Obama’s Approval Rating Matches Two-Year Low - Headed for Bush Lows

Again, not everyone can eat in those expensive restaurants and thumb their noses at the little people like you do. Thus, when someone pushes a myth as fact, it is wise to correct them.

Yeah you are a successful financial analyst who has never taken a client to an expensive dinner.

You must think everyone here is as stupid as Bravo. You guys keep those places in business, give it a rest horseshitter.
Yeah you are a successful financial analyst who has never taken a client to an expensive dinner.

You must think everyone here is as stupid as Bravo. You guys keep those places in business, give it a rest horseshitter.

I wasn't referring to me you dolt... I was referring to the people you continue to look down upon... you know the ones who 'can only be happy if they get a big mac'