote based on information, thus I study everyone I vote for. The reason that I've been right about Obama is because I studied him .. you did not.

The 'pathology' most Americans have is that they vote like lemmings, never taking the time to actually study candidates and issues, opting for the sound bites instead.

I don't have that problem.
he will go down in history as a great president.

you wait and see.

He has kicked ass and all you detractors said the very same as the ones I heard under Clinton.

left leaning people will critic their own people and the right NEVER does.

Its why Democratic presidents don't get the power republicans get.

gop will back blindly and dems not so much

So you back Obama blindly?
Darla I know its all hip to hate on the O man right now and the polls show that.

The facts are that this president was handed a country in complete fail mode.

two credit card charged wars and a near depression.

You will agree with me in time but will likely never admit to me personally that I was correct.

Im used to that
he will go down in history as a great president.

you wait and see.

He has kicked ass and all you detractors said the very same as the ones I heard under Clinton.

left leaning people will critic their own people and the right NEVER does.

Its why Democratic presidents don't get the power republicans get.

gop will back blindly and dems not so much.

That's not true.

Before the end of George Bush's second term, republicans had abandoned him .. and I expect the same will be true of Obama.

Democrats don't get the power that republicans have because democrats and their presidents are pussies .. weak as doodoo.

Republicans walk in the door looking to do the bidding of their constituents.

Democrats walk in the door looking for compromise.

Both walk in the door looking for money.
History in the proper amount of time will recognize the greatness of this president.

He will rival the current top choices.

I have not one iota of doubt
That's not true.

Before the end of George Bush's second term, republicans had abandoned him .. and I expect the same will be true of Obama.

Democrats don't get the power that republicans have because democrats and their presidents are pussies .. weak as doodoo.

Republicans walk in the door looking to do the bidding of their constituents.

Democrats walk in the door looking for compromise.

Both walk in the door looking for money.

yes its becoming clear you hate this country.

I dont
Darla I know its all hip to hate on the O man right now and the polls show that.

The facts are that this president was handed a country in complete fail mode.

two credit card charged wars and a near depression.

You will agree with me in time but will likely never admit to me personally that I was correct.

Im used to that

You're a trooper Desh!

I guess I am too much of a hipster to see his greatness.

I had an ironic wedge salad last night.
yes its becoming clear you hate this country.

I dont

Your 'pathology' inhibits you from even having an honest conversation good sister .. and I know you to be much smarter than that.

I guess next you'll be telling me to love it or leave it. You should listen to yourself. I hate this country because I don't like warmongering corporatist presidents?

Step back for a moment and consider what you said.
No bac

you hate our cops and say they are ALL evil.

I know this for a fact NOT to be true.

You hate all the dems and republicansand say they are evil.

I know this for a fact to be untrue.

Dude I really like you and consider you a friend but you fight your own best interests out of anger.

Your self defeating in what you support
You're a trooper Desh!

I guess I am too much of a hipster to see his greatness.

I had an ironic wedge salad last night.

in the years to come when its all laid out for you and you no longer feel the need to NOT be a reverse bushbot you will see my point.

Just like you will see that Obama did the right thing in syria
No bac

you hate our cops and say they are ALL evil.

I know this for a fact NOT to be true.

You hate all the dems and republicansand say they are evil.

I know this for a fact to be untrue.

Dude I really like you and consider you a friend but you fight your own best interests out of anger.

Your self defeating in what you support


One of my sons is a cop. I've said that many times on this board.

One of my daughters is in the military, you know that.

I worked in Congress .. for DEMOCRATS even though I was not one myself.

I have republican heroes, like Conservative Senator Everett Dirksen, and Jack Kemp .. AND, I can speak absolutely GLOWINGLY about George Bush.

The two-party system and corporatism are evil. People/politicians whether democrat, republican, or anything else are evil on their own. Which party one belongs to has nothing to do with it.

The truth is the war between political parties is YOUR war. My war is against corporatism and war, not political parties and their unlearned flock.
its a war of ideas not labels.

you just pretend anyone who doesn't agree with you is STUPID and EVIL.

you are unbending and unforgiving and have backed fake scandals in the name of your "beliefs"
in the years to come when its all laid out for you and you no longer feel the need to NOT be a reverse bushbot you will see my point.

Just like you will see that Obama did the right thing in syria

How do you stand being so ahead of your time? I don't think I could bear the burden you have to carry...
its a war of ideas not labels.

you just pretend anyone who doesn't agree with you is STUPID and EVIL.

you are unbending and unforgiving and have backed fake scandals in the name of your "beliefs"

You don't agree with me. Have I called you stupid or evil?
