APP - Obama's "Fishy" untruths


Orthopedic Surgeons respond to Obama on amputation comment

<<<<<snip>>>>>Statement from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Regarding Comments from President Obama

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) is profoundly disappointed with President Obama's recent comments regarding the value of surgery and blurring the realities of physician reimbursements. The AAOS represents over 17,000 US board-certified orthopaedic surgeons who provide essential services to patients every day. As President Obama has said, "Where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed." In that spirit, we would like to bring some clarity to his comments and underscore the value that orthopaedic surgeons bring to Americans every day of every year.

First, surgeons are neither reimbursed by Medicare, nor any provider for that matter, for foot amputations at rates anywhere close to $50,000, $40,000 or even $30,000. Medicare reimbursements to physicians for foot amputations range from approximately $700 to $1200 which includes the follow up care the surgeon provides to the patient up to 90 days after the operation. Moreover, orthopaedic surgeons are actively involved in the preventive care he mentions. We are a specialty that focuses on limb preservation whenever possible and when it is in the best interests of the patient. Our approach to amputation follows the same careful, thoughtful approach, always with the patients best interest as the primary focus. <<<<<snip>>>>>

Read the whole article here
I can't wait to read the four other threads that you post where the only content is an article that you clipped from a conservative blog.
so only the stuff that is posted off the Hugo's website is the truth, I take it..

anything that a conservative say's about it must be a lie, I take it..

I can't wait to read the four other threads that you post where the only content is an article that you clipped from a conservative blog.

Anytime you wish to discuss the merits of what I post let me know
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so only the stuff that is posted off the Hugo's website is the truth, I take it..

anything that a conservative say's about it must be a lie, I take it..


When did I say that or pull any information or quotes from any supportive Barack Obama websites?
Anytime you wish to discuss the merits of what I post let me know

If I want to read that blog, I'll read it. Nobody needs you to repost articles from it here. As part of a discussion, starting with an article is great, but you're adding no commentary, asking no questions, and in fact aren't even posting any of your own words in the original post.
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If I want to read that blog, I'll read it. Nobody needs you to repost articles from it here. As part of a discussion, starting with an article is great, but you're adding no commentary, asking no questions, and in fact aren't even posting any of your own words in the original post.

That's a little harsh. The word "snip" clearly appears twice in the original post and is absent in the source itself.

What more do you want, blood?
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Orthopedic Surgeons respond to Obama on amputation comment

<<<<<snip>>>>>Statement from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Regarding Comments from President Obama

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) is profoundly disappointed with President Obama's recent comments regarding the value of surgery and blurring the realities of physician reimbursements. The AAOS represents over 17,000 US board-certified orthopaedic surgeons who provide essential services to patients every day. As President Obama has said, "Where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed." In that spirit, we would like to bring some clarity to his comments and underscore the value that orthopaedic surgeons bring to Americans every day of every year.

First, surgeons are neither reimbursed by Medicare, nor any provider for that matter, for foot amputations at rates anywhere close to $50,000, $40,000 or even $30,000. Medicare reimbursements to physicians for foot amputations range from approximately $700 to $1200 which includes the follow up care the surgeon provides to the patient up to 90 days after the operation. Moreover, orthopaedic surgeons are actively involved in the preventive care he mentions. We are a specialty that focuses on limb preservation whenever possible and when it is in the best interests of the patient. Our approach to amputation follows the same careful, thoughtful approach, always with the patients best interest as the primary focus. <<<<<snip>>>>>

Read the whole article here

I don't know about amputations, but they sure are making up for it on other procedures. Oh yes, there were 2 follow ups, the bills arrived shortly thereafter. Somebody forgot to tell him I suppose. ......and how much will it cost the amputee to be fitted for and receive an artifical limb? Maybe those numbers aren't so very far off after all? Can you supply a quote of what the President said?
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If I want to read that blog, I'll read it. Nobody needs you to repost articles from it here. As part of a discussion, starting with an article is great, but you're adding no commentary, asking no questions, and in fact aren't even posting any of your own words in the original post.

"In fact". The fact is I posted a portion of an article. You were welcome to disagree or not with the content of what I posted and begin a discussion. Instead you wished to turn the possibility of a discussion on what I posted into a discussion about how I should post and what I should do. :321:

I think that if you wish to add something of interest or an argument to what I posted you should try to frame it around what was posted dipfish. :)
I don't know about amputations, but they sure are making up for it on other procedures. Oh yes, there were 2 follow ups, the bills arrived shortly thereafter. Somebody forgot to tell him I suppose.

Again, the point is our president gave an untruth about an entire group of doctors. THAT's FISHY information that NEEDS to be addressed! I think we need to create a web site where honest folks can send these kinds of "fishy" untruths so that we can get the truth out to honest americans.
If I want to read that blog, I'll read it. Nobody needs you to repost articles from it here. As part of a discussion, starting with an article is great, but you're adding no commentary, asking no questions, and in fact aren't even posting any of your own words in the original post.

That's because any "original thoughts" that supposedly come from mini-meme or AssDancer are lifted whole cloth from the usual partisan RightWing websites.
If I want to read that blog, I'll read it. Nobody needs you to repost articles from it here. As part of a discussion, starting with an article is great, but you're adding no commentary, asking no questions, and in fact aren't even posting any of your own words in the original post.

Well, you've obviously gotten under the "woman's" skin. She's resorted to her standard petty name-calling.
Again, the point is our president gave an untruth about an entire group of doctors. THAT's FISHY information that NEEDS to be addressed! I think we need to create a web site where honest folks can send these kinds of "fishy" untruths so that we can get the truth out to honest americans.

I edited my post to request a quote of what the President said so I could see it for myself in context. I'd appreciate it.
I have great admiration for my orthpaedist he's excellent, but, in the vernacular, he ain't cheap. If you add the physical therapy(a huge expense) needed, and maybe an artificial limb, $50,000 may be close or too little.
I edited my post to request a quote of what the President said so I could see it for myself in context. I'd appreciate it.
I have great admiration for my orthpaedist he's excellent, but, in the vernacular, he ain't cheap. If you add the physical therapy(a huge expense) needed, and maybe an artificial limb, $50,000 may be close or too little.

We understand in your waning years that once simple tasks are now too difficult for you to perform, perhaps even painful. Internet research obviously is one of those and so you call on the younger more able to do it for you.

Please vote for the reform package that Obama has spoonfed you and when it looks like you may need surgery remember these words:

"Take the pill".

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!! :p
We understand in your waning years that once simple tasks are now too difficult for you to perform, perhaps even painful. Internet research obviously is one of those and so you call on the younger more able to do it for you.

Please vote for the reform package that Obama has spoonfed you and when it looks like you may need surgery remember these words:

"Take the pill".

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!! :p that's funny!
"In fact". The fact is I posted a portion of an article. You were welcome to disagree or not with the content of what I posted and begin a discussion.

Why is it the first posters responsibility to start a discussion in your thread?
It's not your responsibility to "do" anything tuna melt.

Try not to feel so put upon.

I didn't say it was my personal responsibility, I asked why Ice Dancer was posting articles with no personal commentary. Is Ice Dancer the RSS feed for the website?